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  • Live Chat with Sunny INSTAGRAM Oct 30th 2018! (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Live Chat with Sunny INSTAGRAM Oct 30th 2018! (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Intsagram story live and uncut. Oct 30th 2018

    Idea is to entertain crowd through my LAME jokes!

    Make sure to | COMMENT | LIKE | SHARE |

    Here are more diet plans for Fat Loss as well:

    Here is a Top 5 Fat loss tips video:

    Here is a Fat Loss Diet Plan:

    Here is a Fat Loss Vegetarian Diet Plan:

    Trick to Lose Face Fat:

    All diet plans are in Diet Plan Playlist:

    ***Find 100's of videos in our Playlists!***

    Visit our website: http://www.mybollywoodbody.com


    If you have questions, message us on our Facebook page.Watch Live Chat with Sunny INSTAGRAM Oct 30th 2018! (Hindi / Punjabi) With HD Quality

    oleh MY BOLLYWOOD BODY| 292 dilihat

  • Complete THICK V-BACK Workout! (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Complete THICK V-BACK Workout! (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Advance Series. In cycle 4 we now do Complete Thick V-Back workout Routine for big and wide back. We concentrate on a wide back, so we cover a lot of wide grip and lots of Rows. Seated Rows, incline rows, dumbbell rows, TBar Rows. It's a heavy row workout that will give you a wide V shape back. We cover several advance exercises including warm up and mass workout. It's an advance workout so make sure you stretch a lot before and after workout.

    The advance series for bodybuilding is to be followed after you have completed the Beginner series and the Intermediate series. In this series remember that you should do each cycle for 4 weeks before you move on to the next cycle. If you feel that you are advance level and have been working out for a long time you can follow this series then.

    This is Cycle 4, we now do big V Shape back Workout for big and thick back. Remember in advance we go with a pro level pattern.

    If you are a beginner start with this series below:

    oleh MY BOLLYWOOD BODY| 14841 dilihat

  • Perfect THICK BACK Workout! BBRT #100 (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Perfect THICK BACK Workout! BBRT #100 (Hindi / Punjabi)

    A great new workout for a Perfect THICK Back. We made many different workouts designed for a specific target. This workout was made specially to add thickness to the back. We also introduce a new way of doing an exercise. Make a 1 week schedule and include this as one of the days in the schedule. Ensure to follow this workout for 4 weeks in your schedule before changing it.

    Best Exercises For Bicep and Tricep Mass. Watch the video to see a full routine.

    Following is what we performed in this video:
    Close Grip Pull Down
    4 Sets of 10-12 Reps

    Close Grip Pull Ups
    3 Sets of 8-10 Reps

    Close Grip Seated Row
    3 Sets of 8 8 8 Reps (Triple Drop)

    Close Grip T Bar Row
    4 Sets of 10-12 Reps

    One Arms Dumbbell Row
    5 Sets of 20 15 12 10 8 Reps

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    Watch our video and ensure to have proper form and follow the instructions.
    Make sure you stretch before workout.

    Give us your feedback and let us know what you think of this series.

    For all of our Bollywood Body Routines (BBRT) check this playlist:

    Here is a weight gain diet to go with it:
    Weight Gain Diet!

    For full body building workouts:
    Body Building for Beginners:

    oleh MY BOLLYWOOD BODY| 3784 dilihat

  • Thick BACK WORKOUT with REGAN GRIMES! (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Thick BACK WORKOUT with REGAN GRIMES! (Hindi / Punjabi)

    Crazy big back workout with IFBB PRO Regan Grimes, Featuring a great celebrity in the fitness industry. Learn tips and tricks from the best and professional in the industry. A Regan Grimes Special Workout combined with specially recommended by IFBB pro with tips on weights and sets.

    Continuing on with the Advance Series, This is back workout for cycle 3, we are starting with a Thick Back Workout with IFBB pro Regan Grimes.

    We cover a crazy and killer back workout for mass.

    Following is what we performed in this workout:
    Standing Rope Pull Overs
    5 Sets of 20 Reps

    Lat Pull Down
    4 Sets of 10-12 Reps

    Pull Ups
    Total of 50 Reps

    Barbell Row (Underhand)
    3 Sets of 15 Reps

    Barbell Row (Overhand)
    3 Sets of 15 Reps

    One Arm Rows
    3 Sets of 8 Reps

    oleh MY BOLLYWOOD BODY| 1394 dilihat