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  • 5G and 6G will change consumers life with Metaverse and AI

    5G and 6G will change consumers life with Metaverse and AI

    The world continues to witness more innovations and use cases leveraging 5G technology. 5G and even 6G technology is at the core of emerging technologies such as Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, and more that are set to disrupt the world. In the coming days, we will witness AI, VR, AR, 5G, and blockchain may converge to power the metaverse. The metaverse concept has wide-sweeping potential. On one level, it could be a 3D social media channel with messaging targeted perfectly to every user by AI. That’s the Meta vision. It also has the potential to be an all-encompassing platform for information, entertainment, and work like social space and live network space where games, music, movies, and anime intersect. The metaverse is one where people come together to share “time and space” – a virtual concert. With the invention of the 6G network, which is capable of delivering speeds of 1 terabyte per second or 8,000 gigabits per second. 5G and immersive technology is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and consume information and media. Now’s the time to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. Consumers are eyeing towards newer experiences with gaming. With 5G rolling out and mobile and cloud gaming on the rise, opportunities to further expand the gaming market are mounting. 97% of executives in a new study believe the gaming industry is central to the development of the metaverse, and 48% said metaverse will change gaming company business models and drive revenue while also giving brands new opportunities to build relationships with their customers.

    Today’s networks are often not up to speed. And even when downloadable games are used, which need minimal bandwidth, games still need very low latency to be enjoyable. For service providers, app coverage for low-latency demanding services needs to be on the table when planning for and launching a gaming service targeting mobile use. 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the succ

    By VARINDIA| 49 views

  • How is the future holds for Metaverse in 2022

    How is the future holds for Metaverse in 2022

    #Vedanta #Semiconductors #Cisco

    Many different technologies are used for the metaverse. It uses augmented reality, virtual reality, and video tools. The concept of Metaverse is that people in digital space are digitally together. The metaverse offers investors the potential to stake a claim in an evolving virtual universe . Metaverse can be used in different locations. From the gaming sector to meetings and interacting with each other, it is going to be included. Simply put, a world where you will have an identity – you will be at home, but your avatar is going to be in Metaverse. People can meet, talk and gaming in the digital space through their avatar sitting at home. People can even make virtual trips around the world through their avatar slot in the digital space. Facebook has done a lot of work on metaverse. The term ‘metaverse’ was coined by Neal Stephenson in a science fiction novel [“Snow Crash”] almost 30 years ago,” wrote Koduri. “In recent years, metaverse has come to represent a utopian convergence of digital experiences fueled by Moore’s Law – an aspiration to enable rich, real-time, globally-interconnected virtual- and augmented-reality environments that will enable billions of people to work, play, collaborate and socialize in entirely new ways. The metaverse is “a whole new 3D interactive internet and creates augmented reality experiences for brands and retailers . It’s like an internet that’s everywhere, not just accessible via phones and computers. We can say it’s kind of the internet of life instead of the internet of things. Tech titans will begin competing for metaverse market dominance in 2022 and non-tech brands will continue to explore how metaverses could deliver operational improvements, according to GlobalData.
    In 2022, gaming companies will invest in the metaverse to expand their already substantial user base to create even wider communities. Niantic, known for augmented reality (AR) game Pokemon Go, and Fortnite developer E

    By VARINDIA| 46 views

  • The future of digital is trending towards Metaverse | Technology | VARINDIA News Hour

    The future of digital is trending towards Metaverse | Technology | VARINDIA News Hour

    The future of digital is trending towards Metaverse | Technology | VARINDIA News Hour

    The #metaversetechnology is poised for rapid growth that will open up opportunities for the marketers and it can be helpful to first think of any shared, virtual space: everything from a chat room to games like Minecraft and Fortnite. While these spaces differ in terms of the richness of the virtual experience – text, audio, video, visual detail, sense of space, actions you can take, etc. – what they share is the opportunity for multiple, if not millions, of people to simultaneously connect within an online environment. The COVID-19 outbreak has brought a positive impact on the metaverse market and is driving the increasing interest in the metaverse concept. People began to work remotely while students shifted to online classes and the need and demand for convenient channels or approaches to make online interaction more realistic emerged. The crisis has speeded the emergence of virtual communities as key lifestyle areas for locked-down users which include gaming landscapes and also increasing adoption of mixed reality. The convergence of 5G, artificial intelligence, and edge cloud processing will soon make it easier to deliver more seamless, enjoyable, and cost-effective AR/VR experiences across a variety of connected devices. Just like the internet, industry insiders are predicting the metaverse will become a necessity for all brands.

    Metaverse is making headlines in technology, there’s a boom in metaverse crypto projects, each viewing to shape the future of both metaverse crypto projects and the nature of digital real estate. It’s the Gen Z, or someone with higher digital maturity. While we may make our purchases by making a few clicks, the coming generation will definitely want something which is more engaging and immersive.

