Search videos: #bengkulu

  • Jalur Padang-Bengkulu Terputus Akibat Longsor

    Jalur Padang-Bengkulu Terputus Akibat Longsor

    Hujan lebat yang mengguyur Padang, Sumatera Barat, mengakibatkan ruas jalan penghubung Padang dengan Bengkulu longsor di sejumlah titik. Akibatnya, akses transportasi dari dua arah lumpuh serta ratusan kendaraan terjebak longsor.

    Watch Jalur Padang-Bengkulu Terputus Akibat Longsor With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 258 views

  • KPK Perpanjang Penahanan 5 Tersangka Kasus Suap RSUD M Yunus

    KPK Perpanjang Penahanan 5 Tersangka Kasus Suap RSUD M Yunus

    KPK kembali memeriksa kelima tersangka kasus dugaan penyalahgunaan honor RSUD Muhammad Yunus Bengkulu. KPK pun memperpanjang masa tahanan kelima tersangka demi kepentingan penyidikan.

    Watch KPK Perpanjang Penahanan 5 Tersangka Kasus Suap RSUD M Yunus With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 250 views

  • KPK Jadwalkan Pemeriksaan Ketua PN Kepahiang

    KPK Jadwalkan Pemeriksaan Ketua PN Kepahiang

    KPK kembali memeriksa tiga tersangka secara bersama-sama kasus penyalahgunaan dana RSUD M Yunus Bengkulu yang melibatkan para penegak hukum. KPK juga menjadwalkan pemeriksaan Ketua PN Kepahiang Janner Purba.

    Watch KPK Jadwalkan Pemeriksaan Ketua PN Kepahiang With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 256 views

  • Darurat Kekejaman Seksual

    Darurat Kekejaman Seksual

    Ditetapkannya Perppu Kebiri didasari oleh kegentingan karena meningkatnya kasus pemerkosaan belakangan ini. Dengan perppu ini tentu diharapkan kasus kekejaman seksual seperti yang terjadi di Bengkulu, Tangerang, dan Bogor, tidak terulang.

    Watch Darurat Kekejaman Seksual With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 154 views

  • KPK Tetapkan 5 Tersangka Suap dalam OTT di Bengkulu

    KPK Tetapkan 5 Tersangka Suap dalam OTT di Bengkulu

    KPK tetapkan lima tersangka dari enam orang yang ditangkap dalam Operasi Tangkap Tangan (OTT) di Bengkulu. Kelima tersangka terkait dugaan suap perkara penyalahgunaan honor Dewan Pembina Rumah Sakit M. Yunus Bengkulu.

    Watch KPK Tetapkan 5 Tersangka Suap dalam OTT di Bengkulu With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 213 views

  • Ketua PN Kepahiang Diduga Terima Suap Rp 650 Juta

    Ketua PN Kepahiang Diduga Terima Suap Rp 650 Juta

    Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Kepahiang Bengkulu Janner Purba diketahui menerima uang sebesar Rp 150 juta saat operasi tangkap tangan berlangsung. Namun sebelumnya Janner telah menerima uang sebesar Rp 500 juta untuk mempengaruhi putusan penyalagunaan honor pengawas dan dewan pembina RSUD M. Yunus.

    Watch Ketua PN Kepahiang Diduga Terima Suap Rp 650 Juta With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 209 views

  • KPK Tetapkan 5 Tersangka Terkait OTT di Bengkulu

    KPK Tetapkan 5 Tersangka Terkait OTT di Bengkulu

    KPK menetapkan lima tersangka dari enam orang yang ditangkap dalam operasi tangkap tangan di Bengkulu. Kelima tersangka terkait dugaan suap perkara penyalahgunaan honor dewan pembina Rumah Sakit M. Yunus Bengkulu.

