Search videos: #veronicamoniaga

  • Promo Lunch Talk: 160 Triliun untuk Lebaran

    Promo Lunch Talk: 160 Triliun untuk Lebaran

    Saksikan program dialog Lunch Talk dengan topik 160 Triliun untuk Lebaran bersama Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Pengelolaan Uang BI Suhaedi pada Rabu, 15 Juni 2016 pukul 13.30 WIB.

    Watch Promo Lunch Talk: 160 Triliun untuk Lebaran With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 187 views

  • Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 4

    Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 4

    DPR akhirnya mengesahkan UU Pilkada. Di undang-undang tersebut ada satu pasal yang jadi kontroversi karena memperketat proses verifikasi KTP yang jadi syarat dukungan calon perseorangan atau independen. Benarkah Pasal 48 ini memang jadi penjegal calon independen seperti Ahok? Apa upaya Teman Ahok menghadapi UU Pilkada tersebut? Ikuti dialognya bersama pendamping ahli Teman Ahok, I Gusti Putu Artha, pengamat politik Yunarto Wijaya, serta komisioner KPU Hadar Nafis Gumay.

    Watch Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 1510 views

  • Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 3

    Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 3

    DPR akhirnya mengesahkan UU Pilkada. Di undang-undang tersebut ada satu pasal yang jadi kontroversi karena memperketat proses verifikasi KTP yang jadi syarat dukungan calon perseorangan atau independen. Benarkah Pasal 48 ini memang jadi penjegal calon independen seperti Ahok? Apa upaya Teman Ahok menghadapi UU Pilkada tersebut? Ikuti dialognya bersama pendamping ahli Teman Ahok, I Gusti Putu Artha, pengamat politik Yunarto Wijaya, serta komisioner KPU Hadar Nafis Gumay.

    Watch Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 5167 views

  • Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 2

    Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 2

    DPR akhirnya mengesahkan UU Pilkada. Di undang-undang tersebut ada satu pasal yang jadi kontroversi karena memperketat proses verifikasi KTP yang jadi syarat dukungan calon perseorangan atau independen. Benarkah Pasal 48 ini memang jadi penjegal calon independen seperti Ahok? Apa upaya Teman Ahok menghadapi UU Pilkada tersebut? Ikuti dialognya bersama pendamping ahli Teman Ahok, I Gusti Putu Artha, pengamat politik Yunarto Wijaya, serta komisioner KPU Hadar Nafis Gumay.

    Watch Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 5130 views

  • Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 1

    Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 1

    DPR akhirnya mengesahkan UU Pilkada. Di undang-undang tersebut ada satu pasal yang jadi kontroversi karena memperketat proses verifikasi KTP yang jadi syarat dukungan calon perseorangan atau independen. Benarkah Pasal 48 ini memang jadi penjegal calon independen seperti Ahok? Apa upaya Teman Ahok menghadapi UU Pilkada tersebut? Ikuti dialognya bersama pendamping ahli Teman Ahok, I Gusti Putu Artha, pengamat politik Yunarto Wijaya, serta komisioner KPU Hadar Nafis Gumay.

    Watch Dialog: 1001 Cara Jegal Ahok # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 2096 views

  • Inspirasi Ramadan: Bisnis dan Ketaatan Beragama # 2

    Inspirasi Ramadan: Bisnis dan Ketaatan Beragama # 2

    Sandiaga Uno merupaka pengusaha muda yang sukses dan religius. Bagaimana Sandiaga Uno memulai usahanya dan pengalamannya dalam berkecimpung di dunia usaha?

    Watch Inspirasi Ramadan: Bisnis dan Ketaatan Beragama # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 184 views

  • Inspirasi Ramadan: Bisnis dan Ketaatan Beragama # 1

    Inspirasi Ramadan: Bisnis dan Ketaatan Beragama # 1

    Sandiaga Uno merupaka pengusaha muda yang sukses dan religius. Bagaimana Sandiaga Uno memulai usahanya dan pengalamannya dalam berkecimpung di dunia usaha?

