ਵੀਡੀਓ ਖੋਜੋ: #keshavbansalbloomberginterview
Keshav Bansal, Director, Intex Technologies Special Interview Bloomberg TV
An insightful interview of Mr Keshav Bansal covered by leading business news channel Bloomberg TV India. Watch the special episode of 'Breakout companies'.
Watch Keshav Bansal, Director, Intex Technologies | Special Interview Bloomberg TV With HD Qualityਦੁਆਰਾ Intex Technologies| 20301 ਵਿਚਾਰ
ਫੀਚਰਡ ਚੈਨਲ
ਫੀਚਰਡ ਵੀਡਿਓ
My Smooth Shining Hair Secret | JSuper Kaur
Product Links :
Amazon: https://amzn.to/38BQVdI
Nykaa: https://bit.ly/39lPkcl
Flipkart : https://bit.ly/3MDVFOK
Camera Used : https://amzn.to/318ppMI
Vlog Camera : https://amzn.to/2QLo5e3
Shooting Lights : https://amzn.to/2ETZ5fL
Ring Light : https://amzn.to/31ldcVc
Tripod Used : https://amzn.to/2WMVA4W
My Fav Lipstick Colour : https://amzn.to/2WQz7E4
: https://amzn.to/2WHV9sR
: https://amzn.to/2QNDzOF
: https://amzn.to/2Kr07n6
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Super Beauty : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG2yeNDaXoJCjtUNlZi15Dw
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Much Love
PS - My channel is dedicated to my much beloved n most missed Father - Mr. Kulwant Singh. He was, is and will always be in my heart to heal it whenever it gets hurt. He's living this life through me.
Disclaimer : All products used in my videos, regardless of whether the is sponsored or not, are the products i like using. the information provided on this channel is only for general purposes and should NOT be considered asਦੁਆਰਾ JSuper kaur| 432369 ਵਿਚਾਰ
Special Briefing on the Visit of President of Maldives to India (August 02, 2022)
Special Briefing on the Visit of President of Maldives to India (August 02, 2022)ਦੁਆਰਾ Ministry of External Affairs, India| 197509 ਵਿਚਾਰ
Technical Session V, Q&A
Global Summit 2020 "Mission 5 Trillion – CMA as a Cryogenic Force"
Watch Technical Session V, Q&A With HD Qualityਦੁਆਰਾ ICMAI| 901621 ਵਿਚਾਰ
NTPC Empowering through Self Employment Opportunities (Updated Version, 11.10.2019)
NTPC is the largest power generating company of India that also works towards enhancing and bringing qualitative changes in the communities around its projects. One of the key focus areas by which NTPC is bringing change in nearby communities is empowering women by providing them training in various areas for self employment .
This is story of Sridevi from Telangana- her transformation from a diligent housewife to a successful entrepreneur.
A success story of empowerment with help of NTPC’s CSR initiative.
Watch NTPC Empowering through Self Employment Opportunities (Updated Version, 11.10.2019) With HD Qualityਦੁਆਰਾ NTPC Limited| 7192583 ਵਿਚਾਰ
Monsoon | Shimla | Damage
The southwest monsoon has wreaked havoc as soon as it entered Himachal Pradesh. This time, compared to last year, the first rain of the monsoon has caused heavy damage in many places in Shimla. Heavy rains have brought a lot of debris on the road in Malyana, Chamiyana, Bhattakufar, Mini Kuftdhar and Shurala and other places in the city. Many vehicles parked on the roadside have been buried under the debris. Landslides have caused damage at many places. Vehicles have been damaged by the debris of the under-construction four-lane in Shurala.
#Monsoon #Shimla #Damage #Malyana #havoc #vehicles
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Monsoon | Shimla | Damageਦੁਆਰਾ Himachal Abhi Abhi| 10519 ਵਿਚਾਰ
20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगलदेव अपने नीच राशि कर्क में कर्क सिंह कन्या राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव
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20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगलदेव अपने नीच राशि कर्क में कर्क सिंह कन्या राशि पर क्या पड़ेगा प्रभावਦੁਆਰਾ Daati Maharaj| 1565 ਵਿਚਾਰ
Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the world
Robotic Process Automation enables users to create software robots, or #Bots, that can observe, mimic & execute repetitive, time consuming #Digital #business processes by studying human actions.
Watch the video to know how RPA is transforming #businesses.
Robotic Process Automation is transforming businesses across the worldਦੁਆਰਾ CII| 211041 ਵਿਚਾਰ
ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevani
Hi friends..Today i will show you how to make thorana beautiful..Thorana decorations..
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#kannadasanjeevani #thorana #thoranadesign #thoranamaking #howtomakethorana #thoranadecorations #poojaroomdecor #poojaroomdecoration #thoranam #mangoleaves #poojaroomtips #poojaroomdesigns #howtomakeflowerrangoli #hosthiludesign #poojaroom #festivalrangoli #festivaldecoration
ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಚಂದವಾದ ತೋರಣ || Thorana designs || How to make Thorana decorations || Kannada sanjeevaniਦੁਆਰਾ Kannada Sanjeevani| 168258 ਵਿਚਾਰ