बिना दवाइयों के दर्द निवारण का राज़ जानिए।
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 2481 views
Popular Videos
Know the Science of Wet Abdominal Pack - जानिए NLS (Pet Ki Patti) पेट की पट्टी लगाने की विधि व लाभ
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? हमारा Video Workshop attend करें - For registration of the Nature Cure Health Workshops :
The worsening of digestive system is the root cause of all diseases.
This wet pack works directly on the stomach to improve the working of all the stomach surrounding organs like liver, small & large intestines, pancreas, spleen, gall bladder, kidneys, etc. and all the diseases related to these organs start getting cured without taking any medicines.
1) Constipation, Acidity, Stomach puffiness
2) Hormones related diseases like Thyroid, PCOD etc.
3) BP, Diabetes
4) Uric Acid, Gastritis, Acidity etc.
5) Miscarriage, Caesarean operation, painful delivery etc.
This wet pack is just an ancillary tool and if you want to remain lifelong healthy without medicines, then you are advised to follow the complete science of Natural lifestyle which requires changes in your food habits.
पाचन तंत्र का बिगड़ना सभी बीमारियों का मूल कारण है। यह पैक पेट पर सीधे काम करता है जिससे लिवर, छोटी और बड़ी आंतों, अग्न्याशय, प्लीहा, पित्ताशय, गुर्दे, आदि जैसे पेट के आसपास के सभी अंगों के काम मेBy Natural Life Style| 130344 views
Hip Bath | Spinal cord bath
Hip Bath | Spinal cord bath Note:-
Learn eating be healthy with our given diet chart and diet plan
it's an art of self healing. its easy to cure disease and leave medicine with our diet chart.
Watch Hip Bath | Spinal cord bath With HD QualityBy Natural Life Style| 73527 views
126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sessions/
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place mainly in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6.
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-Style-Rogon-bachaav/dp/B06X1D8C2H
_____________________________________________________By Natural Life Style| 463161 views
Healthy Tasty Vegetable Recipe for weight loss - NLS सब्जी बनाने की विधि - NLS Sabzi Recipe
Link for registration of the Nature Cure Health Workshop :
Take any two-three kinds of vegetables such as cauliflower, carrot, peas. The vegetables with peels should be soaked for 2 hours in the water. After that wash and rinse them well in the running tap water. Take care that after cutting, do not wash the vegetables again. After washing again, the minerals and Vitamins pass out through water. Now it is best to boil the vegetables in the clay handi. Boil them by adding a little water. If it is not possible, then the second option is to cook them in a steel steamer. Take care that any pots that are kept on the fire should not be of aluminum.
Let's learn to make a vegetable in the steamer. As you can see that it is in two parts. Pour about 100 grams of water in the bottom part. The second upper part is with holes and I will put in it all these vegetables carrot, cauliflower and peas already cut by me. After putting all the vegetables in it, we will cover it with a glass lid and keep it on flame for 10 to 15 minutes
In a short time you will see that the vegetables will start to smell like the vegetables. You will know that the vegetables have become half cooked. Now till the time it is cooked on the flame we will prepare gravy on another flame.
Prepare 7 things to make the gravy. Indigenous tomatoes, raw coconut flesh, green coriander leaves, curry leaves, roasted cumin, rock salt and green chilli. The indigenous tomatoes are like this. You can take 2 to 3 for one person. You see that there is a crown on the tomatoes. This is round in shape and tastes sour. The other is Mumbai tomatoes which is oval in shape. We do not have to take it if indigenous tomatoes are available. The second ingredient is raw coconut flesh. Take a quantity of 50 grams and either grate it or cut it in small pieces. The third ingredient is sendha salt which is used by us during fasting. If it is not avBy Natural Life Style| 118811 views
Do tablets really cure your high Blood Pressure ? Watch Free Training Programme - Every Sunday 8AM
Link for joining the Sunday Free Live Training Programme :
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Medicine Free Life
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
JOIN this channel as a MEMBER to get access to exclusive benefits :
Attend our video training workshops :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Contact: 9870291634/5/6 for any queries.
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-Style-Rogon-bachaav/dp/B06X1D8C2H
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarBy Natural Life Style| 128215 views
SS-3 Voice of Sheshadri Swaminathan maharaj Guru Of Mohan Gupta Part 2 Health Education by eating
Voice of Sheshadri Swaminathan maharaj Guru Of Mohan Gupta Part 2 Health Education by eating Note:-
Learn eating be healthy with our given diet chart and diet plan
it's an art of self healing. its easy to cure disease and leave medicine with our diet chart.By Natural Life Style| 255129 views
अस्थमा के अचूक घरेलू उपचार | Asthma Home Remedies अस्थमा गायब | दमा का अचूक इलाज
अस्थमा के अचूक घरेलू उपचार | Asthma Home Remedies अस्थमा गायब | दमा का अचूक इलाज
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Learn eating be healthy with our given diet chart and diet plan
it's an art of self healing. its easy to cure disease and leave medicine with our diet chart.By Natural Life Style| 77005 views
7 दिन में वजन कम, चर्बी कम, पेट कम, बीमारी कम Recipe of Weight Loss Petha Juice Alkaline Ash Gourd
Link for registration of the Nature Cure Health Workshop :
7 दिन में वजन कम, चर्बी कम, पेट कम, बीमारी कम Recipe of Weight_Loss Petha Juice Alkaline Ash Gourd (Reduce 15 KG in 7 Days) NaturalLifeStyle
रोजाना 1 glass juice लेने से पेट की चर्बी होते देखिये कम.