    Watch Inspirasi Ramadan: Bisnis dan Ketaatan Beragama # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 221 views

  • Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #1

    Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #1

    Untuk memperkuat kompetensi dan kredibilitas para front liners dalam bidang perencanaan keuangan atau financial planning, PT Bank Cimb Niaga Tbk, menggandeng Universitas Pelita Harapan untuk menyelenggara pelatihan pendidikan sertifikasi internasional Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

    Watch Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 115 views

  • Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #4

    Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #4

    Untuk memperkuat kompetensi dan kredibilitas para front liners dalam bidang perencanaan keuangan atau financial planning, PT Bank Cimb Niaga Tbk, menggandeng Universitas Pelita Harapan untuk menyelenggara pelatihan pendidikan sertifikasi internasional Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

    Watch Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 232 views

  • Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #3

    Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #3

    Untuk memperkuat kompetensi dan kredibilitas para front liners dalam bidang perencanaan keuangan atau financial planning, PT Bank Cimb Niaga Tbk, menggandeng Universitas Pelita Harapan untuk menyelenggara pelatihan pendidikan sertifikasi internasional Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

    Watch Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 208 views

  • Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #2

    Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #2

    Untuk memperkuat kompetensi dan kredibilitas para front liners dalam bidang perencanaan keuangan atau financial planning, PT Bank Cimb Niaga Tbk, menggandeng Universitas Pelita Harapan untuk menyelenggara pelatihan pendidikan sertifikasi internasional Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

    Watch Lunch Talk: Sertifikasi Perencana Keuangan #2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 171 views

  • Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 2

    Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 2

    Pesta pernikahan impian tentu menjadi hal yang sangat diinginkan para calon pasangan pengantin. Sejumlah konsep unik diterapkan dalam pernikahan agar acara tersebut dapat dikenang oleh pasangan pengantin dan tamu undangan. Apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan pasangan pengantin dan pernikahan tematik apa saja yang saat ini sedag tren? Ikuti dialognya bersama Muhammad Yazid, wedding organizer.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 227 views

  • Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 4

    Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 4

    Pesta pernikahan impian tentu menjadi hal yang sangat diinginkan para calon pasangan pengantin. Sejumlah konsep unik diterapkan dalam pernikahan agar acara tersebut dapat dikenang oleh pasangan pengantin dan tamu undangan. Apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan pasangan pengantin dan pernikahan tematik apa saja yang saat ini sedag tren? Ikuti dialognya bersama Muhammad Yazid, wedding organizer.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 148 views

  • Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 3

    Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 3

    Pesta pernikahan impian tentu menjadi hal yang sangat diinginkan para calon pasangan pengantin. Sejumlah konsep unik diterapkan dalam pernikahan agar acara tersebut dapat dikenang oleh pasangan pengantin dan tamu undangan. Apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan pasangan pengantin dan pernikahan tematik apa saja yang saat ini sedag tren? Ikuti dialognya bersama Muhammad Yazid, wedding organizer.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 318 views

  • Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 1

    Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 1

    Pesta pernikahan impian tentu menjadi hal yang sangat diinginkan para calon pasangan pengantin. Sejumlah konsep unik diterapkan dalam pernikahan agar acara tersebut dapat dikenang oleh pasangan pengantin dan tamu undangan. Apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan pasangan pengantin dan pernikahan tematik apa saja yang saat ini sedag tren? Ikuti dialognya bersama Muhammad Yazid, wedding organizer.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Tren Pernikahan Tematik # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 264 views

  • Warga Keberatan Membayar Saat Gunakan JPO

    Warga Keberatan Membayar Saat Gunakan JPO

    Demi keamanan dan keselamatan pejalan, Pemprov DKI Jakarta menyediakan Jembatan Penyebrangan Orang (JPO). Namun warga Tanjung Barat dan Lenteng Agung mengeluhkan hal ini karena mereka harus membayar saat ingin menyeberang jalan melalui JPO.

