વિડિયો સર્ચ કરો: #abilliononevoices

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh an Auto-Rickshaw Driver

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh an Auto-Rickshaw Driver

    Sukhdev Singh always wanted to drive an auto-rickshaw, even when he was a little boy. Despite his parents objections, he went off to Mumbai to join his uncle who drove an auto there. With him he drove an auto on a shared, shift basis for 13 years. He also drove in Delhi for sometime, then Jalandhar and now he drives an auto in his hometown Amritsar.

    Sukhdev tells us how lots of tourists come to Amritsar city. People come here to see the India-Pakistan border and other holy places. He attends to all of them with respect and courtesy. Sukhdev believes 'one works hard only when one can see a pay-off in the future'. But if you can't see a future in something you will quickly give up on the hard work.

    He remembers the good old days when the Congress government was in power. Saying "No one was taxed unfairly". Life was smooth. But now to get any job done one has to stand in queues all day long and the job still doesn't get done. If one is trying to do the right thing even that ends up being denounced here.

    He says the Congress has done the best for everyone from the beginning, which is why he supports them. He knows Congress will continue to do the good work. Rahul Gandhi he says, is a very good man who keeps his word and acts upon what he says.Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh an Auto-Rickshaw Driver With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 201 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: Empowering Women through Silayi (Stitching) Centre

    A Billion & One Voices: Empowering Women through Silayi (Stitching) Centre

    This is not a story one but many women living in villages. "If you have less money, then you just have to learn to live like that" is what was ingrained in them. Their aspirations and dreams had no meaning in the world they lived in. In fact they never thought one day they would be able to earn money and support their families.

    The Congress government's initiative to open a Sewing Centre in their village turned their life around. All the women in the village gathered together and discussed how this could help them. By learning how to stitch they could end up saving money as they themselves would be able to make clothes for the family. This came as great opportunity to learn something new. They now work at the sewing centre and with money they make they are able to support their families. In their words "The government has given us a chance to earn money while sitting at home".

    This is one of the many Women's Empowerment Initiative sponsored by the Centre of Equity and Inclusion, supported by the Congress led government of Haryana.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: Empowering Women through Silayi (Stitching) Centre With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 187 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Rajesh

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Rajesh

    Rajesh after completing his IT education moved to Bangalore to work. He worked there for 5 years but then had to return to his native village in Kerala due to his father's illness. On returning back the biggest question was what to do. He then decided to start a dairy farm.

    He started out with 20 cows. But things were not as easy as he had hoped. Dairy feed was very expensive. Each feed bag would cost Rs. 890 and there was a requirement of 8 bags everyday. He says the Congress government was a big support to him. The government got feed at subsidized rates, that subsidy helped him save Rs. 320 daily. Today, he is proud owner of 50 cows, and has a daily output of 400 litres of milk. In fact, he's very happy that everyone from around buys the milk from him.

    With the dairy business doing well, he was also able to start an organic farm. There is a pipe that carries cow dung from the dairy into the cherry farm. He uses only organic fertilizers, nothing else. He finds complete satisfaction in his work and his father is also happy. Life is good for Rajesh.

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    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 216 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Biswamati Payeng

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Biswamati Payeng

    Biswamati Payeng from Phulani, Assam always wanted to own a pig farm. She's completed her B.A, her husband having finished his M.A now works in school. Her child attends the local Anganwadi school but she plans to put him in a big school in Guwahati next year.

    All thanks to the initiative of Phulani Panchavat and Krishi Vigyan Kendra that she was able to own a pig farm. Currently there are 12 pigs and 9 piglets on her farm. She's even managed a pen for the pigs so they wouldn't run away or trespass on neighbours. For Biswamati life is good but she hopes it would get even better.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Biswamati Payeng With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 256 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Idea of Progressing India

    A Billion & One Voices: The Idea of Progressing India

    Ashu Vinayak from Punjab joined the Congress because he feels it's a secular party. In his words "Congress never says I am hindu, muslim, sikh... it says I am Congress". Secondly he feels Congress party does a lot for the youth.

    He believes a true leader always carries his people with him. And if we want 'Hindustan to remain Hindustan' then Congress needs to stay in government as they take people forward and not backwards.

