HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Venkat Mallik, Tidal7 Brand & Digital

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  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Jigsaw Brand Consultants

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Jigsaw Brand Consultants

    Do marketing campaigns in India adequately capture the needs and aspirations of women?

    Not really, says Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Founder and Managing Director of Jigsaw Brand Consultants, while highlighting how marketers continue to subject women to age-old stereotypes.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

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    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Jigsaw Brand Consultants With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 16519 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Shaji Varghese, PNB Housing & Finance

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Shaji Varghese, PNB Housing & Finance

    Shaji Varghese, Executive Director and Business Head, PNB Housing Finance Limited, outlines how the company has benefited with the adoption of digital technologies.

    As per the ace marketer, one of the biggest advantages has been the delivery of services right at the customer's doorstep.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Shaji Varghese, PNB Housing & Finance With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 219 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Ayoshmita Biswas, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Ayoshmita Biswas, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance

    If you are a financial services brand, then your biggest quest should be to educate your customers.

    Hear more about marketing in the financial services industry from Ayoshmita Biswas, Group Head-Marketing & Corporate Communications (Financial Services), Piramal Capital & Housing Finance.

    Biswas also says that brands should always be willing to listen to their customers.

    She is in conversation with Priyanka Mehra, Director- Marketing and Communications, Havas Group India.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104. Exchange partner: BSEIndia.

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Ayoshmita Biswas, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 240 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Ajay Kaul, Mahindra Holiday & Resorts

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Ajay Kaul, Mahindra Holiday & Resorts

    Ajay Kaul, Chief Digital Officer of Mahindra Holidays & Resorts talks to HT Brand Studio's Roudra Bhattacharya about how content drives customer acquisition and how Mahindra Holidays uses data to drive retention and customer loyalty.

    This interview was shot during the DMA Asia Annual Echo Awards in Mumbai in September 2018.

    Brand Masters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

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    Hosted with DMA Asia

    MUSIC Courtesy: PAJAMA | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Ajay Kaul, Mahindra Holiday & Resorts With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 344 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Namrita Mahindro, Mahindra & Mahindra

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Namrita Mahindro, Mahindra & Mahindra

    With the growth of technology, companies are finding newer ways to empower their customers.

    Namrita Mahindro, Senior General Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra, highlights a few case studies where the adoption of tools such as Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence helped elevate the customer service experience.

    She's in conversation with Roudra Bhattacharya, Lead, HT Brand Studio.

    This interview was shot during the DMA Asia Annual Echo Awards in Mumbai in September 2018.

    Brand Masters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

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    Hosted with DMA Asia

    MUSIC Courtesy: PAJAMA | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Namrita Mahindro, Mahindra & Mahindra With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 219 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Punit Dharamsi, AMFI

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Punit Dharamsi, AMFI

    How does a brand simplify a product that otherwise appears complex to consumers?

    Take a cue from Punit Dharamsi, Vice President-Marketing and Investor Education, AMFI, who talks about the strategies adopted by the Association to explain mutual funds to the public.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Punit Dharamsi, AMFI With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 323 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Aviva Insurance

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Aviva Insurance

    Unlike other countries, insurance in India is viewed as just another investment tool, and not as a means of protection, says Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Chief Customer, Marketing and Digital Officer, Aviva India.

    Watch this interview to know more about the state of insurance penetration in India, especially in today's digital age.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Aviva Insurance With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 195 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Balaji Viswanath, American Express

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Balaji Viswanath, American Express

    As per a recent study, millennials are the chief wage earners in India, with a 47% share in the working age population. It thus becomes imperative for brands to engage with this powerful demographic group.

    Balaji Viswanath, Vice President-Digital Acquisition, American Express, hands out a few tips-- one of which is, "always get straight to the point."

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Balaji Viswanath, American Express With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 184 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Kaustubh Nande, MSC Software

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Kaustubh Nande, MSC Software

    Several companies use CAE Software to predict the behaviour of products through engineering simulation software. Kaustubh Nande, Director - Marketing at MSC Software is part of the group that pioneered this software.

    Hear his insights about the industry, the importance of catering to a customer's sentiments while marketing and his thoughts on where technology is taking us.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104. Exchange partner: BSEIndia.

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Kaustubh Nande, MSC Software With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 183 views

HT Brand Studio's image
Published on: Jul 3, 2019

Has brand communication in the digital era significantly changed?

It sure has, says Venkat Mallik, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Tidal7 Brand & Digital.

According to Mallik, the most important development has been the use of data by brands to create personalized experiences for consumers.

He is in conversation with Rajat Arora of HT Brand Studio.

#HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

More on

Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104. Exchange partner: BSEIndia.

MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Venkat Mallik, Tidal7 Brand & Digital With HD Quality




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  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Jigsaw Brand ConsultantsUp next

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Jigsaw Brand Consultants

    Do marketing campaigns in India adequately capture the needs and aspirations of women?

