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  • Introducing The Bible | Crucifixion of Jesus

    Introducing The Bible | Crucifixion of Jesus

    When Jesus was crucified outside the city walls in the north of Mount Zion, hundreds of mourners followed him on the path of Via Dolorosa (“Way of Grief” or “Way of Suffering”), a street located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Bible states that he was heard quoting his followers including “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.' For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
    In this episode of #fame World's “Introducing The Bible” series, learn about the various occurrences of when and why Jesus was crucified along with that of the New Covenant that was instituted during the Last Supper.

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    By fame world| 190 views

  • Introducing The Bible | Resurrection And Message Of Jesus

    Introducing The Bible | Resurrection And Message Of Jesus

    After Jesus was put to death by the Romans and sinful others, he rose again from the dead on the third day. You can read this in the part of the Nicene Creed: “On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures”. According to the New Testament, he was buried by Joseph of Arimathea in a new tomb but God raised him from the dead and later appeared to many people within forty days before he ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. This resurrection of Jesus is then celebrated on Easter Sunday by the Christians, two days after Good Friday, which is the day of his crucifixion.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 175 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Missionary Journey Of Christianity

    Introducing The Bible | The Missionary Journey Of Christianity

    After Jesus rose from the dead, he had predicted that the message would travel far and wide from Jerusalem. A few followers had fled from Jerusalem after Stephen's death to travel to the land of Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch of Syria and preach the Good News, but only to the Jews. The believers who reached Antioch from Cyprus and Cyrene preached the Gentiles about Jesus and that the power of the Lord was upon them. However, there were several in the Roman world who were attracted to Judaism and thought themselves to be a distinct nation and culture.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 326 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Kingdom Of God

    Introducing The Bible | The Kingdom Of God

    When mankind chose to reject the Lord and take his own path, God had to take certain steps to save humanity. He offered a host of privileges to his believers that however, were taken away from those few who had started to lose faith in him. In this last episode of #fame World's “Introducing The Bible” series, you will be given highlights of the previous episodes as well as the final establishment of God's Kingdom for his people.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 160 views

  • Introducing The Bible | Understanding the Old and New Testament

    Introducing The Bible | Understanding the Old and New Testament

    The Bible, according to the Christians, is a collection of versions divided into two parts - The Old Testament and The New Testament. The first part contains a minimum of twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible that are divided into thirty-nine books while the second part comprises of twenty-seven books that were originally written in Koine Greek and discusses the teachings and person of Jesus along with the several events that occurred in first-century Christianity. The New Testament has been divided into the four Canonical gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, twenty-one Epistles or didactic letters and the Book of Revelation.

    By fame world| 213 views

  • Introducing The Bible | Jesus Keeps His Promises

    Introducing The Bible | Jesus Keeps His Promises

    The son of God, Jesus, means what he says and what he says, happens! There are several tales in the Bible proving this statement of the Lord; including the tale of Jesus the carpenter and Peter the fisherman. God also made three promises to Abraham including the promise of making him the father of many nations and giving him a lot of descendants. The Bible's internal chronology places him around 2000 BCE.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 223 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Biblical History of Israel

    Introducing The Bible | The Biblical History of Israel

    Moses, the founder of the nation of Israel, plays a vital role in the formation of the Holy Bible like Abraham. The chapters of the book of Exodus describes a series of remarkable circumstances faced by this historical leader as well as how he led his people out of bondage in Egypt. In this video of #fame World's “Introducing The Bible” series, Dr. John Woodhouse and Michael Ovey will give you an insight into the incredible facts of the great leader along with the biblical history of the land of Israel.

    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    Along with numerous debates to who exactly wrote the Bible, many evangelicals believe 2 Timothy 3:16 as indicating the Bible's divine authorship.

    By fame world| 4413 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Story of Joshua

    Introducing The Bible | The Story of Joshua

    Joshua, an important figure in the events of the Exodus, was the companion of Moses while ascending the Mount Sinai to learn the views of God for the Israelite tabernacle. The Joshua 1:1-9 states that Joshua was appointed by God to succeed Moses and become the leader of the Israelites. In this video, you will come across various incidents of the leader including the period when he led the conquest of Canaan and why God blessed him of invincibility during his lifetime.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year.