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    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 248 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Shashi Tharoor

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Shashi Tharoor

    Union HRD Minister Shashi Tharoor, MP from Kerela answers the question that why should one vote for Congress again in the upcoming elections. He says that it is the performance of Congress government which has transformed the face of India. From Right to Information Act to Right to Education Act to other schemes which have transformed life's of people in Kerela which helped him convert the Indian Shining kind of of elitist class to inclusive growth for the massive population.

    Shashi Tharoor thinks it is a healthy practice of our democracy to replenish the faith of the people through direct contact. He says that there are projects that have been pending for decades but when he gets them done it will benefit people for various decades and that is what keeps him motivated to be in public service.

    Talking about his vision of India, he says that India should be able to tackle the fundamental problems such as poverty, illiteracy, sanitation, etc. so that the citizens then aspire to become what they are capable of. India is a great country with people having great minds but we have to enable them to prosper in the country solving the fundamental issues first.

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 303 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Priyank Kharge

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Priyank Kharge

    Priyank Kharge, Congress MLA from Chittapur (Karnataka) strongly believes "If for every constituency one has a vision India will automatically develop." He is a clearly a man who's with the people. He is available for them 24/7 on the phone as he understands that people who have voted for him would only want to speak to him. On an average he attends about 400 calls a day. The public of his constituency likes to discuss the problems they face.

    After being elected from his constituency his main task was to give people what belongs to them. 'Every rupee that comes from the government should reach the people directly' he says. For that he had to synchronize his own administration so that people would start reaping the benefits quickly. Whether its farmers problems or youths, he understands them all and has a plan in place to solve them. Like a true leader, he has long-term vision for his constituency and his people.

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    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 294 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh

    Sukhdev Singh is a national level kabaddi player living in Punjab. A helpful man, who doesn't see day or night but is forever ready to help. He has changed the lives of many young boys who aimlessly hung out in his village. He teaches them kabaddi and is very happy that the number of students are increasing.

    Sukhdev Singh has lived through the time when 'Punjab was bleeding'. 'Black days' is what he calls those days. And prays to god, may he never to show the people of Punjab those days again.

    His earliest memories of elections is the time when only the upper class and upper caste were allowed to vote. But Congress party changed the game, it was the Congress party that gave a 'Voice and Vote' to people belonging to lower caste. Congress party uplifted people at all levels, it wasn't just the lower caste but even the upper caste benefited in their time. They got prosperity for everyone.

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    Congress needs the support of every Indian to take the country forward. Support us here: http://inc.in/join-us

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    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 246 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Aspiring Youth

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Aspiring Youth

    Shruti Kediya is a journalist from Karnataka who calls herself apolitical. The thing she likes most about Rahul Gandhi is that, his heart is in the right place. She feels he has a vision for India and few things are very prominent in his vision like women empowerment, youth empowerment or even RTI.

    Rajat an engineer by profession always thought politicians never do anything good. But then something made him go on the field and he discovered that its not so easy as there are lots other factors involved. He spoke to people from different economic and social strata, figured out their problems and what has been done about it. He says "In 2-3 years youth is going to be the major population in this country." And in that country if youth doesn't get involved in politics then there is no point.

    Uditi an architect has seen a tremendous change in her city. She says when people want to discuss politics in their living rooms that means, people are getting more aware and want to create change in the country.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Aspiring Youth With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 132 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Budi & Juglal

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Budi & Juglal

    Budi and Juglal never had any means to support themselves ever. No land no oxen, not even water. They are marginal farmers who work as labour on small farms while their children used to play all day here and there. Because of the RTE launched by the UPA led Congress Government they managed to put their children in school. Now they are happy that the children are learning something. They feel education will open the door of opportunities for them.

    The Congress led UPA government passed the Right To Education Act (RTE) in 2009 that makes education a Constitutional Right for every citizen. It has spent 8.7 times more than the previous government on Sarva Shiskha Abhiyaan.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Budi & Juglal With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 438 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Dr. Shetty

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Dr. Shetty

    Dr. Shetty having lived abroad for 13 years is happy to be home, to the country that is now filled with opportunities. Sharing his experience and give back something to the society was one of the reasons why he chose to return.

    A Cardiac Surgeon in a big hospital in Mysore, Dr. Shetty talks about the various health schemes that the government provides for the poor. The most popular one being where the farmer pays only Rs. 10 a month. The hospital does cardiac surgery for as low as Rs. 70,000 and the rest is paid by the government.

