Search videos: #timkampanyenasional

  • TKN Laporkan 3 Kasus Hoax ke Bareskrim Polri

    TKN Laporkan 3 Kasus Hoax ke Bareskrim Polri

    Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma’ruf dari Direktorat Hukum dan Advokasi melaporkan tiga kasus bernada fitnah sekaligus hoax ke Bareskrim Mabes Polri. Pelaporan itu menjadi penting mengingat TKN merasa tercemarkan akan aksi serangan yang menyasar ke lini sosmed masyarakat.

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    Watch TKN Laporkan 3 Kasus Hoax ke Bareskrim Polri With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 259 views

  • Kunjungi Redaksi Beritasatu, Erick Thohir Bicara Hoax Hingga Persiapan Debat

    Kunjungi Redaksi Beritasatu, Erick Thohir Bicara Hoax Hingga Persiapan Debat

    Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin Erick Thohir melakukan media visit ke redaksi Beritasatu TV. Kunjungan ini dalam rangka menangkis segala bentuk berita bohong atau hoax yang beredar di masyarakat.

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    Watch Kunjungi Redaksi Beritasatu, Erick Thohir Bicara Hoax Hingga Persiapan Debat With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 447 views

  • Tanggapan Dua Kubu Terkait Kasus Slamet Maarif Dihentikan

    Tanggapan Dua Kubu Terkait Kasus Slamet Maarif Dihentikan

    Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin menghormati keputusan Polres Surakarta menghentikan penyidikan dugaan pelanggaran Pemilu yang menjerat Ketua Umum Persaudaraan Alumni 212 Slamet Maarif. Sementara itu Badan Pemenangan Nasional (BPN) Prabowo-Sandi mengapresiasi pihak kepolisian masih menegakan keadilan.

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    Watch Tanggapan Dua Kubu Terkait Kasus Slamet Maarif Dihentikan With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 367 views

  • TKN: Pidato Jokowi Soal Kembalikan Lahan Bersifat Umum

    TKN: Pidato Jokowi Soal Kembalikan Lahan Bersifat Umum

    Anggota Dewan Pengarah Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin, Pramono Anung menanggapi konsesi lahan yang disinggung capres petahana Joko Widodo dalam pidato konvensi rakyat. Pramono menegaskan pidato Jokowi bersifat umum dan tidak mengarah pada seseorang.

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    Watch TKN: Pidato Jokowi Soal Kembalikan Lahan Bersifat Umum With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 435 views

  • Kubu Jokowi Laporkan Harian Indopos ke Dewan Pers

    Kubu Jokowi Laporkan Harian Indopos ke Dewan Pers

    Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma’ruf melaporkan koran Indopos ke Dewan Pers. Koran Indopos diduga melanggar kode etik jurnalistik dengan memuat berita mengenai cawapres Ma’ruf Amin akan digantikan dengan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama

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    Watch Kubu Jokowi Laporkan Harian Indopos ke Dewan Pers With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 4922 views

  • TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Luncurkan Gerakan Tangkal Fitnah

    TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Luncurkan Gerakan Tangkal Fitnah

    Ketua tim kampanye nasional Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin Erick Thohir meluncurkan gerakan menangkal fitnah dalam rangka menangkal berita bohong atau hoax. Sebelumnya Kominfo menyebutkan puluhan ribu konten di media sosial kerap menyebarkan hoaks.

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    Watch TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Luncurkan Gerakan Tangkal Fitnah With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 1450 views

  • TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin Bertemu 21 Dubes Uni Eropa

    TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin Bertemu 21 Dubes Uni Eropa

    Sebanyak 21 Duta Besar Uni Eropa bertemu dengan Tim Kampanye Nasional Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin pada Kamis (24/1). Pertemuan dilakukan untuk membahas visi dan misi dalam pilpres dan hubungan Indonesia dengan Uni Eropa.