    By fame world| 233 views

  • Introducing The Bible | God's Plan For Humanity

    Introducing The Bible | God's Plan For Humanity

    When the people of Israel decided to go their own way and not follow the words of God, they were disqualified to enjoy the love and blessings of God. Samuel's sons, Joel and Abijah, didn't follow the path of their father and always spent hours seeking wealth and perverting justice. This was when the leaders of Israel decided to meet Samuel and asked him to appoint a good king who would rule the land and bring justice. In this episode of “Introducing the Bible” by #fame World, you will get a clearer vision of what God decided further for this demand of the people and what plans he had for humanity.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts.

    By fame world| 246 views


Introducing The Bible | Creation of the Universe

The Bible begins with the statement - “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. Christians believe that God created this beautiful universe in seven days and helped mankind enjoy the spectacular natural beauty and his creations. Day-by-day, God spoke the existence of his creation and thus created the day, night, sky, waters, land, seas, plants, trees, sun, moon, stars and several others that we see today.

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The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.




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  • Introducing The Bible | Crucifixion of JesusUp next

    Introducing The Bible | Crucifixion of Jesus

    When Jesus was crucified outside the city walls in the north of Mount Zion, hundreds of mourners followed him on the path of Via Dolorosa (“Way of Grief” or “Way of Suffering”), a street located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Bible states that he was heard quoting his followers including “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.' For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
    In this episode of #fame World's “Introducing The Bible” series, learn about the various occurrences of when and why Jesus was crucified along with that of the New Covenant that was instituted during the Last Supper.

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    By fame world| 190 views

  • Introducing The Bible | Resurrection And Message Of Jesus

    Introducing The Bible | Resurrection And Message Of Jesus

    After Jesus was put to death by the Romans and sinful others, he rose again from the dead on the third day. You can read this in the part of the Nicene Creed: “On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures”. According to the New Testament, he was buried by Joseph of Arimathea in a new tomb but God raised him from the dead and later appeared to many people within forty days before he ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. This resurrection of Jesus is then celebrated on Easter Sunday by the Christians, two days after Good Friday, which is the day of his crucifixion.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 175 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Missionary Journey Of Christianity

    Introducing The Bible | The Missionary Journey Of Christianity

    After Jesus rose from the dead, he had predicted that the message would travel far and wide from Jerusalem. A few followers had fled from Jerusalem after Stephen's death to travel to the land of Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch of Syria and preach the Good News, but only to the Jews. The believers who reached Antioch from Cyprus and Cyrene preached the Gentiles about Jesus and that the power of the Lord was upon them. However, there were several in the Roman world who were attracted to Judaism and thought themselves to be a distinct nation and culture.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 326 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Kingdom Of God

    Introducing The Bible | The Kingdom Of God

    When mankind chose to reject the Lord and take his own path, God had to take certain steps to save humanity. He offered a host of privileges to his believers that however, were taken away from those few who had started to lose faith in him. In this last episode of #fame World's “Introducing The Bible” series, you will be given highlights of the previous episodes as well as the final establishment of God's Kingdom for his people.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 160 views

  • Introducing The Bible | Understanding the Old and New Testament

    Introducing The Bible | Understanding the Old and New Testament

    The Bible, according to the Christians, is a collection of versions divided into two parts - The Old Testament and The New Testament. The first part contains a minimum of twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible that are divided into thirty-nine books while the second part comprises of twenty-seven books that were originally written in Koine Greek and discusses the teachings and person of Jesus along with the several events that occurred in first-century Christianity. The New Testament has been divided into the four Canonical gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, twenty-one Epistles or didactic letters and the Book of Revelation.

    By fame world| 213 views

  • Introducing The Bible | Jesus Keeps His Promises

    Introducing The Bible | Jesus Keeps His Promises

    The son of God, Jesus, means what he says and what he says, happens! There are several tales in the Bible proving this statement of the Lord; including the tale of Jesus the carpenter and Peter the fisherman. God also made three promises to Abraham including the promise of making him the father of many nations and giving him a lot of descendants. The Bible's internal chronology places him around 2000 BCE.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    By fame world| 223 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Biblical History of Israel

    Introducing The Bible | The Biblical History of Israel

    Moses, the founder of the nation of Israel, plays a vital role in the formation of the Holy Bible like Abraham. The chapters of the book of Exodus describes a series of remarkable circumstances faced by this historical leader as well as how he led his people out of bondage in Egypt. In this video of #fame World's “Introducing The Bible” series, Dr. John Woodhouse and Michael Ovey will give you an insight into the incredible facts of the great leader along with the biblical history of the land of Israel.