    The metaverse is indeed a virtual reality, but it’s not quite the same thing as what you’ve seen in science fiction blockbusters.

    By VARINDIA| 49 views

  • How is Metaverse going to affect the Kids future?

    How is Metaverse going to affect the Kids future?

    The metaverse, a combination of spatial computing and the Internet, aims to create 3D virtual worlds and incorporate several key emerging technologies such as the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, AI, cloud and edge computing, among many others. Today, every new age of digitization comes with privacy challenges. We already have privacy concerns when we browse the web. The technology that is already tracking our behaviour online will also exist in the metaverse, and the tracking is likely to become even more invasive and intense. The Metaverse could possibly replace in-person physical interaction to an extent: During the pandemic, many users turned to the Metaverse for social activities and gatherings, even conducting entire weddings inside the platform. In the future, it could become as important as social media is to our lives today. Global populations have wondered whether artificial intelligence (AI) will take over human operations, automation will replace all jobs, and remote work will destroy physical offices for good. Now, with companies like Decentraland, The Sandbox, and others in development promising real and inhabitable metaverse platforms, what does this mean for the future of real-world connections? Internet users worldwide already spend enormous amounts of time online and devote significant efforts to boosting their online presence for both social and professional purposes. Once the Metaverse transforms the internet into a three-dimensional virtual space, could it do away with the need for a physical world altogether?

    The tech companies who have invested huge amounts for developing the technology and platform into Metaverse say, For kids, this means endless opportunities for socializing, learning new skills and exploring their interests. Minecraft, for example, is already being used in learning environments to expose children to different cultures through the Metaverse. With this, Kids can truly benefit from the Metaverse, whether they are playing

    By VARINDIA| 44 views

  • Work From Home, May Not be a Success  In The Future Of Work Place

    Work From Home, May Not be a Success In The Future Of Work Place

    Work From Home, May Not be a Success In The Future Of Work Place

    Work From Home, May Not be a Success In The Future Of Work Place

    By VARINDIA| 16 views

  • Metaverse can revolutionize Education, Skilling & Training

    Metaverse can revolutionize Education, Skilling & Training

    #Metaverse is an analogy of the Internet, by combining the powers of social networking, AI, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – Metaverse offers endless possibilities to imagine a newer and just society. Currently, India’s AR and VR Market stands at approximately $1.83 billion and is set to grow at a staggering CAGR of 38.29% until FY2027. This growth is said to further be accelerated by the digital transformation of the country; a process that is aided by the IT boom caused by the pandemic and ensuing global lockdowns. Experts say, it’ll be the key to improve skilling in India, like can we share the workplace experiences to those living in rural India and Tier 2-3 towns? Maybe Metaverse has or is the answer. People staying anywhere in India can now get virtual and immersive tours of shop floors without having to travel to factories in big cities. This reduces onboarding costs, and makes a wider pool of talent available to all companies. Today’s world is increasingly becoming a gig economy. To perform and become a leader of this new world, India needs to move from a labour-intensive economy to a knowledge-based economy. This means focusing on bettering our worker’s ability to create as opposed to just support ancillary functions. By offering workers a customizable range of concepts and skills that they can easily pick up using this technology.

    The metaverse is entering into a stage of heavy development. Smaller crypto projects, creators, and games produce content and meta platforms alongside huge tech giants like Google and Facebook (Meta). As the trend has picked up, tech giants with platforms that already complement the metaverse have begun their own developments. India is at an interesting stage of transition within the global economy. The rising focus on India can be attributed to India’s operating conditions and cost competitiveness. Reforms to both land and labour laws are critical to India’s success as a global manufacturing location. Metaverse

    By VARINDIA| 37 views

  • Alert on using Metaverse

    Alert on using Metaverse

    #Metaverse will create an immersive virtual world that combines augmented and virtual reality, #blockchain and it also includes economic and social spaces where users from anywhere in the world can enjoy a wide range of content and experiences. Top technology players such as Facebook (Meta), Google, Microsoft, and Nvidia are already invested in developing this next generation of IoT.

    There is no way one could have missed out from the metaverse. The metaverse brings the assurance of an open, shared, and persistent digital environment that connects communities, products, solutions, creators, entertainment, workspaces, commerce, and many other aspects of the real world.

    #Cyberattacks old and new will inevitably find their way into the metaverse and securing the metaverse will present new challenges in comparison to existing digital platforms, however, according to cybersecurity executives and researchers. Monitoring the metaverse and detecting attacks on these new platforms will “be more complex” than on current platforms.

    With the metaverse, you’re going to have an explosion of devices, infrastructure and data so it can just increase your attack surface by an order of magnitude.

    According to the Acronis Cyber Protection Week Global Report 2022, cybercriminals are exploiting the IT complexity to launch catastrophic cyberattacks. With most users still not fully aware of the magnitude of the cyber threats they are facing in the wake of increased metaverse adoption, daily data theft of credit card, identity, passwords, etc., malware, phishing attacks are likely to increase by 200% by 2024 due to unpreparedness or lack of a cyber protection master plan.

