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Bangla Natok : NOY CHOY | Episode 31-40 || New Natok 2018 || Bangla Comedy Drama | Bangladeshi Natok
Bangla Natok NOY CHOY, Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 31 - 40 (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40) || (Ten In One)
নয় ছয় নাটক, ধারাবাহিক নয় ছয়
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 31 - 40 (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40)
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
© 2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
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Fb Group : CINEMAWALA| 2921228 views
Bangla Natok NOY CHOY | Episode 21 - 30 | Best Comedy Drama | Bangla Funny Natok | New Natok Full HD
Bangla Natok NOY CHOY, Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 21 - 30 (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) || (Ten In One)
নয় ছয় নাটক, ধারাবাহিক নয় ছয়
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 21 - 30 (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
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Fb Group : CINEMAWALA| 2220283 views
Bangla Funny Natok | Bangladesh | Bangla New Natok | Mega Serial NOY CHOY | Episode 1 - 10 | Full HD
Bangla Natok NOY CHOY, Mega Serial Noy Choy,
Episode 01 - 10 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) || (Ten In One)
noy choy bangla natok, noy choy part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
বাংলা নাটক নয় ছয় পর্ব ১ - ১০, নয় ছয় নাটক, ধারাবাহিক নয় ছয়
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 01 - 10 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
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MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 75 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭৫
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 75
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 75 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭৫ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 69276 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 82 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৮২
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 82
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
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watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 82 || ধারাবাহিক "নযBy CINEMAWALA| 56893 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 74 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭৪
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 74
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 74 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭৪ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37123 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 73 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭৩
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 73
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 73 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭৩ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 53164 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 72 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭২
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 72
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 72 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭২ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37070 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 71 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭১
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 71
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 71 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭১ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37120 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 70 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭০
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 70
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 70 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৭০ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 53158 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 69 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৯
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 69
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 69 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৯ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37195 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 68 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৮
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 68
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 68 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৮ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37132 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 67 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৭
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 67
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 67 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৭ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 38421 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 66 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৬
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 66
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
A CINEMAWALA Production.
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
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MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 65 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৫
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 65
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 65 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৫ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37605 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 64 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৪
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 64
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 64 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৪ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37671 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 62 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬২
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 62
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 62 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬২ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 37176 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 63 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৩
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 63
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 63 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬৩ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 53429 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 61 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬১
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 61
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 61 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৬১ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 53643 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 59 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৯
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 59
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 CINEMAWALA. All Rights Reserved.
Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 59 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৯ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 180863 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 58 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৮
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 58
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 All Rights Reserved by CINEMAWALA
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 58 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৮ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 104299 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 57 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৭
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 57
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 All Rights Reserved by CINEMAWALA
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 57 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৭ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 72702 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 56 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৬
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 56
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli, Tapan Ahmed
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 All Rights Reserved by CINEMAWALA
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 56 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৬ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 88300 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 55 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৫
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 55
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli, Tapan Ahmed
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 All Rights Reserved by CINEMAWALA
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 55 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৫ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 101539 views
MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 54 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৪
Mega Serial NOY CHOY
Episode 54
Script : Asad Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Direction : Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Cast : Amirul Haq Chowdhury, Sazu Khadem, Arfan, Irfan Sajjad, Tanzika Amin, Mukit Zakaria, Allen Subhro, Tasnova Elvin, Farhan Ahmed Jovan, Ishika Khan, Tasnuva Tisha, Tandra Srabon, Nadia Nodi, Tapan Ahmed, Sayed Zaman Shawon, Mnu Raju, Nabila Islam, Momo Shuli
DOP : Aditto Monir
Edit : Saiduzzaman Sohel
Tittle Animation : Tapan Ahmed
Music & Compotision : Naved Parvez
Tittle Song Lyrics : Johny Hoque
Vocal : Tahsin & Konal
Episode Direction : Majedul Haq Rana, AB Rokon, Mohammad Badruzzaman Ripon
OnAir : Masranga TV
2016 All Rights Reserved by CINEMAWALA
Watch MEGA SERIAL "NOY CHOY" | EPISODE 54 || ধারাবাহিক "নয় ছয়" | পর্ব ৫৪ With HD QualityBy CINEMAWALA| 128706 views
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20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगल अपने नीच राशि कर्क में तुला वृश्चिक धनु राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा प्रभावBy Daati Maharaj| 1121 views
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Reliance Jio ने ग्राहकों को दिया बड़ा झटका | जियो ने महंगे की रिचार्ज प्लान
INH, Reliance Jio ने ग्राहकों को दिया बड़ा झटका | जियो ने महंगे की रिचार्ज प्लान
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आईएनएच 24x7 मध्य प्रदेश और छत्तीसगढ़ का सर्वश्रेष्ठ हिंदी न्यूज चैनल है। यह चैनल देश के बहुप्रतिष्ठित हिंदी दैनिक समाचार पत्र समूह हरिभूमि का ही ऑर्गेनाइजेशन है। आईएनएच 24x7 न्यूज चैनल राजनीति, क्राइम, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। आईएनएच 24x7 न्यूज चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ब्रेकिंग न्यूज के लिए बने रहें। आईएनएच 24x7 के साथ देखिये देश-प्रदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और ताजातरीन खबरें...
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Anil Vij ने CM पद के लिए ठोका दावा, कहा- मैं छह बार का विधायक हूं, पार्टी से आज तक कुछ नहीं मांगा
Anil Vij ने CM पद के लिए ठोका दावा, कहा- मैं छह बार का विधायक हूं, पार्टी से आज तक कुछ नहीं मांगा
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