    Watch KPK Tetapkan 5 Tersangka Terkait OTT di Bengkulu With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 317 views

  • DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 5

    DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 5

    Tragedi perkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun, murid SMP di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, bak membuka kotak pandora atas maraknya kejahatan seksual yang menimpa kaum perempuan termasuk anak-anak. Ikuti dialognya terkait masalah ini bersama Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

    Watch DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 5 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 230 views

  • DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 4

    DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 4

    Tragedi perkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun, murid SMP di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, bak membuka kotak pandora atas maraknya kejahatan seksual yang menimpa kaum perempuan termasuk anak-anak. Ikuti dialognya terkait masalah ini bersama Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

    Watch DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 205 views

  • DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 3

    DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 3

    Tragedi perkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun, murid SMP di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, bak membuka kotak pandora atas maraknya kejahatan seksual yang menimpa kaum perempuan termasuk anak-anak. Ikuti dialognya terkait masalah ini bersama Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

    Watch DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 222 views

  • DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 2

    DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 2

    Tragedi perkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun, murid SMP di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, bak membuka kotak pandora atas maraknya kejahatan seksual yang menimpa kaum perempuan termasuk anak-anak. Ikuti dialognya terkait masalah ini bersama Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

    Watch DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 153 views

  • DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 1

    DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 1

    Tragedi perkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun, murid SMP di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, bak membuka kotak pandora atas maraknya kejahatan seksual yang menimpa kaum perempuan termasuk anak-anak. Ikuti dialognya terkait masalah ini bersama Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

    Watch DBS To The Point: Darurat Kejahatan Seksual # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 227 views

  • Tanggapan Mensos Terkait Vonis Terhadap Pemerkosa Yuyun

    Tanggapan Mensos Terkait Vonis Terhadap Pemerkosa Yuyun

    Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa membantah vonis terhadap pelaku perkosaan anak di Bengkulu tidak sesuai hukum. Menurutnya hukum pidana maksimal adalah 20 tahun dan bagi pelaku di bawah umur berlaku ketentuan Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak.

    Watch Tanggapan Mensos Terkait Vonis Terhadap Pemerkosa Yuyun With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 251 views

  • Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #2

    Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #2

    Setelah peristiwa yang menimpa Yuyun (14) yang tewas dan diperkosa 14 pemuda di Bengkulu, kini muncul kasus Yuyun lain berusia 19 tahun di Manado. Ia menjadi korban perkosaan 19 pria. Kemudian MS, siswi sekolah dasar di Lampung tewas diperkosa dan dicekik pelaku.

    Watch Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 346 views

  • Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #1

    Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #1

    Setelah peristiwa yang menimpa Yuyun (14) yang tewas dan diperkosa 14 pemuda di Bengkulu, kini muncul kasus Yuyun lain berusia 19 tahun di Manado. Ia menjadi korban perkosaan 19 pria. Kemudian MS, siswi sekolah dasar di Lampung tewas diperkosa dan dicekik pelaku.

    Watch Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 517 views

  • Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #3

    Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #3

    Setelah peristiwa yang menimpa Yuyun (14) yang tewas dan diperkosa 14 pemuda di Bengkulu, kini muncul kasus Yuyun lain berusia 19 tahun di Manado. Ia menjadi korban perkosaan 19 pria. Kemudian MS, siswi sekolah dasar di Lampung tewas diperkosa dan dicekik pelaku.

    Watch Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 184 views

  • Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #4

    Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #4

    Setelah peristiwa yang menimpa Yuyun (14) yang tewas dan diperkosa 14 pemuda di Bengkulu, kini muncul kasus Yuyun lain berusia 19 tahun di Manado. Ia menjadi korban perkosaan 19 pria. Kemudian MS, siswi sekolah dasar di Lampung tewas diperkosa dan dicekik pelaku.

    Watch Lunc Talk: Darurat Kekerasan Seksual #4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 332 views

  • The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 4

    The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 4

    Tragedi pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, membuat marah publik di media sosial. Ikuti dialognya bersama Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, Ketua Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) dan Desti Murdijana, aktivis perempuan dan mantan Wakil Ketua Komnas Perempuan. Hadir pula Don Bosco Selamun selaku Pemimpin Redaksi Beritasatu News Channel serta Maria Hartiningsih, wartawan senior Kompas.

    Watch The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 140 views

  • The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 3

    The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 3

    Tragedi pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, membuat marah publik di media sosial. Ikuti dialognya bersama Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, Ketua Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) dan Desti Murdijana, aktivis perempuan dan mantan Wakil Ketua Komnas Perempuan. Hadir pula Don Bosco Selamun selaku Pemimpin Redaksi Beritasatu News Channel serta Maria Hartiningsih, wartawan senior Kompas.

