Search videos: #samacharhindi

  • Haryana News: हरियाणा में सरकारी कार्यक्रमों का बहिस्कार करेंगे सरपंच, दी ये बड़ी वजह

    Haryana News: हरियाणा में सरकारी कार्यक्रमों का बहिस्कार करेंगे सरपंच, दी ये बड़ी वजह

    #haryanapolitics #haryananews #nayabsaini #haryanasarpanch #haryanaelection #khabarfastdigital #khabarfastnews

    हरियाणा विधानसभा चुनाव में ज्यादा समय नहीं बचा है....राज्य में सियासी सरगर्मी भी बढ़ती जा रही है... इसी बीच हरियाणा के सरपंच एसोसिएशन ने हरियाणा सरकार के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोल दिया है.....दरअसल दिल्ली बाईपास स्थित सर्किट हाउस में सरपंचों की मीटिंग हुई है....जिसके बाद सरपंचों ने सरकारी कार्यक्रमों का बहिष्कार करने का फैसला लिया है.

    Haryana News: हरियाणा में सरकारी कार्यक्रमों का बहिस्कार करेंगे सरपंच, दी ये बड़ी वजह

    Khabar Fast brings the Latest News & Top Breaking headlines on Politics and Current Affairs in India & around the World, Sports, Business, Bollywood News and Entertainment, Science, Technology, Health & Fitness news. To Get updated Press the like Button now

    Khabar Fast News Channel:

    खबर फास्ट भारत का हिंदी न्यूज चैनल है । खबर फास्ट चैनल हरियाणा, हिमाचल प्रदेश, पंजाब, राजस्थान, उत्तर प्रदेश और हर एक राज्य से जुड़ी खबर से रुबरु कराता है । ख़बर फास्ट न्यूज चैनल राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। खबर फास्ट चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ताजा ब्रेकिंग अपडेट न्यूज, प्रोग्राम के लिए बने रहिए- टीवी चैनल्स, सोशल मीडिया (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM,TWITTER AND WEBSITE)

    Khabar Fast is the Hindi news channel of India. Khabar Fast Channel deals with news related to Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and every state. The Khabar Fast News channel covers the latest news in politics, entertainment, Bollywood, business and sports. Khabar Fast Channel Live news and latest breaking news, stay tuned for the program - TV channels, social media (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND WEBSITE)

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    By Khabar Fast| 119 views

  • SUN HALO से किसको खतरा है या नहीं #sunhalo

    SUN HALO से किसको खतरा है या नहीं #sunhalo

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    SUN HALO से किसको खतरा है या नहीं #sunhalo

    By The News India| 809 views

  • Tamil Nadu Election 2021विधानसभा चुनाव में Kamal Haasan की MNM PARTY 154

    Tamil Nadu Election 2021विधानसभा चुनाव में Kamal Haasan की MNM PARTY 154

    Kamal Haasan Makkal Needhi Maiam
    Tamil Nadu
    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Tamil Nadu Election 2021विधानसभा चुनाव में Kamal Haasan की MNM PARTY 154

    By The News India| 274 views

  • Nirbhaya Case फांसी से बचने के लिए आरोपियों ने कर डाला क्या  NEWS INDIA

    Nirbhaya Case फांसी से बचने के लिए आरोपियों ने कर डाला क्या NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Nirbhaya Case फांसी से बचने के लिए आरोपियों ने कर डाला क्या NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 329 views

  • Uttar pradesh //अखिलेश यादव ने बताया कि क्या चाहते हैं योगी आदित्यनाथ THE NEWS INDIA

    Uttar pradesh //अखिलेश यादव ने बताया कि क्या चाहते हैं योगी आदित्यनाथ THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Uttar pradesh //अखिलेश यादव ने बताया कि क्या चाहते हैं योगी आदित्यनाथ THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 245 views

  • 3 दिन तक Bank रहेंगे बंद THE NEWS INDIA

    3 दिन तक Bank रहेंगे बंद THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch 3 दिन तक Bank रहेंगे बंद THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 562 views

  • Nirbhaya case आरोपियों ने बताया कि आखिर क्या क्या हुआ कैसे हुआ बड़ा खुलासा  NEWS INDIA

    Nirbhaya case आरोपियों ने बताया कि आखिर क्या क्या हुआ कैसे हुआ बड़ा खुलासा NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Nirbhaya case आरोपियों ने बताया कि आखिर क्या क्या हुआ कैसे हुआ बड़ा खुलासा NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 625 views

