Mohit Malik’s EMOTIONAL tell-all on 10 years of self-doubt, career lows, son Ekbir, wife Aditi

Diterbitkan di: Dec 18, 2022
11807 dilihat

Mohit Malik has had a long and successful career in Indian television but as comfortable and happy as his journey seems from the outside, it has had its own set of challenges, and the actor had a heart-to-heart about it recently with Bollywood Bubble host Akash Bhatnagar. Mohit opened up about the first 10 years of self-doubt where he didn’t feel comfortable being called an actor, and how it all changed in 2016. He shared his thoughts on how audience never accepted him, they just accepted his characters and how his villainous avatar in Doli Armaano Ki was wrongfully idolised by many, including sharing a weird fan encounter regarding the same. He also spoke about his personal life, his love story with wife Aditi Malik, how she broke the news of her pregnancy to him, the birth of his son Ekbir and how life changed post that for them all. Ekbir also makes a surprising appearance in video. He also shed light on his stint on Khatron Ke Khiladi and leaving a just one-year-old Ekbir behind for it in an honest and unfiltered conversation. Check out the entire interview here!

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    Pilgrim, a vegan skincare brand, has announced that it is launching a lip care range, including lip serums, lip balms, lip scrubs and lip sleeping masks, in a range of fun and deliciously fragrant flavours including bubblegum, blueberry, and peppermint.
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