    Device security remains high on the cyber protection priority list as platform and device hacking is widely expected to soar as the metaverse uptake also skyrockets. Threats and breaches to devices are likely to worsen and could subsequently also have actual terminal consequence

    By VARINDIA| 59 views

  • Meta tech can track your eye movements as you roam the metaverse

    Meta tech can track your eye movements as you roam the metaverse

    #Meta has a patented technology to track people's eye movements and facial expressions while they roam the metaverse and body poses as well as create “virtual stores” that sell ad-sponsored digital goods in an effort to monetize the metaverse, dozens of recently filed patents suggest. The company was recently granted dozens of patents involving metaverse technology. It said that one of those patents detailed how sensors inside a headset would track a user's facial expressions to "adapt media content" for them. The metaverse refers to a future vision of the internet which people primarily access through immersive technologies including virtual and augmented reality, which require special headsets. Meta is a metaverse evangelist, rebranding from Facebook last October to reflect its mission of becoming a metaverse company. In an interview, Meta global affairs chief Nick Clegg said that metaverse eye-tracking data could help advertisers "understand whether people engage with an advertisement or not. While this wording is vague, one potential application could be that a user's virtual avatar would mimic their real-life facial expressions.

    Meta uses biometric data in order to create a more realistic digital avatar using virtual reality or augmented reality. Meta also plans to collect data on users so that it could tailor specific ad content while they immerse themselves in the metaverse, the patent filings suggest. One patent filing shows a sketch of a “wearable magnetic sensor system” that the user places around their torso for “body pose tracking. Another patent can detect a user’s facial expressions through a headset. The system would then compute the expressions and “adapt media content” based on its findings. The company is essentially following the same business model that translated into tens of billions of dollars in profit through its social network. Meta also filed a patent for a headset that is equipped with cameras and se

    By VARINDIA| 15 views

  • Metaverse revenue

    Metaverse revenue

    #Metaverse is the convergence of the physical and digital realms in the next evolution of the internet and social networks using real-time 3D software. It presents an opportunity for leading online entertainment and social media companies to capitalize on new revenue streams.

    Gaming hardware, including gaming PCs & peripherals and AR/VR hardware such as Facebook’s Oculus and Microsoft Hololens, accounts for the remainder of the primary market opportunity. HoloLens was the first head-mounted display running the Windows Mixed Reality platform under the Windows 10 computer operating system.

    Online game makers including Roblox, Microsoft, Activision Blizzard, Electronic Arts, Take-Two, Tencent, NetEase and Nexon may boost engagement and sales by capitalizing on the growth of 3D virtual worlds. Games that successfully pivot towards virtual 3D worlds can capture a greater share of engagement and user growth, accelerating sales growth.

    Secondly, Brands & retailers are looking for Metaverse to adapt to interact and connect with their consumers enabling shoppers to experience their brand in a virtual environment providing a memorable and an immersive experience is quickly becoming the next frontier in Retail.

    Several brands are now using the virtual platforms to directly engage, influence and in many cases, disintermediating the retailers. Hence, retailers can no longer afford to be on the side-lines. It is interesting to see how this is now beginning to influence retailer’s corporate strategy & business models, thereby warranting a relook at their technology roadmaps.

    Going forward, there is no doubt that Metaverse is here to stay. The Gen Z- the digital natives who are sidestepping the traditional retail formats are favouring the gaming, social & virtual platforms accelerating the move towards metaverse by fearlessly marching into this new world.

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
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    By VARINDIA| 21 views


Metaverse to change the future of work

Metaverse is virtually shaping the world of work. It creates more opportunities for workers in and outside of the office as well as makes some jobs a lot easier. The metaverse promises to bring new levels of social connectedness, mobility, and collaboration to a world of virtual work. The metaverse is poised to reshape the world of work in at least four major ways: new immersive forms of team collaboration; the emergence of new digital, AI-enabled colleagues; the acceleration of learning and skills acquisition through virtualization and gamified technologies; and the eventual rise of a metaverse economy with completely new enterprises and work roles. The metaverse also opens up new possibilities to rethink the office and work environment, introducing elements of adventure, spontaneity, and surprise. A virtual office doesn’t have to be a drab, uniform corporate environment downtown; rather why not a beach location, an ocean cruise, or even another world? Our work colleagues in the metaverse will not be limited to the avatars of our real-world colleagues. Increasingly, we will be joined by an array of digital colleagues — highly realistic, AI-powered, human-like bots. The metaverse could also revolutionize training and skills development, drastically compressing the time needed to develop and acquire new skills. While still in its early stages, the emergent metaverse provides an opportunity for enterprises to reset the balance in hybrid and remote work, to recapture the spontaneity, interactivity, and fun of team-based working and learning, while maintaining the flexibility, productivity, and convenience of working from home.