    Watch Warga Keberatan Membayar Saat Gunakan JPO With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 243 views

  • Pertamina dan Rosneft Kerja Sama Bangun Kilang Tuban

    Pertamina dan Rosneft Kerja Sama Bangun Kilang Tuban

    PT Pertamina Persero dan perusahaan asal Rusia Rosneft Oil Company menyepakati kerangka kerja sama pembangunan kilang minyak Tuban. Nota kesepahaman itu juga membuka peluang kerja sama di bisnis hulu lainnya.

    Watch Pertamina dan Rosneft Kerja Sama Bangun Kilang Tuban With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 262 views

  • Lion Air Setujui Perbaikan SOP

    Lion Air Setujui Perbaikan SOP

    Manajemen Lion Air menyetujui perbaikan penerapan SOP dalam 30 hari ke depan. Langkah perbaikan itu disetujui Lion Air dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat dengan Komisi V DPR bersama Kementerian Perhubungan, Kamis (26/05/2016).

    Watch Lion Air Setujui Perbaikan SOP With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 232 views

  • Polisi Sita 72 Dus Miras Ilegal di Tomang

    Polisi Sita 72 Dus Miras Ilegal di Tomang

    Polres Metro Jakarta Barat menggerebek dua agen penjual minuman keras (Miras) ilegal di Jalan Kamboja, Tomang, Jakarta Barat. Dari penggerebekan itu, petugas menyita 72 dus berisi botol miras berbagai merek.

    Watch Polisi Sita 72 Dus Miras Ilegal di Tomang With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 290 views

  • Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 4

    Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 4

    Mengurus indentitas masih menjadi hal yang rumit. Di desa maupun kota, masyarakat harus antre lama dan menyiapkan sejumlah berkas untuk mendapatkan kartu identitasnya tersebut. Lalu adakah cara lebih efektif memangkas prosedur mengurus e-KTP dan akta kelahiran? Ikuti dialognya bersama Direktur Pendaftaran Penduduk Dukcapil Kemendagri Drajat Wisnu Setiwan dan juga pengamat kebijakan publik Teddy Lesmana.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 4 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 162 views

  • Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 3

    Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 3

    Mengurus indentitas masih menjadi hal yang rumit. Di desa maupun kota, masyarakat harus antre lama dan menyiapkan sejumlah berkas untuk mendapatkan kartu identitasnya tersebut. Lalu adakah cara lebih efektif memangkas prosedur mengurus e-KTP dan akta kelahiran? Ikuti dialognya bersama Direktur Pendaftaran Penduduk Dukcapil Kemendagri Drajat Wisnu Setiwan dan juga pengamat kebijakan publik Teddy Lesmana.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 139 views

  • Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 2

    Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 2

    Mengurus indentitas masih menjadi hal yang rumit. Di desa maupun kota, masyarakat harus antre lama dan menyiapkan sejumlah berkas untuk mendapatkan kartu identitasnya tersebut. Lalu adakah cara lebih efektif memangkas prosedur mengurus e-KTP dan akta kelahiran? Ikuti dialognya bersama Direktur Pendaftaran Penduduk Dukcapil Kemendagri Drajat Wisnu Setiwan dan juga pengamat kebijakan publik Teddy Lesmana.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 203 views

  • Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 1

    Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 1

    Mengurus indentitas masih menjadi hal yang rumit. Di desa maupun kota, masyarakat harus antre lama dan menyiapkan sejumlah berkas untuk mendapatkan kartu identitasnya tersebut. Lalu adakah cara lebih efektif memangkas prosedur mengurus e-KTP dan akta kelahiran? Ikuti dialognya bersama Direktur Pendaftaran Penduduk Dukcapil Kemendagri Drajat Wisnu Setiwan dan juga pengamat kebijakan publik Teddy Lesmana.