    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year. Additionally, the Bible has been quite an influence on both literature and history studies in many parts of the world, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printed book. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible printed using movable type.

    Along with numerous debates to who exactly wrote the Bible, many evangelicals believe 2 Timothy 3:16 as indicating the Bible's divine authorship.

    By fame world| 4413 views

  • Introducing The Bible | The Story of Joshua

    Introducing The Bible | The Story of Joshua

    Joshua, an important figure in the events of the Exodus, was the companion of Moses while ascending the Mount Sinai to learn the views of God for the Israelite tabernacle. The Joshua 1:1-9 states that Joshua was appointed by God to succeed Moses and become the leader of the Israelites. In this video, you will come across various incidents of the leader including the period when he led the conquest of Canaan and why God blessed him of invincibility during his lifetime.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts. The holy book is also considered as one of the bestselling books on Earth with over 100 million copies being sold each year.

    By fame world| 233 views

  • Introducing The Bible | God's Plan For Humanity

    Introducing The Bible | God's Plan For Humanity

    When the people of Israel decided to go their own way and not follow the words of God, they were disqualified to enjoy the love and blessings of God. Samuel's sons, Joel and Abijah, didn't follow the path of their father and always spent hours seeking wealth and perverting justice. This was when the leaders of Israel decided to meet Samuel and asked him to appoint a good king who would rule the land and bring justice. In this episode of “Introducing the Bible” by #fame World, you will get a clearer vision of what God decided further for this demand of the people and what plans he had for humanity.

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    The Bible, popularly defined as a collection of sacred writings, is regarded by both Christians and Jews as the “Word of God”. Several Bibles with varying contents exist in the present day and numerous traditions have come up with their revised editions with different selections of texts.

    By fame world| 246 views

Bollywood Gupshup

  • Shahid Kapoor ने Wife को विश किया Birthday :बोले- तुम मेरे दिल की रानी हो, Share कीं तस्वीरें

    Shahid Kapoor ने Wife को विश किया Birthday :बोले- तुम मेरे दिल की रानी हो, Share कीं तस्वीरें

    #shahidkapoor #birthdaycelebration #shahidkapoorwifebirthday #bollywoodnews #shahidkapoorwife #mirakapoor #celebration #photoshared #todaytrendingnews #bollywoodcelebritiesstory #Entertainment #Bollywood #Shahid Kapoor Wished His Wife On Her Birthday #birthdaybash #ishankhatter #mirarajputkapoor #midnightcelebration #todaymatch #breakingnews #entertainmentnews #bollywoodsensation #kareenakapoorkhan #jabwemet #bloodydaddy #kabirsingh #movie #uttarpradesh #maharastra #mumbai #newstoday #kiaraadvani

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    Shahid Kapoor ने Wife को विश किया Birthday :बोले- तुम मेरे दिल की रानी हो, Share कीं तस्वीरें

    By LNV India| 963 views

  • Tiger 3 Movie Gets 7 Am First Show On November 12

    Tiger 3 Movie Gets 7 Am First Show On November 12

    Tiger 3 Movie Gets 7 Am First Show On November 12

    By Bollywood Crazies| 592 views

  • Bigg Boss 17 LIVE | Tissue Ko Lekar Isha Ne Samarth Se Kiya Jhagda

    Bigg Boss 17 LIVE | Tissue Ko Lekar Isha Ne Samarth Se Kiya Jhagda

    Bigg Boss 17 LIVE | Tissue Ko Lekar Isha Ne Samarth Se Kiya Jhagda

    #biggboss17 #abhishekkumar #ishamalviya

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    Bigg Boss 17 LIVE | Tissue Ko Lekar Isha Ne Samarth Se Kiya Jhagda

    By Bollywood Spy| 616 views

  • Bigg Boss 17 OPENING VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar?

    Bigg Boss 17 OPENING VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar?

    Bigg Boss 17 OPENING VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar?