    Official Website:

    Watch TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin Bertemu 21 Dubes Uni Eropa With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 3484 views

  • TKN: Sebagian Jawa dan Sumatera Butuh Pendekatan Intens

    TKN: Sebagian Jawa dan Sumatera Butuh Pendekatan Intens

    Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) melakukan rapat koordinasi dengan partai politik pengusung pasangan Joko Widodo dan Ma’ruf Amin. Rapat koordinasi membahas dan mengevaluasi hasil kampanye yang sudah dilakukan selama ini. Hasilnya, ada sejumlah daerah yang membutuhkan pendekatan lebih intens agar suara yang diperoleh lebih kuat seperti di Sumatera dan sebagian Jawa.

    Official Website:

    Watch TKN: Sebagian Jawa dan Sumatera Butuh Pendekatan Intens With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 453 views

  • Erick Thohir Datangi Rumah Ma'ruf Amin Bahas Agenda Kampanye

    Erick Thohir Datangi Rumah Ma'ruf Amin Bahas Agenda Kampanye

    Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Jokowi-Ma’ruf Erick Thohir mendatangi kediaman Ma'ruf Amin di Rumah Situbondo, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (10/12). Kedatangan Erick Thohir ke rumah Ma'ruf untuk membahas agenda kampanye.

    Official Website:

    Watch Erick Thohir Datangi Rumah Ma’ruf Amin Bahas Agenda Kampanye With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 523 views

  • TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Minta Kasus Baiq Ditangani Adil

    TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Minta Kasus Baiq Ditangani Adil

    Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin meminta para penegak hukum yang menangani kasus Baiq Nuril harus berlaku adil. TKN juga meminta memperhatikan kasus awal dibalik keluarnya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) dan peraturan MK Nomor 3 Tahun 2017 tentang pedoman mengadili perkara perempuan berhadapan dengan hukum.

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    Watch TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Minta Kasus Baiq Ditangani Adil With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 1881 views

  • Jubir TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Klarifikasi soal Pernyataan Buta dan Budek

    Jubir TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Klarifikasi soal Pernyataan Buta dan Budek

    Juru Bicara Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma’ruf Ace Hasan Syadzily menjelaskan maksud dari pernyataan Ma’ruf soal buta dan budek itu bukan dalam artian fisik. Namun melainkan sebuah kiasan simbolik untuk menyebut pihak-pihak yang menutup mata dan tidak melihat keberhasilan pemerintahan Jokowi-JK. Artinya mereka tidak obyektif dalam menilai pemerintahan Jokowi-JK.

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    Watch Jubir TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf Klarifikasi soal Pernyataan Buta dan Budek With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 3182 views

  • Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 3

    Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 3

    Tanda pagar atau tagar alias hashtag mempunyai peran besar dalam meramaikan percakapan dan menjadi trending topic pada media sosial. Saat ini tagar jadi simbol menggerakkan pengguna media sosial dan seringkali digunakan politikus mempengaruhi persepsi public khususnya pengikut atau followers. Menghadapi Pilpres 2019, tagar menjadi suatu hal yang tidak kalah penting mempengaruhi persepsi, membentuk opnini, hingga meraih suara dari pengguna sosmed. Ikuti dialog terkait hal ini bersama Wakil Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Jokowi-Ma'ruf Abdul Kadir Karding, inisiator #2019 Prabowo Presiden, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, dan peneliti Lingkaran Survei Indonesia Ikrama Masloman.

    Official Website:

    Watch Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 3 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 131 views

  • Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 2

    Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 2

    Tanda pagar atau tagar alias hashtag mempunyai peran besar dalam meramaikan percakapan dan menjadi trending topic pada media sosial. Saat ini tagar jadi simbol menggerakkan pengguna media sosial dan seringkali digunakan politikus mempengaruhi persepsi public khususnya pengikut atau followers. Menghadapi Pilpres 2019, tagar menjadi suatu hal yang tidak kalah penting mempengaruhi persepsi, membentuk opnini, hingga meraih suara dari pengguna sosmed. Ikuti dialog terkait hal ini bersama Wakil Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Jokowi-Ma'ruf Abdul Kadir Karding, inisiator #2019 Prabowo Presiden, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, dan peneliti Lingkaran Survei Indonesia Ikrama Masloman.