    Not really, says Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Founder and Managing Director of Jigsaw Brand Consultants, while highlighting how marketers continue to subject women to age-old stereotypes.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rutu Mody-Kamdar, Jigsaw Brand Consultants With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 16519 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Shaji Varghese, PNB Housing & Finance

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Shaji Varghese, PNB Housing & Finance

    Shaji Varghese, Executive Director and Business Head, PNB Housing Finance Limited, outlines how the company has benefited with the adoption of digital technologies.

    As per the ace marketer, one of the biggest advantages has been the delivery of services right at the customer's doorstep.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Shaji Varghese, PNB Housing & Finance With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 219 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Ayoshmita Biswas, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Ayoshmita Biswas, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance

    If you are a financial services brand, then your biggest quest should be to educate your customers.

    Hear more about marketing in the financial services industry from Ayoshmita Biswas, Group Head-Marketing & Corporate Communications (Financial Services), Piramal Capital & Housing Finance.

    Biswas also says that brands should always be willing to listen to their customers.

    She is in conversation with Priyanka Mehra, Director- Marketing and Communications, Havas Group India.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104. Exchange partner: BSEIndia.

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Ayoshmita Biswas, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 240 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Ajay Kaul, Mahindra Holiday & Resorts

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Ajay Kaul, Mahindra Holiday & Resorts

    Ajay Kaul, Chief Digital Officer of Mahindra Holidays & Resorts talks to HT Brand Studio's Roudra Bhattacharya about how content drives customer acquisition and how Mahindra Holidays uses data to drive retention and customer loyalty.

    This interview was shot during the DMA Asia Annual Echo Awards in Mumbai in September 2018.

    Brand Masters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

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    Hosted with DMA Asia

    MUSIC Courtesy: PAJAMA | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Ajay Kaul, Mahindra Holiday & Resorts With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 344 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Namrita Mahindro, Mahindra & Mahindra

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Namrita Mahindro, Mahindra & Mahindra

    With the growth of technology, companies are finding newer ways to empower their customers.

    Namrita Mahindro, Senior General Manager, Mahindra & Mahindra, highlights a few case studies where the adoption of tools such as Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence helped elevate the customer service experience.

    She's in conversation with Roudra Bhattacharya, Lead, HT Brand Studio.

    This interview was shot during the DMA Asia Annual Echo Awards in Mumbai in September 2018.

    Brand Masters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted with DMA Asia

    MUSIC Courtesy: PAJAMA | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters feat. Namrita Mahindro, Mahindra & Mahindra With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 219 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Punit Dharamsi, AMFI

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Punit Dharamsi, AMFI

    How does a brand simplify a product that otherwise appears complex to consumers?

    Take a cue from Punit Dharamsi, Vice President-Marketing and Investor Education, AMFI, who talks about the strategies adopted by the Association to explain mutual funds to the public.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Punit Dharamsi, AMFI With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 323 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Aviva Insurance

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Aviva Insurance

    Unlike other countries, insurance in India is viewed as just another investment tool, and not as a means of protection, says Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Chief Customer, Marketing and Digital Officer, Aviva India.

    Watch this interview to know more about the state of insurance penetration in India, especially in today's digital age.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Anjali Malhotra Nanda, Aviva Insurance With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 195 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Balaji Viswanath, American Express

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Balaji Viswanath, American Express

    As per a recent study, millennials are the chief wage earners in India, with a 47% share in the working age population. It thus becomes imperative for brands to engage with this powerful demographic group.

    Balaji Viswanath, Vice President-Digital Acquisition, American Express, hands out a few tips-- one of which is, "always get straight to the point."

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Balaji Viswanath, American Express With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 184 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Kaustubh Nande, MSC Software

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Kaustubh Nande, MSC Software

    Several companies use CAE Software to predict the behaviour of products through engineering simulation software. Kaustubh Nande, Director - Marketing at MSC Software is part of the group that pioneered this software.

    Hear his insights about the industry, the importance of catering to a customer's sentiments while marketing and his thoughts on where technology is taking us.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104. Exchange partner: BSEIndia.

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Kaustubh Nande, MSC Software With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 183 views

HT Brand Studio

  • Brand Studio Live KidZania Special Episode: Sneak Peek with Puneet Anand

    Brand Studio Live KidZania Special Episode: Sneak Peek with Puneet Anand

    Gear up for the KidZania special episode of #HTBrandStudioLive, where 8 brand leaders will reveal some fascinating aspects of marketing to children.

    Here's a glimpse.

    You can catch the episode on our Facebook page at 10 am on July 9.

    Puneet Anand (Hyundai Motor India), Rutu Mody-Kamdar (Jigsaw Brand Consultants), Anjali Malhotra Nanda (Aviva India), Karan Kumar (Fabindia), Pooja Baid (Philips India), Pankaj Rana (Panasonic), Vandana Krishnia (HT Media Ltd), and Mandar Natekar (KidZania) are the brand masters who will feature in this edition.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Watch Brand Studio Live KidZania Special Episode: Sneak Peek with Puneet Anand With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 2799 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Sunil Gupta, Avis India

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Sunil Gupta, Avis India

    The chances of a native ad being viewed by a user are 50% more than that of a display ad, says Sunil Gupta, Managing Director and CEO, Avis India. Gupta also talks about why user-generated content matters for brands.
    He is in conversation with Zinia Bhattacharya of HT Brand Studio.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Follow us on Twitter at and LinkedIn at

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Sunil Gupta, Avis India With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 904 views

  • HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rachit Hirani, MotorOctane

    HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rachit Hirani, MotorOctane

    You can't create viral content from day one, says Rachit Hirani, founder of MotorOctane.

