Rahul Gandhi ने महाराष्ट्र में भरी हुंकार | Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally in Mumbai | #DBLIVE
Congress President Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally in Gandhi Maidan Patna
Watch Congress President Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally in Gandhi Maidan Patna With HD Qualityബൈ pressbriefin| 317 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Dilip Pandey Addressing QNA From Media After Addressing the on Ghaziabad issue and Tinu Jain issue
Watch Dilip Pandey Addressing QNA From Media After Addressing the on Ghaziabad issue and Tinu Jain issue With HD Quality
ബൈ AAP| 7985 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul gandhi addressing a rally in west bengal, 14 April 2011
Rahul gandhi addressing a rally in west bengal, 14 April 2011 - Indian Political News Video
ബൈ Dev koli| 1309 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Shri Rahul Gandhi addressing an election Rally at Palampur (Gujarat)
Shri Rahul Gandhi addressing an election Rally at Palampur (Gujarat)Watch Shri Rahul Gandhi addressing an election Rally at Palampur (Gujarat) With HD Quality
ബൈ Indian National Congress| 311 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Mysore, Karnataka
Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Mysore, Karnataka.
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Click on the SUBSCRIBE button to receive regular video updates from INC TV.Watch Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Mysore, Karnataka With HD Qualityബൈ Indian National Congress| 294 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kalpi, Jalaun, UP, January 18, 2012
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kalpi, Jalaun, UP, January 18, 2012.
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Click on the SUBSCRIBE button to receive regular updates.Watch Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kalpi, Jalaun, UP, January 18, 2012 With HD Qualityബൈ Indian National Congress| 246 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally in Arunachal Pradesh on March 18, 2014
Rahul Gandhi struck a personal cord with the people of Arunachal Pradesh during his public meeting in Ziro. He began his speech by greeting the people of Ziro in their language: "Ziro, Aya Doha". Describing Ziro as a place of immeasurable beauty, he said "There is no shortage of beauty here. The people are beautiful, the mountains are beautiful, nature is beautiful, the women are beautiful. Zero means that which can't be measured. Your beauty is immeasurable. That's why this place is called Ziro".
Rahul Gandhi expressed his anguish at the death Nido Taniam, a boy from Arunachal Pradesh who was murdered in Delhi. Rahul said, "Our party stands for unity among the whole country and that is the idea we stand for. We condemned the incident," said Rahul Gandhi. "India belongs to everyone: every caste, every religion, every community," he said. "We want to create such an India in which wherever you go, all of you feel that you will be welcomed with open arms," he said.
Rahul Gandhi said that Arunachal Pradesh has made a lot of progress since its formation. "Prime Minister Indira Gandhi made Arunachal Pradesh a Union Territory in 1972. It became a state under Rajiv Gandhi. Arunachal Pradesh has come a long way since then. Its literacy was almost zero, now it is almost equal to the national average," he said.ബൈ Indian National Congress| 400 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kasargod, Kerala on April 05, 2014
Rahul Gandhi addressed a public rally at Kasargod, Kerala on April 05, 2014.
Addressing the huge rally, Rahul Gandhi said that he think the politics in Kerala, the participation of people in the politics, the participation of Panchayats in politics of Kerala, is something that rest of the country must learn from. Congress party can also learn from the Congress party in Kerala on how the party operates here.
Praising the Chief Minister of Kerela, Rahul Gandhi said, " (Oommen) Chandy Ji is the Chief Minister of Kerala. But the reality of Kerala is that the state is not being run by a single person; Kerala is run by millions and millions of Keralites. Chandi ji goes to the millions of the people, talk to them to understand their issues. He is behaving as a senior leader in Kerala."