    They do health check up for the poor and identify their problems early and if the patient doesn't have money for the surgery it is taken care by the government. He says "Millions of people have benefited out of it."

    India is very different from what it used to be 20 years back. Today he doesn't think how his poor patient will pay because he knows he will be taken care of. He says we have everything the west has, technology, expertise and most importantly the passion to treat and heal patients.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Dr. Shetty With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 173 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Lourd Vijay

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Lourd Vijay

    Lourd Vijay is a dancer from Bengaluru, Karnataka. He views India as a country that is thriving on its diversity. In his words, "You drive every half an hour you see a different language, different dialect, different food and probably a different religion as well." As a dancer he takes inspiration from the many folk and tribal dances that we have in this country.

    He also runs a dance foundation which is a Registered Charitable Trust, that works towards child and youth empowerment using dance. What this foundation does is engage young people at an age when they are in need of direction.

    Lourd Vijay truly understands the importance of voting. That's why during elections he actually calls or text his students, reminding them to vote. He says " These are small steps we have taken to get things going in a positive direction." His political opinion is, that the congress is the only party that has a mixed age group which is why it's easier to connect with it.

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 198 અભિપ્રાયો

  • A Billion & One Voices: Relay Race

    A Billion & One Voices: Relay Race

    Story of thousands of women who felt nothing but darkness, a feeling so great that it threatened to engulf them. They joined the Women's Self Help Group initiated by the Congress led UPA Government. That brought a big change in their lives. It gave them equality, knowledge, progress and self-confidence. It gave them an opportunity to prove themselves and break the shackles of poverty.

    Rajiv Gandhi Mahila Vikas Pariyojna enabled its 92,883 Women Self Help Groups to avail loans worth INR 2.61 Billion from various banks.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: Relay Race With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian National Congress| 245 અભિપ્રાયો

વિશેષતા વિડિયો

  • Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha

    Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha

    Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha

    Watch Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Dharmendra Pradhan| 818582 અભિપ્રાયો

  • धार्मिक व्यक्ति क्या करें क्या नहीं ? by Sakshi Shree

    धार्मिक व्यक्ति क्या करें क्या नहीं ? by Sakshi Shree

    संबुद्ध सदगुरु साक्षी श्री आपके जीवन की प्रमुख समस्याओं को बिना बताए स्वयं ही लिख देते हैं और फिर उसका अत्यंत प्रभावशाली समाधान भी उपलब्ध करा देते हैं। इसे स्वयं साक्षात अनुभव करने के लिए आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं।
    इस जीवन रूपांतरकारी भेंट का लाभ उठाने के लिए आप जो महत्वपूर्ण सहयोग राशि देते हैं, वह मलिन बस्तियों के अभावग्रस्त बच्चों की बुनियादी शिक्षा, आश्रय व पोषण के कार्य में उपयोग के लिए सीधे झुग्गी झोपड़ी शिक्षा सेवा समिति के खाते में जाती है। इस प्रकार आपकी सहयोग राशि सच्चे अर्थों में सेवा बन जाती है।

    साक्षी श्री से व्यक्तिगत मुलाकात एवं उनके सान्निध्य में होने वाले विभिन्न ध्यान शिविरों की जानकारी के लिए कृपया हमसे निम्नलिखित माध्यमों से संपर्क करें
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    संबुद्ध सदगुरु और दैवी चेतना के वाहक सदगुरु साक्षी श्री की आध्यात्मिकता इतनी सहज, सरल है कि संसार का प्रत्येक व्यक्ति इसका अनुभव कर सकता है, इससे लाभान्वित हो सकता है। साक्षी श्री वर्षों से मानवता को नकली धार्मिकता और कर्मकांडों से मुक्त कर उसे आत्मज्ञान के पथ पर ले जाने के लिए सतत प्रयास कर रहे हैं। इस नकली धार्मिकता ने सदियों से मनुष्यता की आंखों पर पर्दा डाल रखा है और उन्हें बांट रखा है। उनका मानना है कि धर्म आत्म साक्षात्कार को उपलब्ध होने के लिए आत्मिक उन्नति का विज्ञान है। वे ईश्वर को एक सर्वव्यापी और अनंत उर्जा के रूप में परिभाषित करते हैं जो परम शांति और परमानंद के रूप में प्रकट होती है। इस परम शांति और परमानंद का अनुभव ही आत्म साक्षात्कार है।