We are seeing how the Metaverse can help build business brands and how it’ll bring the opportunity for the job seekers. Metaverses are immersive 3D digital worlds based on virtual reality gaming experiences. Multiplayer online games such as Fortnite already have many of the elements that make up a metaverse, including the ability to buy




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    Best Mobiles Under 15000 in June 2024..

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    15000 లోపు ఏ మొబైల్ కొనాలి ? || Best Mobiles Under 15,000 in June 2024 || Telug Tech Tuts

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    Evolv28 Stress Relief Gadget ???? Unboxing || in Telugu

    Smart Wearables and Device for Mindfulness, Mental Wellbeing, and Holistic Wellness. Discover a science-backed revolution inside a wearable device. Suitable for all ages.


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    POCO F6 5G Mobile Review in Telugu


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  • My Smooth Shining Hair Secret | JSuper Kaur

    My Smooth Shining Hair Secret | JSuper Kaur

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  • Easy Treatment For Dark Areas With Affordable Products

    Easy Treatment For Dark Areas With Affordable Products

    #sinhala​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #beautywithsumu​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #srilankanbeautytherapist​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #sumubeauty​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #sumuskinbleaching #sumubeauty #sumuskinbrightening #sinhalaarmpitdarkness #sinhalapigmentation

    Hey Beauties, Here is the most affordable treatment for dark areas.You can try this to your armpits, elbows and knees . for more details keep watching and if you like Don't forget to hit the SUBSCRIBE button...xoxo...

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  • ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani

    ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani

    Hi friends..Today i will show you how to make thorana beautiful..Thorana decorations..

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    ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani

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  • Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Everything about hair care using at home affordable hair treatments for dry, damaged, frizzy hair and color treated hair with hair pack at home is discussed in this video using the Biolage Deep Treatment hair packs/ hair masks. Hair care with DIY deep treatment hair packs by Biolage helped me get soft, smooth, silky hair. They also have hair masks to tame fly-aways, get rid of split-ends and to treat colored hair which are infused with hair foods and hair caring ingredients which I've explained and shared in detail in this video. I’ve shared with you a demo and my review of the Biolage Deep Treatment Pack for hair as well.

    These hair mask treatments help to get deep moisture treatment for natural and colored hair and frizzy or damaged hair as well. You can now take care of damaged hair at home with the following Biolage deep treatment hair masks in India at

    I used the Biolage Ultra Hydrasource Deep Treatment Pack which has Aloe and Spirulina which is a hair mask for dry hair to get moisturised, soft, smooth, manageable and hydrated hair from deep within.

    I’ve also shared with you, a hair treatment for color treated hair at home by using the Biolage ColorLast Deep Hair Treatment Pack for colored hair which has amazing hair care ingredients like Apricot Seeds and Orchid to take care of color treated hair.

    And, a hair mask for Frizzy hair which is the Biolage SmoothProof Deep Treatment Pack which has Camelia and Castor Oil in it, helps to tame fly-aways and frizzy hair. You can now get yourself a hair spa for frizzy and damaged hair at home for just Rs.350 and get a sleep hair look at home.

    I hope that you found this hair care video useful. Let me know how you liked the difference in my hair after using these DIY hair masks.

    Thank you Biolage for giving me an amazing opportunity to collaborate with you and take care of my hair at home!

    #DeepTreatmentPack #BiolageIndia @biolage

    By Neha Desai| 338368 views

  • How To : Fuller lips with Easy Techniques - No Lip Liners - No Overlining Ft. Pilgrim Lip care range

    How To : Fuller lips with Easy Techniques - No Lip Liners - No Overlining Ft. Pilgrim Lip care range

    Pilgrim, a vegan skincare brand, has announced that it is launching a lip care range, including lip serums, lip balms, lip scrubs and lip sleeping masks, in a range of fun and deliciously fragrant flavours including bubblegum, blueberry, and peppermint.
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    126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

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  • 5G and 6G will change consumers life with Metaverse and AIUp next

    5G and 6G will change consumers life with Metaverse and AI

    The world continues to witness more innovations and use cases leveraging 5G technology. 5G and even 6G technology is at the core of emerging technologies such as Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, and more that are set to disrupt the world. In the coming days, we will witness AI, VR, AR, 5G, and blockchain may converge to power the metaverse. The metaverse concept has wide-sweeping potential. On one level, it could be a 3D social media channel with messaging targeted perfectly to every user by AI. That’s the Meta vision. It also has the potential to be an all-encompassing platform for information, entertainment, and work like social space and live network space where games, music, movies, and anime intersect. The metaverse is one where people come together to share “time and space” – a virtual concert. With the invention of the 6G network, which is capable of delivering speeds of 1 terabyte per second or 8,000 gigabits per second. 5G and immersive technology is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and consume information and media. Now’s the time to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. Consumers are eyeing towards newer experiences with gaming. With 5G rolling out and mobile and cloud gaming on the rise, opportunities to further expand the gaming market are mounting. 97% of executives in a new study believe the gaming industry is central to the development of the metaverse, and 48% said metaverse will change gaming company business models and drive revenue while also giving brands new opportunities to build relationships with their customers.

