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  • Privacy in the world of ChatGPT

    Privacy in the world of ChatGPT

    Today, more and more people are worried about identify theft, financial fraud and other crimes that are committed by using people’s personal data. #ChatGPT is an AI-powered natural language processing tool that allows you to have resembling conversations with chatbots and much more. The language model may answer to inquiries and assist you with tasks such as emailing, drafting papers, and programming.

    More training and more data can have unintended consequences for machine-learning models such as GPT-4. When #OpenAI released its latest text-generating artificial intelligence, the large language model GPT-4, in March, it was very good at identifying prime numbers. When the AI was given a series of 500 such numbers and asked whether they were primes, it correctly labelled them 97.6% of the time. But a few months later, in June, the same test yielded very different results. GPT-4 only correctly labelled 2.4% of the prime numbers. AI researchers prompted it with—a complete reversal in apparent accuracy.

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    Privacy in the worl

    By VARINDIA| 52 views