    #biggboss17 #ishamalviya #samarthjurel

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    Bigg Boss 17 OPENING VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar?

    By Bollywood Spy| 586 views

  • Soniya Bansal slams Isha Malviya’s relationship with Abhishek-Samarth & Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour

    Soniya Bansal slams Isha Malviya’s relationship with Abhishek-Samarth & Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour

    Soniya Bansal, the first contestant to get eliminated from Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 17, recently sat down for a candid conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Rashita Sahni. The actress slammed Isha Malviya for sharing her bed with ex-boyfriend Abhishek Kumar despite being in a relationship with Samarth Jurel. She called out Mannara Chopra for using sisters Priyanka Chopra & Parineeti Chopra to get fame outside the BB house. Soniya also spoke about Munawar Faruqui’s inappropriate touch, Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour towards wife Ankita Lokhande and Salman Khan’s biased behaviour on Weekend Ka Vaar. Watch the full interview here!

    #soniyabansal #biggboss17

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    Soniya Bansal slams Isha Malviya’s relationship with Abhishek-Samarth & Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour

    By Bollywood Bubble| 697 views

  • BodyFaming Trailer:Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita & Dolly S

    BodyFaming Trailer:Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita & Dolly S

    It's time we celebrate ourselves and get high on self-love! Introducing you to Bollywood Bubble's brand new show 'BodyFaming'. A show that talks about loving your body, smashing age-old beauty norms and being comfortable in your own skin. Watch host Rashita Sahni get up close and personal with Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita Dhulipala & Dolly Singh about dealing with body-shaming, getting over their inner insecurities and self-doubt and standing by the mantra - 'my body my rules'! Episodes drop every Tuesday at 2 PM only on Bollywood Bubble. Watch out.

    #bodyfamingtrailer #bhumipednekar #nawazuddinsiddiqui #fatimasanashaikh

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    Tune into Bollywood Bubble, your one stop destination for all the latest happenings, hot gossips, rumours and exclusive B-Town news...

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    BodyFaming Trailer:Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita & Dolly S

    By Bollywood Bubble| 770 views

  • Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

    Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

    Bhumi Pednekar recently appeared in the comedy Thank You For Coming and the film invited some extreme reactions from the viewers. While some praised the film for its bold concept, some shamed it for that. In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Akash Bhatnagar, Bhumi spoke about the latter group of people and slammed them for the shaming. She expressed her disappointment towards people who didn’t criticise the film but its intent. The actress discussed the prevalent gender bias and how people never took offence when she was a part of such stories told from a male perspective. She pointed out how Pankaj Tripathi and Akshay Kumar starrer OMG 2 was supported by the same people who shamed her film, when somewhere they dealt with the same subject. Bhumi revealed if not getting any support from women within the industry disappointed her. She highlighted the hypocrisy of the situation that people accept objectification of women but have a problem with them talking about their sexuality. You can watch the entire conversation here.

    #BhumiPednekar #BollywoodBubble

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    Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

    By Bollywood Bubble| 856 views

  • Bigg Boss 17 LATEST VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar? | Isha, Samarth, Manasvi, Sana, Arun

    Bigg Boss 17 LATEST VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar? | Isha, Samarth, Manasvi, Sana, Arun

    Bigg Boss 17 LATEST VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar? | Isha, Samarth, Manasvi, Sana, Arun

    #biggboss17 #ishamalviya #samarthjurel

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    Bigg Boss 17 LATEST VOTING Trend | Kaun Hoga Ghar Se Beghar? | Isha, Samarth, Manasvi, Sana, Arun

    By Bollywood Spy| 640 views

  • Isha Malviya’s boyfriend Samarth Jurel exposes her ex Abhishek Kumar & his violence | Bigg Boss 17

    Isha Malviya’s boyfriend Samarth Jurel exposes her ex Abhishek Kumar & his violence | Bigg Boss 17

    On Bigg Boss 17 we have seen the fastest wild card entries and these would only cause lots of fireworks on the show. Now as Samarth Jurel, who is Isha Malviya's boyfriend, enters the BB17 house as a contestant, he spoke to Bollywood Bubble's host Nawaz Kochra. From exposing the violence Abhishek Kumar inflicted on Isha to sharing how Isha's ex used to slap her and cause her harm. He even confirmed their relationship and shared how seeing Isha getting close to Abhishek left him heartbroken. Commenting on Isha being Ankita Lokhande's shadow, Samarth also explained how his entry will change the dynamics on the show. Watch this explosive interview here!