    Today’s networks are often not up to speed. And even when downloadable games are used, which need minimal bandwidth, games still need very low latency to be enjoyable. For service providers, app coverage for low-latency demanding services needs to be on the table when planning for and launching a gaming service targeting mobile use. 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the succ

    By VARINDIA| 49 views

  • How is the future holds for Metaverse in 2022

    How is the future holds for Metaverse in 2022

    #Vedanta #Semiconductors #Cisco

    Many different technologies are used for the metaverse. It uses augmented reality, virtual reality, and video tools. The concept of Metaverse is that people in digital space are digitally together. The metaverse offers investors the potential to stake a claim in an evolving virtual universe . Metaverse can be used in different locations. From the gaming sector to meetings and interacting with each other, it is going to be included. Simply put, a world where you will have an identity – you will be at home, but your avatar is going to be in Metaverse. People can meet, talk and gaming in the digital space through their avatar sitting at home. People can even make virtual trips around the world through their avatar slot in the digital space. Facebook has done a lot of work on metaverse. The term ‘metaverse’ was coined by Neal Stephenson in a science fiction novel [“Snow Crash”] almost 30 years ago,” wrote Koduri. “In recent years, metaverse has come to represent a utopian convergence of digital experiences fueled by Moore’s Law – an aspiration to enable rich, real-time, globally-interconnected virtual- and augmented-reality environments that will enable billions of people to work, play, collaborate and socialize in entirely new ways. The metaverse is “a whole new 3D interactive internet and creates augmented reality experiences for brands and retailers . It’s like an internet that’s everywhere, not just accessible via phones and computers. We can say it’s kind of the internet of life instead of the internet of things. Tech titans will begin competing for metaverse market dominance in 2022 and non-tech brands will continue to explore how metaverses could deliver operational improvements, according to GlobalData.
    In 2022, gaming companies will invest in the metaverse to expand their already substantial user base to create even wider communities. Niantic, known for augmented reality (AR) game Pokemon Go, and Fortnite developer E

    By VARINDIA| 46 views

  • The future of digital is trending towards Metaverse | Technology | VARINDIA News Hour

    The future of digital is trending towards Metaverse | Technology | VARINDIA News Hour

    The future of digital is trending towards Metaverse | Technology | VARINDIA News Hour

    The #metaversetechnology is poised for rapid growth that will open up opportunities for the marketers and it can be helpful to first think of any shared, virtual space: everything from a chat room to games like Minecraft and Fortnite. While these spaces differ in terms of the richness of the virtual experience – text, audio, video, visual detail, sense of space, actions you can take, etc. – what they share is the opportunity for multiple, if not millions, of people to simultaneously connect within an online environment. The COVID-19 outbreak has brought a positive impact on the metaverse market and is driving the increasing interest in the metaverse concept. People began to work remotely while students shifted to online classes and the need and demand for convenient channels or approaches to make online interaction more realistic emerged. The crisis has speeded the emergence of virtual communities as key lifestyle areas for locked-down users which include gaming landscapes and also increasing adoption of mixed reality. The convergence of 5G, artificial intelligence, and edge cloud processing will soon make it easier to deliver more seamless, enjoyable, and cost-effective AR/VR experiences across a variety of connected devices. Just like the internet, industry insiders are predicting the metaverse will become a necessity for all brands.

    Metaverse is making headlines in technology, there’s a boom in metaverse crypto projects, each viewing to shape the future of both metaverse crypto projects and the nature of digital real estate. It’s the Gen Z, or someone with higher digital maturity. While we may make our purchases by making a few clicks, the coming generation will definitely want something which is more engaging and immersive.

    The metaverse is indeed a virtual reality, but it’s not quite the same thing as what you’ve seen in science fiction blockbusters.

    By VARINDIA| 49 views

  • How is Metaverse going to affect the Kids future?

    How is Metaverse going to affect the Kids future?

    The metaverse, a combination of spatial computing and the Internet, aims to create 3D virtual worlds and incorporate several key emerging technologies such as the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, AI, cloud and edge computing, among many others. Today, every new age of digitization comes with privacy challenges. We already have privacy concerns when we browse the web. The technology that is already tracking our behaviour online will also exist in the metaverse, and the tracking is likely to become even more invasive and intense. The Metaverse could possibly replace in-person physical interaction to an extent: During the pandemic, many users turned to the Metaverse for social activities and gatherings, even conducting entire weddings inside the platform. In the future, it could become as important as social media is to our lives today. Global populations have wondered whether artificial intelligence (AI) will take over human operations, automation will replace all jobs, and remote work will destroy physical offices for good. Now, with companies like Decentraland, The Sandbox, and others in development promising real and inhabitable metaverse platforms, what does this mean for the future of real-world connections? Internet users worldwide already spend enormous amounts of time online and devote significant efforts to boosting their online presence for both social and professional purposes. Once the Metaverse transforms the internet into a three-dimensional virtual space, could it do away with the need for a physical world altogether?