Talking about the opposition parties in upcoming elections, Rahul Gandhi said, "If you look back to history, you will see that the most popular emperors or rulers were those who could create a balance between prosperity and fairness. And at the national level if you look today, there are broadly three ideas that are presented to the people. The NDA idea of India Shining -- an India where 5 to 15 business people have everything, an India where prosperity is limited to a few selected people. On the other side you have the Left vision. For them Industry, prosperity and business have no consequence.ബൈ Indian National Congress| 370 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Gandhinagar: Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Govt while addressing Jan Sankalp Rally in Adalaj
Gandhinagar: Congress President Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Govt while addressing Jan Sankalp Rally in Adalaj
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Watch Gandhinagar: Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Govt while addressing Jan Sankalp Rally in Adalaj With HD Qualityബൈ Mantavya News| 330 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)

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Rahul Gandhi ने महाराष्ट्र में भरी हुंकार | Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally at in Mumbai | #DBLIVE
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Watch Rahul Gandhi ने महाराष्ट्र में भरी हुंकार | Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally in Mumbai | #DBLIVE With HD Quality
Congress President Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally in Gandhi Maidan Patna
Watch Congress President Rahul Gandhi addressing a rally in Gandhi Maidan Patna With HD Qualityബൈ pressbriefin| 317 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Dilip Pandey Addressing QNA From Media After Addressing the on Ghaziabad issue and Tinu Jain issue
Watch Dilip Pandey Addressing QNA From Media After Addressing the on Ghaziabad issue and Tinu Jain issue With HD Quality
ബൈ AAP| 7985 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul gandhi addressing a rally in west bengal, 14 April 2011
Rahul gandhi addressing a rally in west bengal, 14 April 2011 - Indian Political News Video
ബൈ Dev koli| 1309 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Shri Rahul Gandhi addressing an election Rally at Palampur (Gujarat)
Shri Rahul Gandhi addressing an election Rally at Palampur (Gujarat)Watch Shri Rahul Gandhi addressing an election Rally at Palampur (Gujarat) With HD Quality
ബൈ Indian National Congress| 311 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Mysore, Karnataka
Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Mysore, Karnataka.
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Click on the SUBSCRIBE button to receive regular video updates from INC TV.Watch Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Mysore, Karnataka With HD Qualityബൈ Indian National Congress| 294 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kalpi, Jalaun, UP, January 18, 2012
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kalpi, Jalaun, UP, January 18, 2012.
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Click on the SUBSCRIBE button to receive regular updates.Watch Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kalpi, Jalaun, UP, January 18, 2012 With HD Qualityബൈ Indian National Congress| 246 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally in Arunachal Pradesh on March 18, 2014
Rahul Gandhi struck a personal cord with the people of Arunachal Pradesh during his public meeting in Ziro. He began his speech by greeting the people of Ziro in their language: "Ziro, Aya Doha". Describing Ziro as a place of immeasurable beauty, he said "There is no shortage of beauty here. The people are beautiful, the mountains are beautiful, nature is beautiful, the women are beautiful. Zero means that which can't be measured. Your beauty is immeasurable. That's why this place is called Ziro".
Rahul Gandhi expressed his anguish at the death Nido Taniam, a boy from Arunachal Pradesh who was murdered in Delhi. Rahul said, "Our party stands for unity among the whole country and that is the idea we stand for. We condemned the incident," said Rahul Gandhi. "India belongs to everyone: every caste, every religion, every community," he said. "We want to create such an India in which wherever you go, all of you feel that you will be welcomed with open arms," he said.
Rahul Gandhi said that Arunachal Pradesh has made a lot of progress since its formation. "Prime Minister Indira Gandhi made Arunachal Pradesh a Union Territory in 1972. It became a state under Rajiv Gandhi. Arunachal Pradesh has come a long way since then. Its literacy was almost zero, now it is almost equal to the national average," he said.ബൈ Indian National Congress| 400 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Rahul Gandhi Addressing a Public Rally at Kasargod, Kerala on April 05, 2014
Rahul Gandhi addressed a public rally at Kasargod, Kerala on April 05, 2014.
Addressing the huge rally, Rahul Gandhi said that he think the politics in Kerala, the participation of people in the politics, the participation of Panchayats in politics of Kerala, is something that rest of the country must learn from. Congress party can also learn from the Congress party in Kerala on how the party operates here.
Praising the Chief Minister of Kerela, Rahul Gandhi said, " (Oommen) Chandy Ji is the Chief Minister of Kerala. But the reality of Kerala is that the state is not being run by a single person; Kerala is run by millions and millions of Keralites. Chandi ji goes to the millions of the people, talk to them to understand their issues. He is behaving as a senior leader in Kerala."
