A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Maan Singh

ରେ ପ୍ରକାଶ ହୋଇଥିଲା: Oct 10, 2018
234 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

Maan Singh has been living in Paharganj (New Delhi) for the last 18 years. He belongs to Rajasthan and came to Delhi looking for work. He works as a porter at the railway station.

Maan Singh says, "Its the poor man that makes the government but unfortunately people don't want to vote." He further goes on to say, "People actually do not realize the importance of their vote."

He believes that there is only one party that does anything for the poor and that is the Congress party, so he will caste his vote for the Congress in the upcoming elections as well.

Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Maan Singh With HD Quality

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  • ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ସବୁ

    A Billion & One Voices: The Story of A P Singh Chatha

    For any State to prosper it's necessary for it to have a framework where business can flourish" says A.P. Singh Chatha, President of Amritsar Hotel and Restaurant Association. Unhappy with the current governance of the State, he talks about how a lot of business is slowly shifting out from Amritsar because of the wrong policies.

    The State Government sets taxes which the businessman have to comply, but it's the common man that bears the brunt of it. Any tourist that sets foot in Amritsar is overwhelmed by the burden of taxes. So why would he come again. Big chain of hotels have entered Amritsar thinking it's a great religious place which attracts a lot of tourists. He feels the State Government should develop the infrastructure which would make tourists stay for at least a night in Amritsar.

    There is no help from higher authorities regarding the difficulties a businessman faces. There is no support. A.P. Singh remembers how different it was with the Congress Government, they would not only listen to their problems but also try their best to solve it. They would give a regular businessman some room to breathe.

    The Industry in Punjab is going down the drain, and only a business friendly government can save it. 'Congress Party' he says is a business friendly party. He lives in the hope that the Congress Party would once again come to power which would bring back his golden days.

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  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh an Auto-Rickshaw Driver

    Sukhdev Singh always wanted to drive an auto-rickshaw, even when he was a little boy. Despite his parents objections, he went off to Mumbai to join his uncle who drove an auto there. With him he drove an auto on a shared, shift basis for 13 years. He also drove in Delhi for sometime, then Jalandhar and now he drives an auto in his hometown Amritsar.

    Sukhdev tells us how lots of tourists come to Amritsar city. People come here to see the India-Pakistan border and other holy places. He attends to all of them with respect and courtesy. Sukhdev believes 'one works hard only when one can see a pay-off in the future'. But if you can't see a future in something you will quickly give up on the hard work.

    He remembers the good old days when the Congress government was in power. Saying "No one was taxed unfairly". Life was smooth. But now to get any job done one has to stand in queues all day long and the job still doesn't get done. If one is trying to do the right thing even that ends up being denounced here.

    He says the Congress has done the best for everyone from the beginning, which is why he supports them. He knows Congress will continue to do the good work. Rahul Gandhi he says, is a very good man who keeps his word and acts upon what he says.Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhdev Singh an Auto-Rickshaw Driver With HD Quality

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Indian National Congress | 211 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Harjinder Singh

    Harijnder Singh standing in a gurudwara that is over 80 years old says 'the traditions have come down from Guru Nanak devji's times'. Every gurudwara however big or small serves langar. You will get shelter and even warm bedding for the night in winter. The morning langar consists of only tea and breakfast. And post the 11o'clock prayers the main langar is served as Prasad.

    Harjinder Singh, a mason by profession says one doesn't need a qualification to serve god. Anyone can come and serve according to their forte. If you like cooking, you can cook or else help by serving the food. The langar is open not just to sikhs but hindus and muslims as well. If a poor man wants to get his daughter married he can do so in the gurudwara free of cost.

    He says people understand which government does good work and they do reward good work. They want to give another chance to the people who serve the nation honestly.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Harjinder Singh With HD Quality

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Indian National Congress | 171 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Sukhvinder Singh

    Sukhvinder Singh is a scheduled caste Sikh. There was a time when folks in the village would not allow a person from the scheduled caste to enter the fields. Then the Congress party made the law that ensured equality for all. His entire village supported him and made him the headman of the village.

    He says the Congress government provided him with the funds he asked for and he used that money for various developmental schemes in the village. They used MNREGA money to do sanitation work in the village. One of his biggest tasks was to get government schemes to the people. And to make people understand how they would benefit from such schemes. He says earlier people had no idea about the schemes government launched but today with so much awareness it's the people who come and say 'Find out more about this scheme and get it for us'.

    Sukhvinder feels the Congress is the only party that keeps everyone together. They keep in mind the development strategies for the rich as well as the poor.