    The tech companies who have invested huge amounts for developing the technology and platform into Metaverse say, For kids, this means endless opportunities for socializing, learning new skills and exploring their interests. Minecraft, for example, is already being used in learning environments to expose children to different cultures through the Metaverse. With this, Kids can truly benefit from the Metaverse, whether they are playing

    By VARINDIA| 44 views

  • Work From Home, May Not be a Success  In The Future Of Work Place

    Work From Home, May Not be a Success In The Future Of Work Place

    Work From Home, May Not be a Success In The Future Of Work Place

    Work From Home, May Not be a Success In The Future Of Work Place

    By VARINDIA| 16 views

  • Metaverse can revolutionize Education, Skilling & Training

    Metaverse can revolutionize Education, Skilling & Training

    #Metaverse is an analogy of the Internet, by combining the powers of social networking, AI, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – Metaverse offers endless possibilities to imagine a newer and just society. Currently, India’s AR and VR Market stands at approximately $1.83 billion and is set to grow at a staggering CAGR of 38.29% until FY2027. This growth is said to further be accelerated by the digital transformation of the country; a process that is aided by the IT boom caused by the pandemic and ensuing global lockdowns. Experts say, it’ll be the key to improve skilling in India, like can we share the workplace experiences to those living in rural India and Tier 2-3 towns? Maybe Metaverse has or is the answer. People staying anywhere in India can now get virtual and immersive tours of shop floors without having to travel to factories in big cities. This reduces onboarding costs, and makes a wider pool of talent available to all companies. Today’s world is increasingly becoming a gig economy. To perform and become a leader of this new world, India needs to move from a labour-intensive economy to a knowledge-based economy. This means focusing on bettering our worker’s ability to create as opposed to just support ancillary functions. By offering workers a customizable range of concepts and skills that they can easily pick up using this technology.

    The metaverse is entering into a stage of heavy development. Smaller crypto projects, creators, and games produce content and meta platforms alongside huge tech giants like Google and Facebook (Meta). As the trend has picked up, tech giants with platforms that already complement the metaverse have begun their own developments. India is at an interesting stage of transition within the global economy. The rising focus on India can be attributed to India’s operating conditions and cost competitiveness. Reforms to both land and labour laws are critical to India’s success as a global manufacturing location. Metaverse

    By VARINDIA| 37 views

  • Alert on using Metaverse

    Alert on using Metaverse

    #Metaverse will create an immersive virtual world that combines augmented and virtual reality, #blockchain and it also includes economic and social spaces where users from anywhere in the world can enjoy a wide range of content and experiences. Top technology players such as Facebook (Meta), Google, Microsoft, and Nvidia are already invested in developing this next generation of IoT.

    There is no way one could have missed out from the metaverse. The metaverse brings the assurance of an open, shared, and persistent digital environment that connects communities, products, solutions, creators, entertainment, workspaces, commerce, and many other aspects of the real world.

    #Cyberattacks old and new will inevitably find their way into the metaverse and securing the metaverse will present new challenges in comparison to existing digital platforms, however, according to cybersecurity executives and researchers. Monitoring the metaverse and detecting attacks on these new platforms will “be more complex” than on current platforms.

    With the metaverse, you’re going to have an explosion of devices, infrastructure and data so it can just increase your attack surface by an order of magnitude.

    According to the Acronis Cyber Protection Week Global Report 2022, cybercriminals are exploiting the IT complexity to launch catastrophic cyberattacks. With most users still not fully aware of the magnitude of the cyber threats they are facing in the wake of increased metaverse adoption, daily data theft of credit card, identity, passwords, etc., malware, phishing attacks are likely to increase by 200% by 2024 due to unpreparedness or lack of a cyber protection master plan.

    Device security remains high on the cyber protection priority list as platform and device hacking is widely expected to soar as the metaverse uptake also skyrockets. Threats and breaches to devices are likely to worsen and could subsequently also have actual terminal consequence

    By VARINDIA| 59 views

  • Meta tech can track your eye movements as you roam the metaverse

    Meta tech can track your eye movements as you roam the metaverse

    #Meta has a patented technology to track people's eye movements and facial expressions while they roam the metaverse and body poses as well as create “virtual stores” that sell ad-sponsored digital goods in an effort to monetize the metaverse, dozens of recently filed patents suggest. The company was recently granted dozens of patents involving metaverse technology. It said that one of those patents detailed how sensors inside a headset would track a user's facial expressions to "adapt media content" for them. The metaverse refers to a future vision of the internet which people primarily access through immersive technologies including virtual and augmented reality, which require special headsets. Meta is a metaverse evangelist, rebranding from Facebook last October to reflect its mission of becoming a metaverse company. In an interview, Meta global affairs chief Nick Clegg said that metaverse eye-tracking data could help advertisers "understand whether people engage with an advertisement or not. While this wording is vague, one potential application could be that a user's virtual avatar would mimic their real-life facial expressions.