    Official Website:

    Watch Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 2 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 174 views

  • Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 1

    Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 1

    Tanda pagar atau tagar alias hashtag mempunyai peran besar dalam meramaikan percakapan dan menjadi trending topic pada media sosial. Saat ini tagar jadi simbol menggerakkan pengguna media sosial dan seringkali digunakan politikus mempengaruhi persepsi public khususnya pengikut atau followers. Menghadapi Pilpres 2019, tagar menjadi suatu hal yang tidak kalah penting mempengaruhi persepsi, membentuk opnini, hingga meraih suara dari pengguna sosmed. Ikuti dialog terkait hal ini bersama Wakil Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Jokowi-Ma'ruf Abdul Kadir Karding, inisiator #2019 Prabowo Presiden, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, dan peneliti Lingkaran Survei Indonesia Ikrama Masloman.

    Official Website:

    Watch Prime Time Talk: Perang Tagar di Pilpres # 1 With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 187 views

  • Erick Thohir Membawa Harapan Baru Bagi Koalisi Indonesia Kerja

    Erick Thohir Membawa Harapan Baru Bagi Koalisi Indonesia Kerja

    Dipilihnya Erick Thohir sebagai Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Jokowi-Ma’ruf membawa harapan baru bagi Koalisi Indonesia Kerja. Erick dinilai mampu menggaet suara millenial dalam Pilpres 2019, terlebih dengan jiwa kepemimpinan dan prestasi Erick di kancah Nasional maupun Internasional.

    Official Website:

    Watch Erick Thohir Membawa Harapan Baru Bagi Koalisi Indonesia Kerja With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 430 views

  • Erick Thohir Kandidat Terkuat Ketua Timses Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin

    Erick Thohir Kandidat Terkuat Ketua Timses Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin

    Erick Thohir digadang-gadang menjadi kandidat terkuat Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional pasangan capres-cawapres Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin di Pemilu 2019. Sebab Erick dinilai sosok yang mewakili kalangan milenial, dekat dengan dunia usaha, dan paham ekonomi. Namun kabar tersebut baru dugaan sementara. Presiden Jokowi mengaku akan mengumumkan nama Ketua Tim Kampanye Nasional Jumat (07/09/2018) petang.

    Official Website:

    Watch Erick Thohir Kandidat Terkuat Ketua Timses Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin With HD Quality

    By Aditya| 16401 views

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  • Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    The Netherlands cricket team is gearing up for the ICC ODI World Cup 2023, which will be held in India from October 6 to November 26. The Dutch have qualified for the mega event after a remarkable performance in the World Cup Qualifier, where they defeated the likes of West Indies, Zimbabwe, and Nepal. They have also announced their 15-member squad, which includes some experienced players like Roelof van der Merwe, Colin Ackermann, and Wesley Barresi, as well as some young talents like Max O'Dowd, Bas de Leede, and Aryan Dutt.

    In this video, we get to hear from some of the Netherlands cricketers, who share their thoughts on their preparation, expectations, and challenges for the World Cup. They talk about their strengths and weaknesses as a team, their key players and opponents, their goals and strategies, and their excitement and nervousness for the biggest stage of cricket. They also express their gratitude to their fans and supporters, who have been following them throughout their journey.

    In this video, we will give you all the information you need to know about this exciting encounter.

    So, stay tuned and watch this video till the end to get all the insights and analysis of the India vs Australia 3rd ODI match. And don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel crictracker for more cricket videos.