    Hirani also highlights how an influencer should not only think from the perspective of a brand, but also that of the audience.

    He is in conversation with Zinia Bhattacharya of HT Brand Studio.

    #HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

    More on

    Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104

    MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (

    Follow us on Twitter at and LinkedIn at

    Watch HT Brand Leadership Series: Brand Masters ft. Rachit Hirani, MotorOctane With HD Quality

    By HT Brand Studio| 875 views


  • Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Everything about hair care using at home affordable hair treatments for dry, damaged, frizzy hair and color treated hair with hair pack at home is discussed in this video using the Biolage Deep Treatment hair packs/ hair masks. Hair care with DIY deep treatment hair packs by Biolage helped me get soft, smooth, silky hair. They also have hair masks to tame fly-aways, get rid of split-ends and to treat colored hair which are infused with hair foods and hair caring ingredients which I've explained and shared in detail in this video. I’ve shared with you a demo and my review of the Biolage Deep Treatment Pack for hair as well.

    These hair mask treatments help to get deep moisture treatment for natural and colored hair and frizzy or damaged hair as well. You can now take care of damaged hair at home with the following Biolage deep treatment hair masks in India at

    I used the Biolage Ultra Hydrasource Deep Treatment Pack which has Aloe and Spirulina which is a hair mask for dry hair to get moisturised, soft, smooth, manageable and hydrated hair from deep within.

    I’ve also shared with you, a hair treatment for color treated hair at home by using the Biolage ColorLast Deep Hair Treatment Pack for colored hair which has amazing hair care ingredients like Apricot Seeds and Orchid to take care of color treated hair.

    And, a hair mask for Frizzy hair which is the Biolage SmoothProof Deep Treatment Pack which has Camelia and Castor Oil in it, helps to tame fly-aways and frizzy hair. You can now get yourself a hair spa for frizzy and damaged hair at home for just Rs.350 and get a sleep hair look at home.

    I hope that you found this hair care video useful. Let me know how you liked the difference in my hair after using these DIY hair masks.

    Thank you Biolage for giving me an amazing opportunity to collaborate with you and take care of my hair at home!

    #DeepTreatmentPack #BiolageIndia @biolage

    By Neha Desai| 339505 views

  • Easy Treatment For Dark Areas With Affordable Products

    Easy Treatment For Dark Areas With Affordable Products

    #sinhala​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #beautywithsumu​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #srilankanbeautytherapist​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #sumubeauty​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #sumuskinbleaching #sumubeauty #sumuskinbrightening #sinhalaarmpitdarkness #sinhalapigmentation

    Hey Beauties, Here is the most affordable treatment for dark areas.You can try this to your armpits, elbows and knees . for more details keep watching and if you like Don't forget to hit the SUBSCRIBE button...xoxo...

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  • 126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

    126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

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  • How To : Fuller lips with Easy Techniques - No Lip Liners - No Overlining Ft. Pilgrim Lip care range

    How To : Fuller lips with Easy Techniques - No Lip Liners - No Overlining Ft. Pilgrim Lip care range

    Pilgrim, a vegan skincare brand, has announced that it is launching a lip care range, including lip serums, lip balms, lip scrubs and lip sleeping masks, in a range of fun and deliciously fragrant flavours including bubblegum, blueberry, and peppermint.
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    This video is Sponsored by Pilgrim
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    By Nidhi Katiyar| 384859 views

  • ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani

    ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani

    Hi friends..Today i will show you how to make thorana beautiful..Thorana decorations..

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    ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani

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  • My Smooth Shining Hair Secret | JSuper Kaur

    My Smooth Shining Hair Secret | JSuper Kaur

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    Much Love

    PS - My channel is dedicated to my much beloved n most missed Father - Mr. Kulwant Singh. He was, is and will always be in my heart to heal it whenever it gets hurt. He's living this life through me.

    Disclaimer : All products used in my videos, regardless of whether the is sponsored or not, are the products i like using. the information provided on this channel is only for general purposes and should NOT be considered as

    By JSuper kaur| 423395 views

Daily Mirror

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    CM पद को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में भिड़े BJP-Eknath Shinde और Ajit Pawar, टूटेगा NDA | PM modi | #dblive

    CM पद को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में भिड़े BJP-Eknath Shinde और Ajit Pawar, टूटेगा NDA | PM modi | #dblive

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    CM पद को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में भिड़े BJP-Eknath Shinde और Ajit Pawar, टूटेगा NDA | PM modi | #dblive

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