    Meta uses biometric data in order to create a more realistic digital avatar using virtual reality or augmented reality. Meta also plans to collect data on users so that it could tailor specific ad content while they immerse themselves in the metaverse, the patent filings suggest. One patent filing shows a sketch of a “wearable magnetic sensor system” that the user places around their torso for “body pose tracking. Another patent can detect a user’s facial expressions through a headset. The system would then compute the expressions and “adapt media content” based on its findings. The company is essentially following the same business model that translated into tens of billions of dollars in profit through its social network. Meta also filed a patent for a headset that is equipped with cameras and se

    By VARINDIA| 15 views

  • Metaverse revenue

    Metaverse revenue

    #Metaverse is the convergence of the physical and digital realms in the next evolution of the internet and social networks using real-time 3D software. It presents an opportunity for leading online entertainment and social media companies to capitalize on new revenue streams.

    Gaming hardware, including gaming PCs & peripherals and AR/VR hardware such as Facebook’s Oculus and Microsoft Hololens, accounts for the remainder of the primary market opportunity. HoloLens was the first head-mounted display running the Windows Mixed Reality platform under the Windows 10 computer operating system.

    Online game makers including Roblox, Microsoft, Activision Blizzard, Electronic Arts, Take-Two, Tencent, NetEase and Nexon may boost engagement and sales by capitalizing on the growth of 3D virtual worlds. Games that successfully pivot towards virtual 3D worlds can capture a greater share of engagement and user growth, accelerating sales growth.

    Secondly, Brands & retailers are looking for Metaverse to adapt to interact and connect with their consumers enabling shoppers to experience their brand in a virtual environment providing a memorable and an immersive experience is quickly becoming the next frontier in Retail.

    Several brands are now using the virtual platforms to directly engage, influence and in many cases, disintermediating the retailers. Hence, retailers can no longer afford to be on the side-lines. It is interesting to see how this is now beginning to influence retailer’s corporate strategy & business models, thereby warranting a relook at their technology roadmaps.

    Going forward, there is no doubt that Metaverse is here to stay. The Gen Z- the digital natives who are sidestepping the traditional retail formats are favouring the gaming, social & virtual platforms accelerating the move towards metaverse by fearlessly marching into this new world.

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
    0:00 Intro

    By VARINDIA| 21 views

Bollywood Gupshup

  • Elvish Yadav Vs Munawar Faruqui, Cricket Match Once Again

    Elvish Yadav Vs Munawar Faruqui, Cricket Match Once Again

    Elvish Yadav Vs Munawar Faruqui, Cricket Match Once Again

    #munawarfaruqui #elvishyadav

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    Elvish Yadav Vs Munawar Faruqui, Cricket Match Once Again

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    #elvishyadav #dhruvrathee

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    Elvish Yadav Ne Diya Dhruv Rathee Ko Challenge, Counter Karke Dikhao

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    Ayesha Khan Shoots For A Song In South | Video Goes Viral


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    Ayesha Khan Shoots For A Song In South | Video Goes Viral

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  • Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai | Abhira Ke Pyaar Me Armaan Ki Tuti Kamar

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    Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai | Abhira Ke Pyaar Me Armaan Ki Tuti Kamar #yehrishtakyakehlatahai

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    Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai | Abhira Ke Pyaar Me Armaan Ki Tuti Kamar

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  • Anurag Kashyap on Bollywood's Hunger for Money | Salman Khan | SRK | Gulshan Devaiah | Bad Cop

    Anurag Kashyap on Bollywood's Hunger for Money | Salman Khan | SRK | Gulshan Devaiah | Bad Cop

    Gulshan Devaiah and Anurag Kashyap sit down for an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble's host Avinash Pal, Anurag Kashyap calls himself impatient as an actor, he says that action scenes are tough for him & also whenever he performed action he gets into troubled. Anurag shares he danced in Bad Cop. Anurag says he never interferes as a producer or director on some other project. Anurag recalls, Due to his image , "Logon ko lagta hai ki main psycho hoon, Logon ne saamne se aakar mujhe G gift kiya hai." Anurag says when people meet me for the first time, they feel scared. Black Friday Director also reacts on actors being overpaid, celeb tantrums, etc. Anurag says, "Salman Khan ki kharab film bhi accha perform karti hai. Mere set par koi aisi demand aati hai toh main actor drop kar deta hoon."  Anurag reveals that his fees for Gangs of Wasseypur was zero.
    Anurag says that big actors like Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Aamir Khan take fees from the back end. Anurag reacts that the trend of box office collection started with Aamir Khan's Ghajini, which earned Rs 100 crore plus. He also explains the difference between South Indian Cinema and Bollywood. Anurag also responds to Pankaj Jha's allegations. Meanwhile, Gulshan Devaiah said that he had also auditioned for this film.