    #sakshishree #spirituality #motivation #meditation #inspirational #motivational #inspiration #lifetransformation #lifetransformational #transformation #life #destiny

    धार्मिक व्यक्ति क्या करें क्या नहीं ? by Sakshi Shree

    દ્વારા Sadguru Sakshi Ram Kripal Ji| 163 અભિપ્રાયો

  • कुंभ राशि जून 2024 राशिफल यह महीने में आपको नही होना पड़ेगा परेशान धन और वैभव में नही होंगी कमी

    कुंभ राशि जून 2024 राशिफल यह महीने में आपको नही होना पड़ेगा परेशान धन और वैभव में नही होंगी कमी

    Guru Ka Rashi Parivartan 2024

    12 राशियां और आप

    शनिदेव और आप 2024

    Yearly Rashifal कैसा रहेगा 2024

    आप की राशि 2024 के 6 महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ और 6 उपाय

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    દ્વારા Daati Maharaj| 178 અભિપ્રાયો

  • Lok Sabha Election Results 2024 Live Updates: रुझानों में नई कहानी, ECI की ज़ुबानी, Punjab Kesari पर

    Lok Sabha Election Results 2024 Live Updates: रुझानों में नई कहानी, ECI की ज़ुबानी, Punjab Kesari पर

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    દ્વારા PunjabKesari TV| 432 અભિપ્રાયો

  • Special Briefing on the Visit of President of Maldives to India (August 02, 2022)

    Special Briefing on the Visit of President of Maldives to India (August 02, 2022)

    Special Briefing on the Visit of President of Maldives to India (August 02, 2022)

    દ્વારા Ministry of External Affairs, India| 194659 અભિપ્રાયો

  • Janhvi on learning cricket, injuries; Rajkummar on fillers & Bollywood Cricket Team| Mr & Mrs Mahi

    Janhvi on learning cricket, injuries; Rajkummar on fillers & Bollywood Cricket Team| Mr & Mrs Mahi

    In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Ankita Bhalla, hitting it out of the stadium are Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao with their upcoming film Mr & Mrs Mahi. For Rajkummar, the film holds its name and spirit from 'Mahi' aka iconic cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni, while Janhvi shares her challenging battle with multiple injuries while training for cricket and how the doctor ruled her out to play the part! The duo discuss how actors' vanity weighs heavily over their craft, Janhvi's efforts to make late mother Sridevi proud with her choices and why the box office doesn't matter for Rajkummar. The actors also play a fun segment of guessing the cricket films as per their plotline, and announce their Bollywood Cricket Team lineup!
    Watch the full interview here:

    #janhvikapoor #rajkumarrao #bollywoodbubble

    Check out the video to know more.

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    Janhvi on learning cricket, injuries; Rajkummar on fillers & Bollywood Cricket Team| Mr & Mrs Mahi

    દ્વારા Bollywood Bubble| 95 અભિપ્રાયો

  • Exclusive Interview with Afghan Cricketer Sharafuddin Ashraf | Insights into his Remarkable Journey

    Exclusive Interview with Afghan Cricketer Sharafuddin Ashraf | Insights into his Remarkable Journey

    Join us for an exclusive interview with Afghanistan's cricket sensation, Sharafuddin Ashraf. Gain valuable insights into his inspiring journey from humble beginnings to becoming a pivotal figure in Afghan cricket. Learn about his experiences representing Afghanistan on the international stage, the challenges he's faced, and his aspirations for the future. Don't miss this candid conversation with one of cricket's rising stars!

    Exclusive Interview with Afghan Cricketer Sharafuddin Ashraf | Insights into his Remarkable Journey

    દ્વારા CricTracker| 66 અભિપ્રાયો

  • India - USA Trade Statistics

    India - USA Trade Statistics

    Comparative Trade Statistics for the Years 2013 & 2014
    (Top 25 Products)Watch India - USA Trade Statistics With HD Quality

    દ્વારા Indian Trade Portal| 467792 અભિપ્રાયો