    Watch The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 193 views

  • The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 2

    The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 2

    Tragedi pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, membuat marah publik di media sosial. Ikuti dialognya bersama Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, Ketua Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) dan Desti Murdijana, aktivis perempuan dan mantan Wakil Ketua Komnas Perempuan. Hadir pula Don Bosco Selamun selaku Pemimpin Redaksi Beritasatu News Channel serta Maria Hartiningsih, wartawan senior Kompas.

    Watch The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 151 views

  • The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 1

    The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 1

    Tragedi pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan terhadap Yuyun di Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, membuat marah publik di media sosial. Ikuti dialognya bersama Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, Ketua Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) dan Desti Murdijana, aktivis perempuan dan mantan Wakil Ketua Komnas Perempuan. Hadir pula Don Bosco Selamun selaku Pemimpin Redaksi Beritasatu News Channel serta Maria Hartiningsih, wartawan senior Kompas.

    Watch The Headlines: Tragedi Yuyun # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 224 views

  • Kepolisian: 4 dari 14 Pemerkosa Yuyun Pernah Terlibat Kriminal

    Kepolisian: 4 dari 14 Pemerkosa Yuyun Pernah Terlibat Kriminal

    Polisi mengungkap 4 dari 14 tersangka pemerkosa yang berujung pembunuhan Yuyun, siswi SMP di Bengkulu pernah terlibat kasus kriminal.

    Watch Kepolisian: 4 dari 14 Pemerkosa Yuyun Pernah Terlibat Kriminal With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 231 views

  • Menyalakan Lilin Bentuk Keprihatinan Terhadap Kasus Yuyun

    Menyalakan Lilin Bentuk Keprihatinan Terhadap Kasus Yuyun

    Ratusan organisasi masyarakat perempuan menggelar aksi keprihatinan terhadap Yuyun, pelajar yang tewas akibat pemerkosaan yang dilakukan 14 pemuda di Bengkulu. Aksi keprihatinan tersebut diselenggarakan di depan Istana Merdeka.

    Watch Menyalakan Lilin Bentuk Keprihatinan Terhadap Kasus Yuyun With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 205 views

  • KPAI Minta 14 Pemerkosa Yuyun Dihukum Mati

    KPAI Minta 14 Pemerkosa Yuyun Dihukum Mati

    Puncak kemarahan publik akan kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan adalah kasus pemerkosaan sekaligus pembunuhan terhadap anak 14 tahun bernama Yuyun di Bengkulu. Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) mendesak penerapan hukuman kebiri hingga hukuman mati kepada para pelaku.

    Watch KPAI Minta 14 Pemerkosa Yuyun Dihukum Mati With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 187 views

  • Bengkulu Diguncang Gempa 5,8 SR

    Bengkulu Diguncang Gempa 5,8 SR

    Warga Bengkulu merasakan getaran gempa selama beberapa detik, Ahad (10/4/2016) pagi. Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Giofisika menyebutkan gempa berkuatan 5,8 skala Richter.

    Watch Bengkulu Diguncang Gempa 5,8 SR With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 109 views

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  • सचिन पायलट का सारा से तलाक

    सचिन पायलट का सारा से तलाक

    सचिन पायलट का सारा से तलाक

    सचिन पायलट का सारा से तलाक

    By NewsFirst.TV| 83 views

  • Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

    Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

    Bhumi Pednekar recently appeared in the comedy Thank You For Coming and the film invited some extreme reactions from the viewers. While some praised the film for its bold concept, some shamed it for that. In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Akash Bhatnagar, Bhumi spoke about the latter group of people and slammed them for the shaming. She expressed her disappointment towards people who didn’t criticise the film but its intent. The actress discussed the prevalent gender bias and how people never took offence when she was a part of such stories told from a male perspective. She pointed out how Pankaj Tripathi and Akshay Kumar starrer OMG 2 was supported by the same people who shamed her film, when somewhere they dealt with the same subject. Bhumi revealed if not getting any support from women within the industry disappointed her. She highlighted the hypocrisy of the situation that people accept objectification of women but have a problem with them talking about their sexuality. You can watch the entire conversation here.