Talking about the opposition parties in upcoming elections, Rahul Gandhi said, "If you look back to history, you will see that the most popular emperors or rulers were those who could create a balance between prosperity and fairness. And at the national level if you look today, there are broadly three ideas that are presented to the people. The NDA idea of India Shining -- an India where 5 to 15 business people have everything, an India where prosperity is limited to a few selected people. On the other side you have the Left vision. For them Industry, prosperity and business have no consequence.ബൈ Indian National Congress| 370 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Gandhinagar: Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Govt while addressing Jan Sankalp Rally in Adalaj
Gandhinagar: Congress President Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Govt while addressing Jan Sankalp Rally in Adalaj
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Watch Gandhinagar: Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Govt while addressing Jan Sankalp Rally in Adalaj With HD Qualityബൈ Mantavya News| 330 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
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'..तो सड़क से भी कर लेंगे काम',AAP का BJP पर करारा हमला | Arvind Kejriwal | Atishi Marlena |#dblive
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एक देश एक चुनाव के ख़िलाफ़ पास हुआ प्रस्ताव, अब क्या करेंगे मोदी ? ONOE | #dblive
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BJP की ज़ुबान बोल रहा है चुनाव आयोग ? modi | Rahul Gandhi | Congress | Election Commission #dblive
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BJP की ज़ुबान बोल रहा है चुनाव आयोग ? modi | Rahul Gandhi | Congress | Election Commission #dbliveബൈ DB Live| 397 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
My interview with Jan Man India
Here is my interview with Shri Sudhir Raval on Jan Man India Channel.
Watch My interview with Jan Man India With HD Qualityബൈ Mansukh Mandaviya| 822661 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha
Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha
Watch Blatant Violation of model code of conduct in Odisha With HD Qualityബൈ Dharmendra Pradhan| 829159 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
CII Celebrates India@75 - India's IT Journey@75
#DYK India is the largest #Software exporter in the world? As India completes #75yearsofIndependence, let's look at the country's IT journey over the last 75yrs.
#IndiaAt75 #HarGharTiranga #AmritMahotsav #CIICelebratesIndiaat75
CII Celebrates India@75 - India's IT Journey@75ബൈ CII| 235029 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की
अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की
Watch अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की With HD Qualityബൈ P P Chaudhary| 3803885 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
India - USA Trade Statistics
Comparative Trade Statistics for the Years 2013 & 2014
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Harsh Malhotra Exclusive Interview:65 साल में जो कांग्रेस नहीं कर पाई, Modi सरकार ने 10 साल में कियाബൈ PunjabKesari TV| 2803 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)
Anil Vij ने CM पद के लिए ठोका दावा, कहा- मैं छह बार का विधायक हूं, पार्टी से आज तक कुछ नहीं मांगा
Anil Vij ने CM पद के लिए ठोका दावा, कहा- मैं छह बार का विधायक हूं, पार्टी से आज तक कुछ नहीं मांगा
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Delhi:2 दिन बाद दूंगा CM पद से इस्तीफा,जनता की अदालत में साबित करुंगा अपनी ईमानदारी-Arvind Kejriwal
Delhi:2 दिन बाद दूंगा CM पद से इस्तीफा,जनता की अदालत में साबित करुंगा अपनी ईमानदारी-Arvind Kejriwal
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GST Council Meeting: क्या सस्ता-क्या महंगा हुआ?,Nirmala Sitharaman ने कर दिया बड़ा एलान! | Modi Govt
सोमवार को वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण के अध्यक्षता में GST काउंसिल की अहम बैठक का आयोजन किया गया.. इस बैठक में मुख्य रूप से दो मुद्दों पर चर्चा होनी थीं…. हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस पर जीएसटी की दरें कम करने, और 2000 रुपये से कम के ऑनलाइन (डेबिट और क्रेडिट कार्ड से) ट्रांजेक्शन पर 18% जीएसटी लगाने का मामला था…. फिलहाल इंश्योरेंस प्रीमियम सस्ता होने नहीं जा रहा है, क्योंकि इस मसले पर अंतिम फैसला अगली बैठक तक के लिए टाल दिया गया है…
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GST Council Meeting: क्या सस्ता-क्या महंगा हुआ?,Nirmala Sitharaman ने कर दिया बड़ा एलान! | Modi Govtബൈ PunjabKesari TV| 2906 വ്യൂസ് (വീക്ഷണത്തിന്റെ എണ്ണം)