ଫିଚର୍‍ଡ ଭିଡିଓଗୁଡିକ

ଭିଡିଓ ଖୋଜିବା: #hridayscheme

  • Swadesh and Prasad Scheme | PRASAD Scheme | HRIDAY Scheme | Detailed Analysis by Khanna Sir

    Swadesh and Prasad Scheme | PRASAD Scheme | HRIDAY Scheme | Detailed Analysis by Khanna Sir

    The objectives are:
    a. Develop circuits having tourist potential in a planned and prioritized manner;
    b. Integrated development of infrastructure in the identified theme-based circuits;
    c. Promote cultural and heritage value of the country;
    d. Provide complete tourism experience with varied thematic circuits;
    e. Enhancing the tourist attractiveness in a sustainable manner by developing world-class infrastructure in the circuit destination;
    f. Follow community-based development and pro-poor tourism approach;
    g. Creating awareness among the local communities about the importance of tourism for them in terms of increase in sources of income, improved living standards and overall development of the area;

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Formula UPSC| 4335 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା