ଭିଡିଓ ଖୋଜିବା: #statebankofindia

  • Jaipur: Electoral Bonds Case मामले में SBI को झटका, SC के फैसले के बाद Congress में जश्न का माहौल |

    Jaipur: Electoral Bonds Case मामले में SBI को झटका, SC के फैसले के बाद Congress में जश्न का माहौल |

    #navtejtv #congress #electoralbonds

    Jaipur: Electoral Bonds Case मामले में SBI को झटका, SC के फैसले के बाद Congress में जश्न का माहौल |

    Supreme Court ने Electoral Bonds Case में SBI को बड़ा झटका दिया है...Supreme Court के इस आदेश के बाद प्रदेश भर में Congress नेता और पदाधिकारियों और कार्यकर्ताओं में खासा उत्साह बना हुआ है....

    #navtejtv #topnews #jaipur #supremecourt #electoralbonds #sbi #statebankofindia #congress #bjp

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    Navtej TV National News Channel. Navtej TV is a broadcasting company and one of the leading news channels in Rajasthan. Navtej TV is highly reliable and most trusted for political news. Navtej TV Rajasthan is people's channel, your channel. The most honest and growing national news channel that covers the latest trending Hindi news, Hindi Bulletin, in-depth coverage of news stories, the Indian film industry, and the latest Bollywood updates. We primarily focus on ground-level reporting and serious news.

    हमारे चैनल पर आपको देश-विदेश की बड़ी खबरें, राजनीति, विश्व घटनाएँ, व्यापार, खेल, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड और और भी कई रोचक विषयों पर विस्तार से जानकारी प्राप्त होगी।
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    Jaipur: Electoral Bonds Case मामले में SBI को झटका, SC के फैसले के बाद Congress में जश्न का माहौल |

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Navtej TV| 115 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Electoral Bond Data पर SBI ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट से मांगा समय, तो भड़क गईं Supriya Shrinate

    Electoral Bond Data पर SBI ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट से मांगा समय, तो भड़क गईं Supriya Shrinate

    #SupremeCourt #sbi #electoralbond #stateBankofIndia #trendingnews #stateBankofIndianews #breakingnews #pmmodinews #pmmodi #todaytrendingnews #viralnewstoday #supriyashrinate #congressnews #congressparty #rahulgandhi #priyankagandhi #sbibanknews #politicalparty #poltics #letestnews #election2024 #chunavprachar #chunavnews #scnews #petitions #bhartiyajantaparty #cmyogiadityanath #bjpvscongress #lnv_india

    इलेक्टोरल बॉन्ड की जानकारी देने के लिए SBI ने मांगी 30 जून तक की मोहलत, SC ने तय की थी डेडलाइन

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    Electoral Bond Data पर SBI ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट से मांगा समय, तो भड़क गईं Supriya Shrinate

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ LNV India| 72 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • EV Vehicle खरीदने पर बैंक से मिलेगा 100% लोन #shorts #ytshorts #viralvideo

    EV Vehicle खरीदने पर बैंक से मिलेगा 100% लोन #shorts #ytshorts #viralvideo

    #statebankofindia #sbi #electronicvehicle #evvehicle #loannews #shorts #viralvideo #khabarfast-

    यह रफ्तार का जमाना है. लेकिन क्या आपका भी सपना है कि आपके पास एक चमचमाती कार हो जिसमें आप अपने परिवार के साथ कहीं भी घूम सकें. दरअसल देश के सबसे बड़े बैंक SBI ने इलेक्ट्रिक कार (Electrcic Car) खरीद के लिए एक विशेष लोन योजना (Loan Scheme) शुरू की है.

    EV Vehicle खरीदने पर बैंक से मिलेगा 100% लोन #shorts #ytshorts #viralvideo

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  • बैंकिंग नियमों की आड़ में Electoral Bond पर बचने की कोशिश में Modi Sarkar | Supreme Court | #dblive

    बैंकिंग नियमों की आड़ में Electoral Bond पर बचने की कोशिश में Modi Sarkar | Supreme Court | #dblive

    बैंकिंग नियमों की आड़ में Electoral Bond पर बचने की कोशिश में Modi Sarkar | Supreme Court | #dblive #HindiNews | #BreakingNews | #Watch | #video |

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    बैंकिंग नियमों की आड़ में Electoral Bond पर बचने की कोशिश में Modi Sarkar | Supreme Court | #dblive

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  • breaking news | india news, latest news hindi, rahul gandhi, November, 05 October |#dblive

    breaking news | india news, latest news hindi, rahul gandhi, November, 05 October |#dblive

    breaking news | india news, latest news hindi, rahul gandhi, November, 05 October |#dblive #HindiNews | #BreakingNews | #Watch | #video |

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    breaking news | india news, latest news hindi, rahul gandhi, November, 05 October |#dblive

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  • Vishwakarma Diwas पर 30 हजार करोड़ रुपये बांटेंगे Bank, प्लंबर जैसे कामगारों को मिलेगा Loan

    Vishwakarma Diwas पर 30 हजार करोड़ रुपये बांटेंगे Bank, प्लंबर जैसे कामगारों को मिलेगा Loan

    #vishwakarmaday #yogiadityanath #bank #plumber #loan #cmyogiadityanathji

    विश्वकर्मा दिवस पर प्रदेश में सभी बैंक 30 हजार करोड़ रुपये का कर्ज बाटेंगे। बैंकों को इस संबंध में निर्देश जारी करने के साथ अधिक से अधिक लोगों को लोन देने का आह्वान किया गया है। ये कर्ज गरीब बढ़ई, प्लंबर, मिस्त्री सहित डेढ़ दर्जन कुशल कामगारों और उद्यमियों को दिया जाएगा, जो अपने आप में एक रिकार्ड होगा।

    #uttarpradeshgovernment #cmyogiadityanath #30000thousandcroredistribute #yogigoverment #cmyogiinstruction #pradeshgovernment #reservebankofindia #statebankofindia #bankersmeeting #msmedepartment #amitmohanprasad #toolkit #boatcreator #armsmanufacturer #blacksmith #kaushalvikasmission #todaytrendingnews #cmyoginews #breakingnews #newstoday #basictraining #toolkitinsentives #evoucher #erupee #vishwakarmajayanti #vishwakarma2023 #politics #politicalnews #rahulgandhi #priyankagandhi #indiannationaldevelopmentalinclusivealliance #indiaalliance #cmyogitour #gorakhnathtour #cmgorakhnathtour #cmtodaynews

    Vishwakarma Diwas पर 30 हजार करोड़ रुपये बांटेंगे Bank, प्लंबर जैसे कामगारों को मिलेगा Loan

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ LNV India| 102 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Indian outsourcing Industry

    Indian outsourcing Industry

    India is the outsourcing hub in the globe. It is the world's largest provider of outsourced services, with a market share of over 50%. It is quite visible that, there has been huge reduction of tech jobs that were cut globally to move to India by 2024-25.

    India's outsourcing industry is worth over $150 billion, and it employs over 4 million people. The current trend shows that there will be 30-40% of the more than 300,000 technology jobs lost to layoffs globally, resulted the outsourcing work could love to the outsourcing hubs like India in the coming months.

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
    0:00 Intro
    2:46 India approves $2.7 bn Micron chip testing plant
    3:13 #Google reportedly planning to assemble Pixel phones in India
    3:42 Teleperformance and Microsoft sign $185 million deal to launch GenAI tool
    4:13 #Realme announces new update to disable controversial intelligent services feature
    4:45 #SBI’s MD Swaminathan Janaki Raman appointed as RBI Deputy Governor

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    #varindia #news #newshour #technews #Pixel #Micron #India #Google #GenAI #Microsoft #Teleperformance #Realme #SBI #Indianoutsourcing #outsourcingindustry #offshoreservices #outsourcingsolutions #globaloutsourcing #BPOindustry #KPO #LPO #ITES #InformationTechnology #businesssolutions #CostEfficient #LabourCost #jobcreation #virtualassistant #contracting #moneysaving #OutsourcingDestinations #IndiaAdvantage #businesspartnerships

    Indian outsourcing Industry

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  • Geotagging


    Geotagging is the process of adding geographic coordinates to media based on the location of a mobile device. Geotags can be applied to photos, videos, websites, text messages, and QR codes, or other contextual information. Geotagging provides helpful insight into consumer activity. By using geotags the device can analyze where and how consumers interact with their brands and organizations can provide specialized offers and messaging.

    With growing concerns over privacy and data security, a rising trend of anti-geotagging is observed on social media platforms. Many have stopped geotagging their pictures and posts, largely due to privacy concerns, but also because of the changing cultural significance of location -sharing in public.

    Today's Headline in News Hour
    0:00 Intro
    2:40 #Microsoft brings Chat GPT with Bing on the iPhone home screen
    4:10 Hitachi Payment to deploy 30K sound boxes for SBI Payments
    4:40 Fake Chat GPT apps showing up across Android devices
    5:10 #Hackers threaten to leak stolen data from Reddit
    5:35 #Google to discontinue Album Archive from July 19

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    #varindia #tech #technews #newshour #hitachi #hackers #google #chatgpt #microsoft #bing #iphone #fakechatgpt #soundbox #reddit #threats #geotagging #location #geolocation #geocoding #mapping #locationbased #mapmybusiness #checkin #mapitout #tracking #locateme #placestovisit #explore #destination #travel #adventure #tour #roadtrip #discover


    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 69 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Deepfake Porn

    Deepfake Porn

    The rapid development of #artificialintelligence technology has significant impacts on society, including changing the way we live and work, and raising important ethical and social issues. Artificial intelligence imaging can be used to create art, try on clothes in virtual fitting rooms or help design advertising campaigns. Technology has made life complicated.

    #Deepfakeporn involves using machine learning algorithms to create fake pornographic videos or images that appear to show real people engaging in sexual acts. These videos can be created using a variety of techniques, including facial mapping, voice synthesis, and body tracking.

    It is technology-enabled abuse. "And as long as that happens, people will undoubtedly ... continue to misuse that technology to harm others, primarily through online sexual violence, deepfake pornography and fake nude images. Deepfake porn is indeed a growing problem amid the AI race, as advancements in artificial intelligence technology make it increasingly easy to create realistic fake videos that can be used for malicious purposes.

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
    0:00 Intro
    2:35 #ElonMusk to launch AI rival to Microsoft-backed ChatGPT
    3:05 #Alphabet’s shares fall as Samsung dumps Google Search for Bing
    3:40 #Razorpay ropes in former RBI deputy governor as chairperson of its advisory board
    4:12 Cred starts peer-to-peer UPI transactions
    4:42 Adobe to connect generative AI tools into its video editing software

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  • Bank stocks might slide more

    Bank stocks might slide more

    With increasing digitalization, #cybersecurity threats are a growing concern for the banking sector. #cybersecurity attacks can result in reputational damage, financial losses, and legal liabilities. Secondly, the banking sector is highly competitive, and banks may face challenges from new entrants such as fintech companies and other non-bank financial institutions.

    All it seems, risks to financial stability have increased and called for continued vigilance although actions by advanced economies have calmed market stress. International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva reiterated her view that 2023 would be another challenging year, with global growth slowing to below 3% due to scarring from the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and monetary tightening.

    The change in the Regulatory has impacted the profitability and operational efficiency of banks. For example, increased regulation may lead to higher compliance costs and lower profitability, which has witnessed the collapse of US-based Silicon Valley Bank. A week on, a second US regional bank — Signature Bank — has been shut down, a third — First Republic Bank — has been propped up, Credit Suisse — has been averted after it was taken over by UBS. Recent stress in the banking sector and the possibility of a follow-on credit crunch brings the US closer to recession

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
    0:00 Intro
    2:30 Govt approves setting up of Electronics Manufacturing Cluster in Karnataka
    3:05 Silicon Valley Bank acquires First Citizens Bank
    3:32 Parts of Twitter’s source code leaked online
    4:03 #Paytm wins regulator extension for payment aggregator licence application
    4:37 #Bharti backed OneWeb launches 36 satellites with ISRO & NSIL

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  • ChatGPT Can Fix Bugs in Computer Code

    ChatGPT Can Fix Bugs in Computer Code

    #ChatGPT chatbot came out and we thought it seems very good at fixing software bugs, but its main advantage over other methods and AI models is its unique ability to converse with humans allowing it to improve the answer's correctness.

    #Researchers from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and University College London compared OpenAI’s ChatGPT to “standard automated programme repair techniques” as well as two deep-learning approaches to programme repairs: Codex, OpenAI’s GPT-3-based model that underpins GitHub’s Copilot paired programming and auto code-completion service, and CoCoNut from the University of Waterloo, Canada.

    Although the ability of ChatGPT to solve coding problems is not novel, the researchers emphasise that its unique ability to converse with humans gives it a potential advantage over other approaches and models.

    Microsoft Corp rolled out a premium Teams messaging offering powered by ChatGPT to simplify meetings using the AI chatbot that has taken Silicon Valley by storm. OpenAI-owned ChatGPT will generate automatic meeting notes, recommend tasks and help create meeting templates for Teams users. At the same time, Google reportedly has employees testing its own AI-powered chatbot rivals to ChatGPT right now, and it wouldn’t be surprising if it was doing something similar with its currently internal tools for turning text into images or even video.

    ChatGPT is built on the transformer architecture, which was developed by Google, Codex, Microsoft Research’s CodeBERT, and Google’s predecessor BERT are all based on Google’s transformer method.

    The examples for debugging code, OpenAI highlights ChatGPT’s dialogue capability, where it can ask for clarifications and receive hints from a person to arrive at a better answer. Companies that create bug-fixing software — and software engineers themselves are taking note. However, an obvious barrier to tech companies adopting ChatGPT on a platform like

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 147 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • 2.5 billion Google Chrome users at risk

    2.5 billion Google Chrome users at risk

    #GoogleChrome is a popular web browser used by billions of people worldwide and now it is under the risk. These vulnerabilities would allow hackers to exploit and take control of an affected system. An attacker can run commands or code on a Google Chrome OS device without user’s permission.

    Billions of users around the world are using the famous web browser Google Chrome. The risk of data threats is ever increasing. A report by Imperva Red has discovered a vulnerability in Google Chrome and Chromium-based browsers that put the data of more than 2.5 billion users at risk.

    A vulnerability named CVE-2022-3656 allows the theft of personal information such as cloud provider logins and crypto wallets. According to the blog, the vulnerability was discovered during an assessment of how the browser interacts with the file system, with widespread flaws primarily related to how the browser handles symlinks.

    A symbolic link is a type of file that points to another file or directory. The linked file or directory can then be treated by the operating system as if it existed where the symlink is. It claims that a symlink can be helpful for creating shortcuts, changing file paths, or for more flexible file organization.

    Imperva Red explains how Google is affecting Chrome by saying that a hacker may have created a false website promoting a new crypto wallet service. Websites can trick a user into creating a new wallet, by asking them to download their “recovery” key.

    Imperva Red says that it notified Google of the vulnerability and the issue was fully resolved in Chrome 108. It is advisable for users to always keep their software up to date in order to protect against such vulnerabilities.

    With this impact, the website might then deceive the user into creating a new wallet.

    0:00 Intro

    2:15 7 top 10 most valued firms’ market cap rises Rs 1 lakh Cr
    3:02 #Meta sues Voyager Labs for scraping users’ data

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  • SaaS - A Trillion Dollar opportunity

    SaaS - A Trillion Dollar opportunity

    Customers utilise the #SaaSPlatform to get fresh insights from enormous amounts of different data, including historical and contemporary data. This technology is appropriate for running algorithms and analysing vast amounts of data to discover meaningful links, entities, and insights. Secondly, consumers in India estimate 60% of their interactions with businesses to take place online.

    Additionally, 71% of Indians expect companies to accelerate digital initiatives. As the world quickly moves to a cloud-based environment, there is increased adoption of SaaS in the market. Top Indian companies include ZoHo, Freshworks, PostMan, Uniphore, LeadSquared and are already in the Unicorn club.

    Going forward, there are few more SaaS companies who are expected to turn unicorns soon including #CleverTap, FarEye, Kissflow, Loginext and Yellow.ai and others in the race.

    SaaS #startups in India have still managed to attract meaningful funding. As per a recent report, SaaS was the second-ranked segment in terms of the number of funding during H1 2022 with more than 90 Indian SaaS startups mopping up $1.76 billion. Indian SaaS startups have traditionally been more capital-efficient than their global counterparts, as per the report of Saas Bhoomi.

    As hybrid work environments are the norm now, and B2B buyer preferences have moved to a digital-first approach irrevocably. A major driver of this growth has been the secular trend towards digitalization triggered by the pandemic. SaaS now comprises $600 billion of the $3 trillion global enterprise IT and communications spending market, and is expected to be worth $1.3 trillion by 2030.

    Today's Headline in NewsHours
    0:00 Intro
    2:30 Govt authorises SBI to promote rupee trade with Russia
    3:05 Byju’s faces revenue drop with 20 times more loss
    3:50 Kapil Kapoor appointed as CredAble’s CTO
    4:25 Cisco confirms data stolen in Yanluowang ransomware hit
    4:55 Google reportedly c

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 127 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • ONDC to regulate ecom biz

    ONDC to regulate ecom biz

    #ONDC, is a private non-profit Section 8 company established by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) of Government of India to develop open e-commerce.

    It was incorporated on 31 December 2021 with initial investment from Quality Council of India and Protean eGov Technologies Limited, formerly NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited. ONDC is a set of specifications designed to foster open interchange and connections between shoppers, technology platforms, and retailers.

    ONDC will unbundle delivery services so that customers can choose their own logistics provider. As many as 20 organisations of national repute have confirmed investments of Rs 255 crore into ONDC. Lenders such as the State Bank of India, UCO Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Bank of Baroda have already committed investments.

    The initiative is aimed at suppressing the dominance of Amazon and #Flipkart, which control more than half of the country’s e-commerce trading, limit access to the market, and give preferential treatment to certain sellers and squeeze supplier margins. ONDC is a set of standards for voluntary adoption by sellers or logistics providers or payment gateways.

    For example, if both Amazon and Flipkart integrate their platforms with ONDC, a user searching for a Bluetooth headset on Amazon would also see results from Flipkart on the Amazon app. ONDC aims to go beyond retail ecommerce, however, and similarly connect companies in areas such as mobility, food delivery, hotel booking and travel, among others.

    On ONDC, there will be several other backend partners such as logistics service providers, enterprise resource planners, e-commerce store hosting service providers, etc.

    #Paytm has joined the ONDC platform as a buyer, and Reliance-backed Dunzo is offering logistics services for hyperlocal deliveries. According to the ONDC website, companies like Kotak, PhonePe, Zoho and Snapdeal are in the “advanced stage

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 153 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • AI enhancing Education sector

    AI enhancing Education sector

    During the pandemic, technology has pushed the educators to rely on tech for virtual instruction. Now many feel that technology is an integral element of education.

    #AI has the potential to improve both learning and teaching, assisting the education industry, simultaneously evolving to benefit both students and teachers. Personalization is one of the most prominent educational trends. Students now have a customized way of learning programs that focus on their own distinct experiences and interests; thanks to AI applications.

    AI can adjust to each student’s level of expertise, learning speed, and desired goals to ensure they get the most from their learning. Furthermore, AI-powered systems can examine students’ previous educational histories, detect shortcomings, and recommend courses better suited for improvement, allowing for a highly personalized learning opportunity.

    While AI-powered solutions have been in the EdTech industry for some time, the pandemic drastically shifted the landscape, forcing educators/learners to rely on technology more than ever before.

    AI technologies have the power to optimise both learning and teaching, thus paving the way for the education sector to evolve. AI can highlight not only the needs of each student but also the specific topics they should emphasize upon. This will create a unique and tailored learning path for each student, and ultimately ensure that the education system is personalised.

    Teachers will be able to offer the specific support and help that a student needs. Secondly, AI can help create smart content that can be accessible for everyone, including students who might have been deprived because of their hearing or visual impairment. With this, students can get their queries solved at their own pace and without having to wait for teachers.

    Whereas AI tutors and chatbots can help students to sharpen their skills and improve weak spots outside the classroom, teachers ca

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 118 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Wearable band shipments fall 4% in Q1 2022

    Wearable band shipments fall 4% in Q1 2022

    Worldwide wearable band shipments dropped to four percent to 41.7 million units in Q1 2022, as per the estimate of Canalys. At the same time, the shift from bands to watches continues. Wristwatches, consisting of basic watches and smartwatches, accounted for 76.6% of all wearable band shipments in the quarter, growth of 15% to 32.0 million units. Basic bands suffered a 37% decline, a sixth consecutive fall since Q4 2020. Basic band shipments dipped below 10 million for the first time after peaking at 27.9 million in Q4 2019. The increase in watch shipments helped offset the basic band drop but still resulted in a decline in the overall wearable band market. The rise of basic watches accelerated the shift from bands to watches. Basic watches run rudimentary real-time operating systems but lack support for third-party apps, as opposed to smartwatches, which run fully-fledged operating systems with third-party app support. “Consumers are favoring watches over bands. With bigger displays, richer features and longer battery life, they believe watches are better able to fulfill their health-tracking and digital lifestyle needs. “Basic watches are positioned as an affordable step-up from basic bands, suitable for price-conscious consumers with growing expectations as to what wearables can do.”

    The consumer survey report states that, the survey conducted in April 2022, out of 4,000 respondents from four Western European markets, 34% said they intended to buy a smartwatch in the next 12 months, against 17% who would choose a fitness band. Smartwatches stood out as the most popular companion device to smartphones for Western European consumers. The future consumer demand will shift away from basic bands to watches, potentially affecting vendors such as Xiaomi and Fitbit, which are still shipping basic bands in significant numbers. Apple maintained its lead in the wristwatch segment, driven by strong demand for the Watch Series 7. “Despite growing 53%, Samsung was bea

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 155 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • It is time to regulate India’s E-Commerce framework with ONDC

    It is time to regulate India’s E-Commerce framework with ONDC

    India’s Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) aims to bring a sustainable approach for the sale and purchase of goods and services online and the Rules apply to e-commerce entities including Amazon, Flipkart and Reliance Retail. Major e-commerce players in the Indian market are likely to join the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). The Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC), an open e-commerce network, is an initiative of the government to promote an open platform for all aspects of the exchange of goods and services through electronic networks. The ONDC has been initially launched in five cities in India- Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Shillong and Coimbatore - on 29 April on a pilot basis to on-board Kirana stores and small and medium businesses. According to the report, ONDC, which still is at a nascent stage, is being pitched as a solution to break the dominance of large e-commerce firms like Walmart-owned Flipkart, Amazon and others in India. In this backdrop, any move by these major e-commerce players to join the network will assume huge significance. E-kart, the logistics arm of Flipkart, has already integrated with ONDC for logistics services while the Flipkart-owned PhonePe is reportedly in the process of joining the network. A report says, Paytm has already joined the network.

    ONDC is a decentralised platform that will allow buyers and sellers to connect and transact with each other online irrespective of which ecommerce portal(s) they are listed on. “The bigger ecommerce players have indicated to ONDC that they will support it. Besides tapping into new users, this will also enable platforms with sizable business-to-business verticals to tap into the seller side of ONDC network to supply goods. Dynamic pricing, inventory management and optimisation of delivery cost are the three important things in ONDC which will help reduce the cost of doing business for everybody, including retailers. ONDC aims at fostering open networks developed on

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 154 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • India to have over 250 unicorns by 2025

    India to have over 250 unicorns by 2025

    India will have more than 250 Unicorns by 2025. The country has now been positioned as the 3rd largest unicorn hub in the world and surpassing even major countries such as the UK, Germany, France, and more. Moreover, it becomes the fastest growing startup ecosystem and creating a unicorn every five days. As per the report published in the Economic Times on January 15, 2022, India – with 90 unicorns – is the third-largest unicorn hub behind the US (487) and China (301) and ahead of the UK (39). Indian unicorns are also exploring the public listing avenues as a next step to realize the growth potential. This prediction comes from the proprietary data analysis of venture growth investor, Iron Pillar, in its Tech Unicorns Market Landscape Report IV. InMobi was India’s first unicorn in 2011. Entrepreneurs are building bigger enterprises at a faster rate -- 50 per cent of the 130 companies reached unicorn status in the first five years after their initial institutional fundraising. The public listing of 12 Unicorns is another indicator of the increasing maturity of the Indian tech ecosystem. While there is a strong belief that this pace may reduce a bit in the next 24 months, creating 250 companies with over $1 billion in value by 2025 is an extremely activable goal for Indian founders.

    India is on a global growth story. Thus, lots of global funds and investors are chasing assets. The internet companies in India do not even control 1% of the $3.4 trillion domestic equity market. In the US, the internet ecosystem dominates with 40% of the market capitalisation. The surge in fund inflows into startups to the digital transformation has disrupted everything in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic-induced lockdowns have driven this rally, and that along with the huge market potential for these companies has caught the attention of global investors. Investors are looking for some sparks in new companies as they sit on a massive amount of capital. Unicorn

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 92 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Storage is a key component of digital transformation

    Storage is a key component of digital transformation

    Data Management is at the core of every business. It comprises hard facts about data from collection, unification, quality, and enrichment to maintenance, integration, and dissemination, data management critically influences Digital Transformation. A report says that more than 80% of companies plan to accelerate their Digital Transformation. Digital transformation initiatives have been accelerated by the Covid pandemic, as organisations have been forced to intensify digital channels to their workforce and customers. Storage is a key component of digital transformation. It may not look the same as it once did – with the rise of the cloud and architecture-morphing high-performance media – but the need to store and access data remains. Data storage is at the foundation of every digital transformation, cloud computing and data science application today. Any company starting its infrastructural data roadmap or advancing its digital transformation needs a secure, flexible and easy place to store its data. Digital transformation (also called as DX or DT) leverages technologies to create value and new services for various stakeholders (i.e., customers in the broadest possible sense), innovate and acquire the capabilities to rapidly adapt to changing circumstances.

    Digital transformation is the profound transformation of business and organizational activities, processes, competencies and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their accelerating impact across society in a strategic and prioritized way, with present and future shifts in mind. The DX strategy aims to create the capabilities of fully leveraging the possibilities and opportunities of new technologies and their impact faster, better and in a more innovative way in the future. A digital transformation journey needs a staged approach with a clear roadmap, involving a variety of stakeholders, beyond silos and internal/external limitations. This roadmap tak

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 145 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Adoption of new ear technology and risks are like the two sides of a coin | VARINDIA News Hour

    Adoption of new ear technology and risks are like the two sides of a coin | VARINDIA News Hour

    Adoption of new ear technology and risks are like the two sides of a coin | VARINDIA News Hour

    With the Digital revolution around all businesses, small or large, corporates, organizations and even governments are relying on computerized systems to manage their day-to-day activities and thus making cybersecurity a primary goal to safeguard data from various online attacks or any unauthorized access. Continuous change in technologies also implies a parallel shift in cybersecurity trends as news of data breach, ransomware and hacks become the norms. Cybersecurity fundamentals have become even more important due to constant attacks via ransomware, malware and a host of other threat vectors. Bad actors are taking advantage of the remote workforce’s blind spots, and as attacks become more sophisticated, stakes are high for businesses and users. In the future of work, businesses will need to manage, automate and prioritize their cybersecurity efforts to effectively navigate the risks. The threat landscape is ever-changing, and companies need to see their cybersecurity strategy as a journey rather than a destination. Now the industry is much scouted about Artificial intelligence being introduced in all market segments and this technology with a combination of machine learning has brought tremendous changes in cybersecurity. AI has been paramount in building automated security systems, natural language processing, face detection, and automatic threat detection. Although, it is also being used to develop smart malware and attacks to bypass the latest security protocols in controlling data. AI enabled threat detection systems can predict new attacks and notify admins for any data breach instantly.

    With more and more organizations now established on clouds, security measures need to be continuously monitored and updated to safeguard the data from leaks. Although cloud applications such as Google or Microsoft are well equipped with security from their end, stil

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 157 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Technology is changing Education landscape | Education system | VARINDIA News Hour

    Technology is changing Education landscape | Education system | VARINDIA News Hour

    Technology is changing Education landscape | Education system | VARINDIA News Hour

    The Covid-19 epidemic has irreversibly altered the dynamics of almost every element of life on the planet. During the lockdowns and epidemic, technology has proven to be a lifesaver by allowing people to learn and work remotely. Technology-based learning has improved and augmented traditional classroom pedagogy while also transforming online learning. As we all know, classrooms are no longer the same as they were a decade ago. Technology has helped to tackle some of the main challenges faced by the education sector, including reducing teacher workload, increasing efficiency, improving accessibility and inclusion, supporting excellent teaching and improving student outcomes. The use of whiteboards as a substitute for chalkboards in new age classrooms is a common example of this shift. Although the pros and cons of technology in education is debatable, it is undeniable that learning has been made personalised and interactive. Now as we move forward, technology will be changing the landscape of education by making it Artificial Intelligence Driven in the future. Online learning has created a level playing field irrespective of location and delivery channels. Educational technology or EdTech is expected to play a vital role in the Indian education system and grow at a compounded annual growth rate of approximately 30% to reach a market size of $10.4 billion by 2025. This growth is being driven by learning and educational applications that focus on alternative channels of content delivery for K-12, higher education, testing and reskilling. A software as a service (SaaS) based business model has enabled high return on investment for EdTech players, thereby attracting investors to this sector.

    As per the survey of PWC, The Indian education system has been widely recognised for its intense focus on academics and continuous pursuit to drive students towards a successful journ

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 175 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • SUPER APP | Rat Race | Gaining Market Share | New Business Model | VARINDIA News Hour

    SUPER APP | Rat Race | Gaining Market Share | New Business Model | VARINDIA News Hour

    SUPER APP | Rat Race | Gaining Market Share | New Business Model | VARINDIA News Hour

    Now with advancements in technology, the world is moving towards something called a ‘Super App’, which helps people access different services at once. A super-app is a mobile or web application that can provide multiple services including payment and financial transaction processing, effectively becoming an all-encompassing self-contained commerce and communication online platform that embraces many aspects of personal and commercial life. Precisely, it is a one-stop portal or application that allows users to access numerous services in one place. In other words, it is a singular platform developed by a company that offers multiple services under one roof. It is the technological equivalent of a shopping mall. We use payment apps to transfer money, entertainment apps to consume content, and weather apps to check the temperature. However, super-apps have emerged in other parts of the world and are even starting to gain a foothold in the West — whether we realize it or not. Super-apps cover multiple verticals and create a “one-stop-shop” app where users can complete many different tasks. Put simply, super-apps combine multiple different services into one app. The unique selling point of a super-app that centralizes many functions is that you can complete multiple tasks or actions in one place. You don’t have to switch between programs or providers to get things done.

    The SuperApp is more than just a platform-based business model. Going forward, it is expected to cover at least 40-50% of online transactions made by a large customer segment. Learning from the Chinese Technology conglomerate Tencent’s WeChat and Alibaba’s Alipay, in India business houses including Adani Group, Reliance Industries Ltd. [RIL], the Tata group, Amazon, Flipkart, and Paytm are keeping the details of their SuperApp close to their chest but their actions leave a trail of their aspiratio

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 110 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Offshore data exposes financial secrets of effluent personalities

    Offshore data exposes financial secrets of effluent personalities

    #CryptoRom #iPhone #Scam

    Black money menace of wealthy elites

    Several countries' ramped up drive against the black money menace has forced wealthy elites, including from India, to adopt a new method to ring fence their wealth, revealed the 'Pandora Papers', the latest leak of offshore files. The records include an unprecedented amount of information on so-called beneficial owners of entities registered in the British Virgin Islands, Seychelles, Hong Kong, Baleez, Panama, South Dakota and other secrecy jurisdictions. They also contain information about the shareholders, directors and officers. The interesting thing is Pandora Papers investigation also reveals how banks and law firms work closely with offshore service providers to design complex corporate structures. The influencers had paid millions to hide Trillions and the files show that providers don’t always know their customers, despite their legal obligation to take care not to do business with people who engage in questionable dealings.

    About 30,000 private foreign trusts had been set up across the globe in not just tax friendly jurisdictions, where the laws are comparatively lenient, but also in those jurisdictions such as US, Singapore, which have very rigorous tax laws. Many jurisdictions continue to evade law enforcement agencies that chase the secret money trails of tax dodgers and criminals. Due to all the obvious regulatory and enforcement gaps, and to the seeming lack of political will to address those gaps actively and practically, there are some encouraging signs suggesting governments around the world are being forced to act. The investigation also reports on how U.S. trust providers have taken advantage of some states’ laws that promote secrecy and help wealthy overseas clients hide wealth to avoid taxes in their home countries. However, certain legal experts say that, being named as beneficial owner of a trust is not an offence as

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 90 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Digital transformation will drive the future of banking

    Digital transformation will drive the future of banking

    #Cybersecuritymanagement #digitaltransformation #SEBI

    Digital transformation driving future banking

    For the banks to get success in the digital age, the only mantra is banks need to embrace emerging technology, remain flexible to adopt evolving business models, and put customers at the center of every strategy. India needs four or five more banks like the State Bank of India, said Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. The FM said, India needs to scale up banking to meet the changing requirements in light of the shifting realities of the economy and industry. “We need not just more, but bigger banks. If we look at the post-Covid scenario, India’s banking contour will have to be very unique to the country, where there has been an extremely successful adoption of digitization. The level of digitization of Indian banks helped us to transfer money to small, medium and big account holders through DBT and digital mechanisms.

    The need of the hour is Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) to improve the access of banking in every district through a rationalised approach and optimal utilisation of digital technologies, and to carry out digitised mapping of all bank branches in every district of the country. “Almost two-thirds of nearly 7.5 lakh panchayats have optical fibre connections. The IBA should consider this and conduct an exercise to decide where banks should have a physical presence and where we are able to serve customers without the presence of a branch. Such nimbleness and agility are especially important for India to be able to achieve the ambitious export targets of $2 trillion by 2030, $1 trillion in merchandise exports and $1 trillion in service exports. The banking industry needs specialists to understand the unique business requirements of diverse sectors and the businesses that are rapidly relocating to India. The Finance Minister commended the amalgamation of the banks during the pandemic, without causing any disr

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 145 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Cyber Insurance is just like jumping from the frying pan to fire

    Cyber Insurance is just like jumping from the frying pan to fire

    #ChiefJusticeofIndia #reservation #CyberInsurance

    Cyber Insurance - Good or bad??

    Does Cyber insurance protect your organisation’s data? We have witnessed most of the governments, organizations and people have been threatened by cyberattacks and data breaches. The attacks since then have grown to be more sophisticated causing severe monetary and reputation loss for organizations. Taking stock of the growing numbers and scale of recent cyberattacks, a global survey ‘The State of Ransomware 2021’ conducted by cybersecurity firm Sophos, states that the total cost of recovery from a ransomware attack has more than doubled in a year, increasing from 761,106 dollars in 2020 to 1.85 million dollars in 2021 globally. In comparison, the survey found that in India, the approximate recovery cost from the impact of a ransomware attack tripled in the last year, up from 1.1 million dollars in 2020, to 3.38 million dollars in 2021. A global threat report says, cyberattacks top the list of human-caused risks globally, and research has predicted that cybercrime may cause damages worth 7 trillion dollars by the end of this year.

    Facing the daunting prospects of major financial fallout from a cyberattack, CXOs around the world have turned to cyber insurance. Several companies have opted for cyber insurance to seek protection against huge financial losses. On the flipside, several hacking groups are now seeing this as a lucrative opportunity to launch cyberattacks against organizations that are backed by insurance companies. In fact, these groups brazenly display details about the company’s cyber insurance cover page and demand the ransom to be paid up since they are insured. Hence, having cyber insurance might cover an organization from monetary loss but it cannot protect it from leakage of confidential data and reputation loss across the industry. Organizations need an array of resources to protect themselves against cyberattacks by stringent cybersecurity

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ VARINDIA| 95 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

ଫିଚର୍‍ଡ ଭିଡିଓଗୁଡିକ

  • 20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगल अपने नीच राशि कर्क में मकर ,कुंभ,मीन राशि परक्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव

    20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगल अपने नीच राशि कर्क में मकर ,कुंभ,मीन राशि परक्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव

    #mangalgochar #mangalrashiparivartan #astrology #mangalkarashiprivartan #mangal #kark #mangalgochar #mangalgocharoctober #gochar #transitanalysis #octobertransit #bestastrologer #monthlyhoroscope #mangalrashiparivartan2024 #mangalgochar #mangalkarashiparivartan20october #mangalkarkrashime #mangalgocharincancer #marstransitincancer2024 #cancermarstransit #mangalkacancerrashimegochar #marstransit #cancer #mars #marstransitcancer #transits #karkrashi#planettransit #transit2024 #octobertransit2024 #mangalrashiparivartanoctober2024 #मंगलराशिपरिवर्तन2024 #mangalkakarkrashimegochar #mangalgocharparivartan #सरकारीनौकरीकेयोग #20october2024 #20octobermangalrashiparivartan #mangalkarkrashimein #marstransitincanceroctober2024 #rashiparivartan #octoberrashiparivartan #karkrashimemangalkeparinam #BestAstrologer #VedicAstrologer #Daatimaharaj #DGM #aajkarashifalhindi #india #shanidham #ChangeYourLife #shanidhamasola #Daatimaharajshanidham #GurumantraWithDaatiMaharaj #Gurumantra #राशिफल #Gurumantratoday

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    20अक्टूबर से 21जनवरी तक में मंगल अपने नीच राशि कर्क में मकर ,कुंभ,मीन राशि परक्या पड़ेगा प्रभाव

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Daati Maharaj| 1761 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Technical Session V, Q&A

    Technical Session V, Q&A

    Global Summit 2020 "Mission 5 Trillion – CMA as a Cryogenic Force"

    Watch Technical Session V, Q&A With HD Quality

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ ICMAI| 900509 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • Innings of Wisdom: Untold Stories with Nilesh Kulkarni✨

    Innings of Wisdom: Untold Stories with Nilesh Kulkarni✨

    Join us for an exclusive interview with former Indian cricketer Nilesh Kulkarni! In this tell-all conversation, Nilesh dives deep into his cricketing journey, sharing untold stories, insights, and experiences from his time on the field. Get ready to be entertained, inspired, and gain a deeper appreciation for the game we all love.

    #NileshKulkarni #IndianCricket #CricketLife #Interview #Exclusive

    Innings of Wisdom: Untold Stories with Nilesh Kulkarni✨

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ CricTracker| 6510 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • बारिश से खुली निगम की पोल, नाली का कचरा आया सडकों पर...इलाके के कई हिस्से में भरा पानी | Jagdalpur

    बारिश से खुली निगम की पोल, नाली का कचरा आया सडकों पर...इलाके के कई हिस्से में भरा पानी | Jagdalpur

    INH, बारिश से खुली निगम की पोल, नाली का कचरा आया सडकों पर...इलाके के कई हिस्से में भरा पानी | Jagdalpur

    #chhattisgarh #cgbreaking #raipur #jagdalpur #dharmpura #mansoon #nagrnigam #INH24x7 #Haribhoomi #MadhyaPradeshNews #ChhattisgarhNews #LatestNews #BreakingNews #TodayNews

    Source : ANI \ Studio \ INH Reporters \ Agencies

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  • Press Conference by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat at BJP HQ.

    Press Conference by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat at BJP HQ.

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    Press Conference by Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat at BJP HQ.

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    Thank you, David Warner, for the countless thrills and moments of pure joy.

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  • “People call us Momo, Corona” - Bigg Boss 18 contestant Chum Darang on discrimination #biggboss18

    “People call us Momo, Corona” - Bigg Boss 18 contestant Chum Darang on discrimination #biggboss18

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    “People call us Momo, Corona” - Bigg Boss 18 contestant Chum Darang on discrimination #biggboss18

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