    Watch Lunch Talk: Pangkas Prosedur Urus e-KTP # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 206 views

  • Top Stories Prime Time Beritasatu TV, Senin, 16 Mei 2016

    Top Stories Prime Time Beritasatu TV, Senin, 16 Mei 2016

    Top Stories Prime Time Beritasatu TV, Senin, 16 Mei 2016:

    1. Pemilihan Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Ditunda
    2. Rekayasa Lalu Lintas di Lokasi Ambruknya Jembatan
    3. Anggota DPRD DKI Diperiksa KPK Terkait Reklamasi
    4. Dialog: Panas Dingin Munaslub Golkar

    Watch Top Stories Prime Time Beritasatu TV, Senin, 16 Mei 2016 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 200 views

  • Kawasan Blok M "Disulap" Jadi Negeri Sakura

    Kawasan Blok M "Disulap" Jadi Negeri Sakura

    Masyarakat tampak antusias menikmati festival tradisional Jepang, Ennichisai 2016 yang digelar di Blok M, Jakarta Selatan. Festival yang menghadirkan berbagai kesenian maupun tradisi masyarakat negeri sakura itu ditutup hari ini.

    Watch Kawasan Blok M "Disulap" Jadi Negeri Sakura With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 3699 views

Featured Videos

  • How To : Fuller lips with Easy Techniques - No Lip Liners - No Overlining Ft. Pilgrim Lip care range

    How To : Fuller lips with Easy Techniques - No Lip Liners - No Overlining Ft. Pilgrim Lip care range

    Pilgrim, a vegan skincare brand, has announced that it is launching a lip care range, including lip serums, lip balms, lip scrubs and lip sleeping masks, in a range of fun and deliciously fragrant flavours including bubblegum, blueberry, and peppermint.
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    This video is Sponsored by Pilgrim
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    By Nidhi Katiyar| 383293 views

  • Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    The Netherlands cricket team is gearing up for the ICC ODI World Cup 2023, which will be held in India from October 6 to November 26. The Dutch have qualified for the mega event after a remarkable performance in the World Cup Qualifier, where they defeated the likes of West Indies, Zimbabwe, and Nepal. They have also announced their 15-member squad, which includes some experienced players like Roelof van der Merwe, Colin Ackermann, and Wesley Barresi, as well as some young talents like Max O'Dowd, Bas de Leede, and Aryan Dutt.

    In this video, we get to hear from some of the Netherlands cricketers, who share their thoughts on their preparation, expectations, and challenges for the World Cup. They talk about their strengths and weaknesses as a team, their key players and opponents, their goals and strategies, and their excitement and nervousness for the biggest stage of cricket. They also express their gratitude to their fans and supporters, who have been following them throughout their journey.

    In this video, we will give you all the information you need to know about this exciting encounter.

    So, stay tuned and watch this video till the end to get all the insights and analysis of the India vs Australia 3rd ODI match. And don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel crictracker for more cricket videos.

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    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    By CricTracker| 258 views

  • Nitish Kumar की जगह Jitan Ram Manjhi को CM बनाएंगे BJP ! Mukesh Sahani | Bihar News | #dblive

    Nitish Kumar की जगह Jitan Ram Manjhi को CM बनाएंगे BJP ! Mukesh Sahani | Bihar News | #dblive

    Nitish Kumar की जगह Jitan Ram Manjhi को CM बनाएंगे BJP ! Mukesh Sahani | Bihar News | #dblive

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    Nitish Kumar की जगह Jitan Ram Manjhi को CM बनाएंगे BJP ! Mukesh Sahani | Bihar News | #dblive

    By DB Live| 0 views

  • Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world

    Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world

    Robotic Process Automation enables users to create software robots, or #Bots, that can observe, mimic & execute repetitive, time consuming #Digital #business processes by studying human actions.
    Watch the video to know how RPA is transforming #businesses.

    Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world

    By CII| 207603 views

  • Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Everything about hair care using at home affordable hair treatments for dry, damaged, frizzy hair and color treated hair with hair pack at home is discussed in this video using the Biolage Deep Treatment hair packs/ hair masks. Hair care with DIY deep treatment hair packs by Biolage helped me get soft, smooth, silky hair. They also have hair masks to tame fly-aways, get rid of split-ends and to treat colored hair which are infused with hair foods and hair caring ingredients which I've explained and shared in detail in this video. I’ve shared with you a demo and my review of the Biolage Deep Treatment Pack for hair as well.

    These hair mask treatments help to get deep moisture treatment for natural and colored hair and frizzy or damaged hair as well. You can now take care of damaged hair at home with the following Biolage deep treatment hair masks in India at

    I used the Biolage Ultra Hydrasource Deep Treatment Pack which has Aloe and Spirulina which is a hair mask for dry hair to get moisturised, soft, smooth, manageable and hydrated hair from deep within.

    I’ve also shared with you, a hair treatment for color treated hair at home by using the Biolage ColorLast Deep Hair Treatment Pack for colored hair which has amazing hair care ingredients like Apricot Seeds and Orchid to take care of color treated hair.

    And, a hair mask for Frizzy hair which is the Biolage SmoothProof Deep Treatment Pack which has Camelia and Castor Oil in it, helps to tame fly-aways and frizzy hair. You can now get yourself a hair spa for frizzy and damaged hair at home for just Rs.350 and get a sleep hair look at home.

    I hope that you found this hair care video useful. Let me know how you liked the difference in my hair after using these DIY hair masks.

    Thank you Biolage for giving me an amazing opportunity to collaborate with you and take care of my hair at home!

    #DeepTreatmentPack #BiolageIndia @biolage

    By Neha Desai| 337008 views

  • Technical Session V, Q&A

    Technical Session V, Q&A

    Global Summit 2020 "Mission 5 Trillion – CMA as a Cryogenic Force"

    Watch Technical Session V, Q&A With HD Quality

    By ICMAI| 898581 views

  • Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    The talented and gorgeous Saiyami Kher, who is making waves with her latest film Ghoomer. Plays the role of Anina Dixit, a cricketer who loses her right hand in an accident and makes a comeback as a one-handed bowler. The film, directed by R Balki and co-starring Abhishek Bachchan, has received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.

    Saiyami talks about her experience of working on Ghoomer, her preparation for the role, her passion for cricket, her friendship with Sachin Tendulkar and Rohit Sharma, and much more. She will also reveal some interesting facts about her personal and professional life, such as how she started modelling, why she turned down Zoya Akhtar's offer for Luck By Chance, how she impressed Roger Federer with her tennis skills, and what are her future projects.

    Don't miss this candid and fun conversation with Saiyami Kher, who is not only a brilliant actor but also a sports enthusiast. Watch the video till the end and don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more such videos.

    Stay tuned to Crictracker for more cricket updates, and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel.

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    Saiyami Kher on Ghoomer | Exclusive Interview | Crictracker

    By CricTracker| 443 views

  • 126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

    126 लोगों का वजन 3 दिन में घटा I Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

    Attend our video training workshops to know this science of Nature Cure fully and get rid of all your diseases in a natural way without taking any medicines :

    1) Magical Diet Plan – 2 hours
    2) Medicine Free Life – 4 hours

    Link for Registration :

    ????Attend our Sunday free Live training session held on each Sunday.
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    - Attend our 4 days Residential camp (NLS Graduate Course - Be your own Doctor) which takes place mainly in Delhi and the details of which can be obtained from contact no. 9870291634/5/6.
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    ????ऐनिमा किट का उपयोग कैसे करें- How to use Enema and its Science

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    By Natural Life Style| 452119 views