    #samarthjurel #ishamalviya #bollywoodbubble

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    Isha Malviya’s boyfriend Samarth Jurel exposes her ex Abhishek Kumar & his violence | Bigg Boss 17

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  • Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge

    Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge

    Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge
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fame world

  • Hurricane Katrina - The Most Disastrous Of All |  Flashback Friday

    Hurricane Katrina - The Most Disastrous Of All | Flashback Friday

    Hurricane Katrina was the eleventh named storm and fifth hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. Being the costliest natural disaster it was one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. Approximately 1,245 people died in the hurricane making it the most life threatening incident! Total property damage was estimated at $108 billion (2005 USD), roughly four times the damage wrought by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.Over fifty breaches in New Orleans's hurricane surge protection are the cause of the majority of the death and destruction during Katrina on August 29, 2005. Eventually 80% of the city and large tracts of neighboring parishes became flooded, and the floodwaters lingered for weeks. Watch this video and know the detailed effect of this disastrous hurricane!Watch Hurricane Katrina - The Most Disastrous Of All | #Flashback Friday With HD Quality

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  • Earthquakes - Nature's Most Deadliest Force | Flashback Friday

    Earthquakes - Nature's Most Deadliest Force | Flashback Friday

    Earthquakes are considered to be nature's most deadliest force that has devastated hundreds and thousands of lives and properties since the earth was formed. In this century alone, earthquakes have taken over a million lives. 20th century's most devastating earthquake's epicenter was at Tangshan, Hebei, China, in July 1976, and had a magnitude of 7.8. It killed more than 242,000 people. Northern Pakistan and Japan were also victims of major earthquakes that scaled to more than 6.9 on Richter magnitude scale. According to seismologists, the sand and dryer faults around San Andreas in southern California is a time bomb for a major earthquake to struck at any time.

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  • Steve Irwin A Tribute to The Crocodile Hunter | #Flashback Friday

    Steve Irwin A Tribute to The Crocodile Hunter | #Flashback Friday

    Steve Irwin a.k.a The Crocodile Hunter was born on 22nd February 1962 to wildlife experts Lyn and Bob Irwin in Essendon. Steve has been working with crocodiles from the age of 9 under his father's guidance. He rose to fame due to his hit Television Show - 'The Crocodile Hunter' which aired on Australia TV in 1996, which he co-hosted with his wife Lyn Irwin. The Show was also picked up by popular channels like Discovery Network and Animal Planet. While filming for the documentary- 'Ocean's Deadliest', in 1996, Steve was stung by a stingray and was later declared dead due to the injury sustained. Many fans dropped flowers at the Australian Zoo to show tribute to the crocodile hunter. His daughter, Bindi, carried out the family's legacy by hosting her own wildlife documentary show called Bindi The Junge Girl.

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Daily Mirror

  • Chomu Raj News | आतंकी हमले में 4 की मौत मामला,मांगो को लेकर तहसील के बाहर धरने पर बैठे परिजन

    Chomu Raj News | आतंकी हमले में 4 की मौत मामला,मांगो को लेकर तहसील के बाहर धरने पर बैठे परिजन

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    Chomu Raj News | आतंकी हमले में 4 की मौत मामला,मांगो को लेकर तहसील के बाहर धरने पर बैठे परिजन

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  • INH के खबर का असर खनिज विभाग ने लिया संज्ञान, मुरुम के उत्खन्न को कराया बंद

    INH के खबर का असर खनिज विभाग ने लिया संज्ञान, मुरुम के उत्खन्न को कराया बंद

    INH, INH के खबर का असर खनिज विभाग ने लिया संज्ञान, मुरुम के उत्खन्न को कराया बंद

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  • Haryana News:  CM Nayab Saini ने Karnal में अधिकारियों के साथ की बैठक, दिए ये सख्त निर्देश

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    UP में मिली हार पर BJP नेता ने खोली पोल,पार्टी पर लगाए गंभीर आरोप | PM modi | Rajveer Singh |#dblive

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