    #AnuragKashyap #ShahRukhKhan #SalmanKhan #bollywoodbubble #gulshandevaiah

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    Ishq Vishk Rebound Star Cast Interview | K3G, Shahrukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Shahid Kapoor Cameo

    Ishq Vishk Rebound Star Cast Interview | K3G, Shahrukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Shahid Kapoor Cameo - Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan - RJ Divya Solgama

    #shahrukh #ishqvishkrebound #shahidkapoor

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    Ishq Vishk Rebound Star Cast Interview | K3G, Shahrukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Shahid Kapoor Cameo

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    Karan Johar and Manish Malhotra with Usha Kakade at the launch of her Production house

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  • AI is used Towards Client AI Processing

    AI is used Towards Client AI Processing

    #Artificialintelligence is increasingly being used for client AI processing. This means that AI models are being trained and deployed on client devices, such as smartphones, laptops, and IoT devices. This has a number of advantages, including, Reduced latency, Improved privacy and Reduced bandwidth usage.

    Traditionally, AI processing has been conducted by massive clusters of servers in the cloud or data centers. This is because AI models can be very large and complex, and they require a lot of computing power to train and run.

    AI is used Towards Client AI Processing

    By VARINDIA| 471 views

  • Can Google’s tools combat online misinformation

    Can Google’s tools combat online misinformation

    #Google's efforts to combat misinformation are important because misinformation can have a negative impact on society. It can undermine trust in institutions, lead to violence, and harm democracy. By developing new tools and initiatives, Google is helping to make the internet a safer and more informed place for everyone.

    Google has recently unveiled three new tools to combat online misinformation:

    · About this Image: This feature, which was initially unveiled earlier in 2023 and is now available globally to English-speaking users through Google Search, provides information about images, including their history, descriptions by users, metadata, and clear indications if an image is generated by AI. Google's AI-generated images are also clearly labelled.

    · Fact Check Explorer: This tool allows journalists to verify images by tapping into information from independent organizations.

    · AI-generated source descriptions within the Search Generative Experience: This feature provides original sources and insights from reputable publications, which are accessible through the "More About This Page" section in search results.

    Can Google’s tools combat online misinformation

    By VARINDIA| 201 views

  • Increasing online Frauds

    Increasing online Frauds

    Recent developments in the technology landscape, including the acceleration of automation, artificial intelligence, and the digitization of industries, are transforming the nature of work. These challenges have immediate and far-reaching implications for India's economy, society, and future prospects.

    The Tech Tsunami, characterized by rapid technological advancements, has the potential to drive unprecedented growth and innovation. However, if not harnessed effectively, it could lead to job shrinkage, job displacement and job reduction further leading to increased economic inequality.

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
    0:00 Intro
    3:07 Online gaming firms sent tax notices worth INR 1 lakh cr
    3:36 Government plans to introduce regulatory sandbox for OTT apps
    4:05 #Microsoft pulling the plug on its metaverse project
    4:33 #HMD Global to manufacture own brand of smartphones in India in 2024
    5:00 #TechMahindra’s CEO designate Mohit Joshi announces restructuring

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    Increasing online Frauds

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Daily Mirror

  • CG BREAKING : बलौदाबाजार घटना के विरोध में सक्ती में कांग्रेस का धरना प्रदर्शन...

    CG BREAKING : बलौदाबाजार घटना के विरोध में सक्ती में कांग्रेस का धरना प्रदर्शन...

    INH, CG BREAKING : बलौदाबाजार घटना के विरोध में सक्ती में कांग्रेस का धरना प्रदर्शन...

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    Kanchanjunga Train Accident: ‘अचानक आवाज हुई’, स्थानीय लोगों ने बताया कैसे हुआ Darjeeling रेल हादसा
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    Kanchanjunga Train Accident: ‘अचानक आवाज हुई’, स्थानीय लोगों ने बताया कैसे हुआ Darjeeling रेल हादसा

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  • Haryana Congress की बड़ी बैठक, Mallikarjun Kharge और Rahul Gandhi की मौजूदगी में होगा मंथन

    Haryana Congress की बड़ी बैठक, Mallikarjun Kharge और Rahul Gandhi की मौजूदगी में होगा मंथन

    Haryana Congress की बड़ी बैठक, Mallikarjun Kharge और Rahul Gandhi की मौजूदगी में होगा मंथन, वरिष्ठ नेता भी रहेंगे मौजूद

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