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  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Shabbir & Kashyap

    This is a fascinating story of two people belonging to different backgrounds, coming together for a bigger cause. Kashyap Nandan is a business analyst in a multinational company who moved to Bangalore for better opportunities. Apart from his career he's also interested in the well being of people. He is saddened that a whole lot people don't know about the schemes happening in the government. He would very much like to hold camps where common people are educated about these schemes. He would prefer a door-to-door delivery of these schemes in order to save poor people the trouble of dealing with government offices.

    Shabbir Ahmed from Karnataka, is the general secretary with Youth Congress Bratanpura. Shabbir since childhood wanted to be a leader. He says poor people or uneducated people are not comfortable going to government offices for their pension or any kind of work. Like a true leader he wants to lend a helping hand to everyone across the board. Without discriminating against any person or community.

    Kashyap and Shabbir together work for the upliftment of the society.

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Indian National Congress | 473 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Budi & Juglal

    Budi and Juglal never had any means to support themselves ever. No land no oxen, not even water. They are marginal farmers who work as labour on small farms while their children used to play all day here and there. Because of the RTE launched by the UPA led Congress Government they managed to put their children in school. Now they are happy that the children are learning something. They feel education will open the door of opportunities for them.

    The Congress led UPA government passed the Right To Education Act (RTE) in 2009 that makes education a Constitutional Right for every citizen. It has spent 8.7 times more than the previous government on Sarva Shiskha Abhiyaan.

    Watch A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Budi & Juglal With HD Quality

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Indian National Congress | 459 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Vijay & Anjali Das

    The story of Vijay & Anjali Das shows us how political parties actually effect the common man of India. Vijay and Anjali tells us they think well of a political party when it does more work for the poor. Their experience so far has not been good. They have to pay one rupee everyday to the Trinamool party shop committee or else they are beaten and face other problems like electricity being cut off. The fear of being beaten is what keeps them quiet and they pay whatever is asked.

    Anjali says with the Trinamool in power, Bengal has become very unsafe for women. Every second day they hear stories of rape which makes her scared to send her daughter out of the house. In a situation like this how will anyone be able to educate their daughters she asks.

    It is the work the Congress party does that sets them apart from other political parties. Indira Gandhi did a lot for the poor. A woman who always kept her word. Vijay and Anjali want a party that will not create unrest. A party that will let them eat 2 square meals peacefully. They want Rahul Gandhi to win. They feel it will be better for the country if he comes to power and that's why they would only vote for the Congress.

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  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Rashida

    Rashida from Sikri, Amethi has seen the toughest of times. Left by her husband for another woman she was faced with a loss of status and money. Her father died, soon after her younger brother died and the entire responsibility of her family came on her shoulders.

    When her daughter reached the marriageable age, she knocked on all the doors for help. Her elder brother turned his back on her, so did her in-laws. No one was willing to help her with the expense of her daughters marriage. A few women in her village suggested she join the 'Self Help Group' and that transformed her life completely.

    The women in the Self Help Group taught her how to plant the basic crops. The group also helped her borrow money to start her own general store. Now with the money Rashida earns she is able to educate her youngest daughter in an English medium school in Lucknow. She wants to fulfill her daughters dream of becoming a doctor or district magistrate. The woman who didn't know the ABC... is now learning how to read. She says "You are blind until you are able to read for yourself."

    The Rajiv Gandhi Mahila Vikas Pariyojna initiates and encourages transformations by promoting confidence and connectivity among the poor with women as central agents of change.

    Rashida is a happy woman today, who wants to help other women in distress in the same way she was in her times of distress.

    ଏହି ଭାବରେ Indian National Congress | 228 ଦୃଶ୍ୟସଂଖ୍ୟା

  • A Billion & One Voices: The Story of Ashu Vinayak

    Ashu Vinayak aspired to be a body builder at the age of ten. A state and university level champion, he runs his own gym. He says good health not only boosts your confidence, it also keeps the youth away from bad habits. He is happy that a percentage of people who come to his gym have the determination to do it right.

    Ashu is also a Block President of Youth Congress from Jindyala Guru(Punjab). He joined the Congress because he feels it's a secular party. In his words "Congress never says I am hindu, muslim, sikh... it says I am Congress". Secondly he feels Congress party does a lot for the youth.

    He tells us how Rahul Gandhi organized elections for the Youth Congress in his area which gave a fair chance to people at the bottom reach the top. He believes a true leader always carries his people with him. And if we want 'Hindustan to remain Hindustan' then Congress needs to stay as they take people forward and not backwards.

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  • Delhi Airport पर बड़ा हादसा, मूसलाधार बारिश से टर्मिनल-1 की छत गिरी, 6 लोग घायल

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    Hemant Soren Bail News: हेमंत सोरेन को Jharkhand High Court से मिली बड़ी राहत, मंजूर हुई जमानत

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