  • वर्दी वाले गुंडों ने किया दो सगी बहनों के साथ....THE NEWS INDIA

    वर्दी वाले गुंडों ने किया दो सगी बहनों के साथ....THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch वर्दी वाले गुंडों ने किया दो सगी बहनों के साथ....THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 20008 views

  • जब रनवे की जगह सड़क पर उतरा एरोप्लेन THE NEWS INDIA

    जब रनवे की जगह सड़क पर उतरा एरोप्लेन THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch जब रनवे की जगह सड़क पर उतरा एरोप्लेन THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 523 views

  • भारत पहुंचा करोना वायरस THE NEWS INDIA

    भारत पहुंचा करोना वायरस THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch भारत पहुंचा करोना वायरस THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 357 views

  • नौकरी के लिए एप्लीकेशन भेजी तो कहा शाहीन बाग जाओ , Viral video THE NEWS INDIA

    नौकरी के लिए एप्लीकेशन भेजी तो कहा शाहीन बाग जाओ , Viral video THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch नौकरी के लिए एप्लीकेशन भेजी तो कहा शाहीन बाग जाओ , Viral video THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 299 views

  • Telangana News // THE NEWS INDIA

    Telangana News // THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Telangana News // THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 288 views

  • Nirbhaya Case विनय शर्मा ने लिखी किताब जिसका नाम है" दरिंदा ,"THE NEWS INDIA

    Nirbhaya Case विनय शर्मा ने लिखी किताब जिसका नाम है" दरिंदा ,"THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Nirbhaya Case विनय शर्मा ने लिखी किताब जिसका नाम है" दरिंदा ,"THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 4450 views

  • शाहरुख खान ने बताया कि उनका परिवार हिंदू है या मुस्लिम THE NEWS INDIA

    शाहरुख खान ने बताया कि उनका परिवार हिंदू है या मुस्लिम THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch शाहरुख खान ने बताया कि उनका परिवार हिंदू है या मुस्लिम THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 260 views

  • गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं THE NEWS INDIA

    गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 243 views

  • Tamil Nadu Vaniyambadi  Bright Matriculation school

    Tamil Nadu Vaniyambadi Bright Matriculation school

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Tamil Nadu Vaniyambadi Bright Matriculation school With HD Quality

    By The News India| 325 views

  • Happy Republic Day To All From Lalwani // THE NEWS INDIA

    Happy Republic Day To All From Lalwani // THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Happy Republic Day To All From Lalwani // THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 242 views

  • पाकिस्तान में लोगों को नहीं मिल रही है खाने को रोटी आटा हुआ महंगा

    पाकिस्तान में लोगों को नहीं मिल रही है खाने को रोटी आटा हुआ महंगा

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch पाकिस्तान में लोगों को नहीं मिल रही है खाने को रोटी आटा हुआ महंगा With HD Quality

    By The News India| 267 views

  • गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक बधाई ???? THE NEWS INDIA

    गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक बधाई ???? THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक बधाई ???? THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 220 views

  • Happy Republic Day ,,,,THE NEWS INDIA

    Happy Republic Day ,,,,THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch Happy Republic Day ,,,,THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 231 views

  • हमारे पर्यावरण को वृक्षारोपण ही बचा सकता हैTHE NEWS INDIA

    हमारे पर्यावरण को वृक्षारोपण ही बचा सकता हैTHE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch हमारे पर्यावरण को वृक्षारोपण ही बचा सकता हैTHE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 210 views

  • TRS ने फिर से बड़ी जीत हासिल की // THE NEWS INDIA

    TRS ने फिर से बड़ी जीत हासिल की // THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch TRS ने फिर से बड़ी जीत हासिल की // THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 198 views

  • खेलकूद से बचपन का संपूर्ण विकास THE NEWS INDIA

    खेलकूद से बचपन का संपूर्ण विकास THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch खेलकूद से बचपन का संपूर्ण विकास THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 252 views

  • गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं जय हिंद जय भारत THE NEWS INDIA

    गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं जय हिंद जय भारत THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं जय हिंद जय भारत THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 239 views

  • दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं THE NEWS INDIA

    दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं THE NEWS INDIA

    Follow us on
    The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.

    The vision of the channel is "'voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.

    The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
    sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
    distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
    Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
    We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
    covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
    wherever news is happening.

    Watch दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं THE NEWS INDIA With HD Quality

    By The News India| 176 views

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    20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगल अपने नीच राशि कर्क में तुला वृश्चिक धनु राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव

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  • Thank you, David Warner, for the countless thrills and moments of pure joy.

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