    #BhumiPednekar #BollywoodBubble

    Check out the video to know more.

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    Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

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  • 126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

    126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

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  • Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Everything about hair care using at home affordable hair treatments for dry, damaged, frizzy hair and color treated hair with hair pack at home is discussed in this video using the Biolage Deep Treatment hair packs/ hair masks. Hair care with DIY deep treatment hair packs by Biolage helped me get soft, smooth, silky hair. They also have hair masks to tame fly-aways, get rid of split-ends and to treat colored hair which are infused with hair foods and hair caring ingredients which I've explained and shared in detail in this video. I’ve shared with you a demo and my review of the Biolage Deep Treatment Pack for hair as well.

    These hair mask treatments help to get deep moisture treatment for natural and colored hair and frizzy or damaged hair as well. You can now take care of damaged hair at home with the following Biolage deep treatment hair masks in India at

    I used the Biolage Ultra Hydrasource Deep Treatment Pack which has Aloe and Spirulina which is a hair mask for dry hair to get moisturised, soft, smooth, manageable and hydrated hair from deep within.

    I’ve also shared with you, a hair treatment for color treated hair at home by using the Biolage ColorLast Deep Hair Treatment Pack for colored hair which has amazing hair care ingredients like Apricot Seeds and Orchid to take care of color treated hair.

    And, a hair mask for Frizzy hair which is the Biolage SmoothProof Deep Treatment Pack which has Camelia and Castor Oil in it, helps to tame fly-aways and frizzy hair. You can now get yourself a hair spa for frizzy and damaged hair at home for just Rs.350 and get a sleep hair look at home.

    I hope that you found this hair care video useful. Let me know how you liked the difference in my hair after using these DIY hair masks.

    Thank you Biolage for giving me an amazing opportunity to collaborate with you and take care of my hair at home!

    #DeepTreatmentPack #BiolageIndia @biolage

    By Neha Desai| 337008 views

  • Soniya Bansal slams Isha Malviya’s relationship with Abhishek-Samarth & Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour

    Soniya Bansal slams Isha Malviya’s relationship with Abhishek-Samarth & Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour

    Soniya Bansal, the first contestant to get eliminated from Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 17, recently sat down for a candid conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Rashita Sahni. The actress slammed Isha Malviya for sharing her bed with ex-boyfriend Abhishek Kumar despite being in a relationship with Samarth Jurel. She called out Mannara Chopra for using sisters Priyanka Chopra & Parineeti Chopra to get fame outside the BB house. Soniya also spoke about Munawar Faruqui’s inappropriate touch, Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour towards wife Ankita Lokhande and Salman Khan’s biased behaviour on Weekend Ka Vaar. Watch the full interview here!

    #soniyabansal #biggboss17

    Check out the video to know more.

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    Soniya Bansal slams Isha Malviya’s relationship with Abhishek-Samarth & Vicky Jain’s toxic behaviour

    By Bollywood Bubble| 75 views

  • Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    The talented and gorgeous Saiyami Kher, who is making waves with her latest film Ghoomer. Plays the role of Anina Dixit, a cricketer who loses her right hand in an accident and makes a comeback as a one-handed bowler. The film, directed by R Balki and co-starring Abhishek Bachchan, has received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.

    Saiyami talks about her experience of working on Ghoomer, her preparation for the role, her passion for cricket, her friendship with Sachin Tendulkar and Rohit Sharma, and much more. She will also reveal some interesting facts about her personal and professional life, such as how she started modelling, why she turned down Zoya Akhtar's offer for Luck By Chance, how she impressed Roger Federer with her tennis skills, and what are her future projects.

    Don't miss this candid and fun conversation with Saiyami Kher, who is not only a brilliant actor but also a sports enthusiast. Watch the video till the end and don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more such videos.

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    Press Conference by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat at BJP HQ.

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    Press Conference by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat at BJP HQ.

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    Nitish Kumar की जगह Jitan Ram Manjhi को CM बनाएंगे BJP ! Mukesh Sahani | Bihar News | #dblive

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