7 दिन में 7 किलो मोटापा और पेट की चर्बी तेजी से कम करने का उपाय | कमर और पेट कम करने के उपाय
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Mail: nls@naturallifestyle.in
Mobile No : 9870291634/5/6
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Health Care No.: 011-40846380
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Before adopting this Natural Lifestyle you can learn it thoroughly in the following ways :
1) Attend our upcoming video training workshops to know in detail about the science of nature cure which aims to cure all diseases. Subscribe to our channel to get notifications about the same and register for our next session via the link given below:
Contact: 9870291634/5/6 for any queries.
2) Watch more videos in this channel especially the science of naturopathy through the following link :
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
3) Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
4) Attend our 4 days Residential camp which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. (Phone no. 011-27510771, 98702916By Natural Life Style| 191092 views
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बिना दवाइयों के दर्द निवारण का राज़ जानिए।
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
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बिना दवाई दर्द से निवारण के लिए क्या करें ?
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 275 views
NLS पट्टी के असर के लिए चाहिए Patience.
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 208 views
बिना दवाइयों के Pain का Permanent Solution.
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
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गरम - ठन्डे की सिकाई का सही तरीका।
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 450 views
NLS में आएँ माइग्रेन से मुक्ति पाएँ ।
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 222 views
NLS Follow करो और माइग्रेन को बाई-बाई बोलो।
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 168 views
माइग्रेन के दर्द से पूरी तरह छुटकारा
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sess...
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place primarily in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-St...
For any additional information please feel free to reach us below:<By Natural Life Style| 132 views
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126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently
Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :
1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours
Link for Registration : http://naturallifestyle.in/video-sessions/
????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
Link For Registration: https://forms.gle/2ETY7r3Mp2PNCQc79
- Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place mainly in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6.
???? ठंडी पेट की पट्टी खरीदें - Purchase Abdominal Wet pack through this link :
???? पेट की पट्टी का उपयोग कैसे करें - How to use Wet pack and its Science
???? ऐनिमा किट खरीदें – Purchase Enema Kit through this link :
????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science
???? पुस्तक रोगों से बचाव खरीदें - Purchase book - Rogon Se Bachaav by Ach. Mohan Gupta
???? Purchase our book – Medicine Free life (English Version of Hindi book “Rogon Se bachaav”) by Ach. Mohan Gupta
Read our books which are also available online under the following link.
Link: https://www.amazon.in/Natural-Life-Style-Rogon-bachaav/dp/B06X1D8C2H
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CM पद को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में भिड़े BJP-Eknath Shinde और Ajit Pawar, टूटेगा NDA | PM modi | #dblive
CM पद को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में भिड़े BJP-Eknath Shinde और Ajit Pawar, टूटेगा NDA | PM modi | #dblive
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CM पद को लेकर महाराष्ट्र में भिड़े BJP-Eknath Shinde और Ajit Pawar, टूटेगा NDA | PM modi | #dbliveBy DB Live| 2019 views
What should be the name of Sanjay Dutt's Broadband company? Oot Pataang Ques ft. Zakir Khan & Amruta
Bollywood Bubble Host Avinash Pal, Trapped Zakir Khan, Amruta Khanvilkar And Kumar Varun in his funny 'Oot Pataang' Questions. Kumar Varun started on an amazing tone, but Zakir Khan ends with his great sense of answers. watch full video and know how Amruta Khanvilkar performs.
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What should be the name of Sanjay Dutt's Broadband company? Oot Pataang Ques ft. Zakir Khan & AmrutaBy Bollywood Bubble| 9952 views
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नोएडा, गुरुग्राम और फरीदाबाद में भारी बारिश से सड़कें लबालब, अंडरपास में पानी भरने से आवाजाही बाधित
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Bihar की Capital Patna से सटे बाढ़ इलाके में आज एक दिल दहला देने वाली घटना हुई! Ganga Dussehra | RJD
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पटना के बाढ़ में गंगा नदी में पलटी नाव
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Bihar की Capital Patna से सटे बाढ़ इलाके में आज एक दिल दहला देने वाली घटना हुई! Ganga Dussehra | RJDBy PunjabKesari TV| 6055 views
कैसे बदलें अपना भाग्य? || How to change your destiny? || Sakshi Shree
संबुद्ध सदगुरु साक्षी श्री आपके जीवन की प्रमुख समस्याओं को बिना बताए स्वयं ही लिख देते हैं और फिर उसका अत्यंत प्रभावशाली समाधान भी उपलब्ध करा देते हैं। इसे स्वयं साक्षात अनुभव करने के लिए आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं।
इस जीवन रूपांतरकारी भेंट का लाभ उठाने के लिए आप जो महत्वपूर्ण सहयोग राशि देते हैं, वह मलिन बस्तियों के अभावग्रस्त बच्चों की बुनियादी शिक्षा, आश्रय व पोषण के कार्य में उपयोग के लिए सीधे झुग्गी झोपड़ी शिक्षा सेवा समिति के खाते में जाती है। इस प्रकार आपकी सहयोग राशि सच्चे अर्थों में सेवा बन जाती है।
साक्षी श्री से व्यक्तिगत मुलाकात एवं उनके सान्निध्य में होने वाले विभिन्न ध्यान शिविरों की जानकारी के लिए कृपया हमसे निम्नलिखित माध्यमों से संपर्क करें
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कैसे बदलें अपना भाग्य? || How to change your destiny? || Sakshi ShreeBy Sadguru Sakshi Ram Kripal Ji| 8046 views