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    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    By CricTracker| 258 views

  • Isha Malviya’s boyfriend Samarth Jurel exposes her ex Abhishek Kumar & his violence | Bigg Boss 17

    Isha Malviya’s boyfriend Samarth Jurel exposes her ex Abhishek Kumar & his violence | Bigg Boss 17

    On Bigg Boss 17 we have seen the fastest wild card entries and these would only cause lots of fireworks on the show. Now as Samarth Jurel, who is Isha Malviya's boyfriend, enters the BB17 house as a contestant, he spoke to Bollywood Bubble's host Nawaz Kochra. From exposing the violence Abhishek Kumar inflicted on Isha to sharing how Isha's ex used to slap her and cause her harm. He even confirmed their relationship and shared how seeing Isha getting close to Abhishek left him heartbroken. Commenting on Isha being Ankita Lokhande's shadow, Samarth also explained how his entry will change the dynamics on the show. Watch this explosive interview here!

    #samarthjurel #ishamalviya #bollywoodbubble

    Check out the video to know more.

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    Isha Malviya’s boyfriend Samarth Jurel exposes her ex Abhishek Kumar & his violence | Bigg Boss 17

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  • Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world

    Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world

    Robotic Process Automation enables users to create software robots, or #Bots, that can observe, mimic & execute repetitive, time consuming #Digital #business processes by studying human actions.
    Watch the video to know how RPA is transforming #businesses.

    Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world

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  • अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र "  से बांधी डोर विश्वास की

    अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की

    अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की

    Watch अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की With HD Quality

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    जासूसी विवाद पर बोला एपल

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  • Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Everything about hair care using at home affordable hair treatments for dry, damaged, frizzy hair and color treated hair with hair pack at home is discussed in this video using the Biolage Deep Treatment hair packs/ hair masks. Hair care with DIY deep treatment hair packs by Biolage helped me get soft, smooth, silky hair. They also have hair masks to tame fly-aways, get rid of split-ends and to treat colored hair which are infused with hair foods and hair caring ingredients which I've explained and shared in detail in this video. I’ve shared with you a demo and my review of the Biolage Deep Treatment Pack for hair as well.

    These hair mask treatments help to get deep moisture treatment for natural and colored hair and frizzy or damaged hair as well. You can now take care of damaged hair at home with the following Biolage deep treatment hair masks in India at

    I used the Biolage Ultra Hydrasource Deep Treatment Pack which has Aloe and Spirulina which is a hair mask for dry hair to get moisturised, soft, smooth, manageable and hydrated hair from deep within.

    I’ve also shared with you, a hair treatment for color treated hair at home by using the Biolage ColorLast Deep Hair Treatment Pack for colored hair which has amazing hair care ingredients like Apricot Seeds and Orchid to take care of color treated hair.

    And, a hair mask for Frizzy hair which is the Biolage SmoothProof Deep Treatment Pack which has Camelia and Castor Oil in it, helps to tame fly-aways and frizzy hair. You can now get yourself a hair spa for frizzy and damaged hair at home for just Rs.350 and get a sleep hair look at home.

    I hope that you found this hair care video useful. Let me know how you liked the difference in my hair after using these DIY hair masks.

    Thank you Biolage for giving me an amazing opportunity to collaborate with you and take care of my hair at home!

    #DeepTreatmentPack #BiolageIndia @biolage

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    आज का राशिफल 05 February 2024 AAJ KA RASHIFAL Gurumantra-Today Horoscope || Paramhans Daati Maharaj

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    Monthly February Rashifal 2024. February Horoscope 2024

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  • Dehradun Live | विधानसभा में बोले रहे सीएम पुष्कर सिंह धामी उत्तराखंड विधानसभा सत्र का आगाज

    Dehradun Live | विधानसभा में बोले रहे सीएम पुष्कर सिंह धामी उत्तराखंड विधानसभा सत्र का आगाज

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    Dehradun Live | विधानसभा में बोले रहे सीएम पुष्कर सिंह धामी उत्तराखंड विधानसभा सत्र का आगाज

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