Search videos: #elabhatt

  • Sewa- Depende de la Mujer India

    Sewa: Depende de la Mujer India, In a country like India, women are the worst victims of social and economic
    crises. At the same time, they are a source of strength for their family. Their
    contribution to the society is immense, yet their recognition seems invisible. SEWA, the bank of underprivileged women is a project by Ela Bhatt based on the notion that women can sustain themselves through their collective strength. SEWA has an all India membership of over 140,000 women and the basic goal of SEWA is to provide them with social and economic security. Drawing inspiration from the Gandhian model of self sustenance, SEWA has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Implementing transparency, accountability and efficiency today the SEWA model is adopted by other countries as well.

    Watch Sewa- Depende de la Mujer India With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 927 views

  • Sewa - Banking on Indian Women

    In a country like India, women are the worst victims of social and economic
    crises. At the same time, they are a source of strength for their family. Their
    contribution to the society is immense, yet their recognition seems invisible.
    SEWA, the bank of underprivileged women is a project by Ela Bhatt based on
    the notion that women can sustain themselves through their collective strength.
    SEWA has an all India membership of over 140,000 women and the basic
    goal of SEWA is to provide them with social and economic security. Drawing
    inspiration from the Gandhian model of self sustenance, SEWA has emerged
    as a force to be reckoned with. Implementing transparency, accountability
    and efficiency today the SEWA model is adopted by other countries as well.

    Watch Sewa - Banking on Indian Women With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 904 views

  • Sewa - Depender nas Mulheres Indianas

    Sewa - Depender nas Mulheres Indianas, In a country like India, women are the worst victims of social and economic
    crises. At the same time, they are a source of strength for their family. Their
    contribution to the society is immense, yet their recognition seems invisible. SEWA, the bank of underprivileged women is a project by Ela Bhatt based on the notion that women can sustain themselves through their collective strength. SEWA has an all India membership of over 140,000 women and the basic goal of SEWA is to provide them with social and economic security. Drawing inspiration from the Gandhian model of self sustenance, SEWA has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Implementing transparency, accountability and efficiency today the SEWA model is adopted by other countries as well.

    Watch Sewa - Depender nas Mulheres Indianas With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 795 views

  • Sewa - Banking on Indian Women

    In a country like India, women are the worst victims of social and economic
    crises. At the same time, they are a source of strength for their family. Their
    contribution to the society is immense, yet their recognition seems invisible. SEWA, the bank of underprivileged women is a project by Ela Bhatt based on the notion that women can sustain themselves through their collective strength. SEWA has an all India membership of over 140,000 women and the basic goal of SEWA is to provide them with social and economic security. Drawing inspiration from the Gandhian model of self sustenance, SEWA has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Implementing transparency, accountability and efficiency today the SEWA model is adopted by other countries as well.

    Watch Sewa - Banking on Indian Women With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 1120 views

  • سیوا-بانکداری در زنان هندی

    سیوا-بانکداری در زنان هندی, In a country like India, women are the worst victims of social and economic
    crises. At the same time, they are a source of strength for their family. Their
    contribution to the society is immense, yet their recognition seems invisible. SEWA, the bank of underprivileged women is a project by Ela Bhatt based on the notion that women can sustain themselves through their collective strength. SEWA has an all India membership of over 140,000 women and the basic
    goal of SEWA is to provide them with social and economic security. Drawing inspiration from the Gandhian model of self sustenance, SEWA has emerged as a force to be reckoned with. Implementing transparency, accountability and efficiency today the SEWA model is adopted by other countries as well.

    Watch سیوا-بانکداری در زنان هندی With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 1079 views

  • Stolz des Indiens - Ela Bhatt

    Stolz des Indiens - Ela Bhatt, Part of a seven-part series on eminent women, this film is a portrait of the social entrepreneur Ela Bhatt, who led a movement for social justice and empowerment of the underprivileged in India. Coming from a family of freedom fighters, Ela was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Right from her college days, Ela was inclined towards nation building activities and joined the textile labour association. When Ela visited Israel for a 3 month conference, the idea of organising underprivileged women in rural areas crystallized and SEWA was born. SEWA has an integrated approach towards the development of society. Two-thirds of SEWA's membership is in the rural areas. Its activities are distributed in eleven districts of Gujarat, five other states in India and many other countries. SEWA Bank, started by underprivileged women, has a turnover of Rs. 100 million.

    Watch Stolz des Indiens - Ela Bhatt With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 843 views

  • Orgulho da India Ela Bhatt

    Orgulho da India Ela Bhatt, Part of a seven-part series on eminent women, this film is a portrait of the social entrepreneur Ela Bhatt, who led a movement for social justice and empowerment of the underprivileged in India. Coming from a family of freedom fighters, Ela was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Right from her college days, Ela was inclined towards nation building activities and joined the textile labour association. When Ela visited Israel for a 3 month conference, the idea of organising underprivileged women in rural areas crystallized and SEWA was born. SEWA has an integrated approach towards the development of society. Two-thirds of SEWA's membership is in the rural areas. Its activities are distributed in eleven districts of Gujarat, five other states in India and many other countries. SEWA Bank, started by underprivileged women, has a turnover of Rs. 100 million.

    Watch Orgulho da India Ela Bhatt With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 1016 views

  • 印度埃拉巴特的骄傲

    Part of a seven-part series on eminent women, this film is a portrait of the social entrepreneur Ela Bhatt, who led a movement for social justice and empowerment of the underprivileged in India. Coming from a family of freedom fighters, Ela was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Right from her college days, Ela was inclined towards nation building activities and joined the textile labour association. When Ela visited Israel for a 3 month conference, the idea of organising underprivileged women in rural areas crystallized and SEWA was born. SEWA has an integrated approach towards the development of society. Two-thirds of SEWA's membership is in the rural areas. Its activities are distributed in eleven districts of Gujarat, five other states in India and many other countries. SEWA Bank, started by underprivileged women, has a turnover of Rs. 100 million.

    Watch 印度埃拉巴特的骄傲 With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 906 views

  • Гордость Индии - Эла Бхатт

    Гордость Индии -- это цикл документальных фильмов из семи частей, который рассказывает об известных женщинах Индии. Данная часть -- это портрет общественного деятеля Элы Бхатт, женщины, которая возглавляла движение за социальную справедливость и расширение прав меньшинств в Индии. Выходец из семьи борцов за свободу, Эла была вдохновлена учениями Махатмы Ганди. С университетских лет Эла участвовала в деятельности, связанной с национальным строительством и присоединилась к ассоциации работников текстильной промышленности. После визита в Израиль, где Эла пробыла 3 месяца, у неё появилась идея создания организации по поддержке женского меньшинства в сельской местности, так появилась Ассоциация Работающих Женщин Индии (SEWA). У этой ассоциации всеобъемлющий подход к развитию общества. Две трети членства ассоциации приходиться на сельскую местность. Деятельность ассоциации распространяется на одиннадцать районов штата Гуджарат, пять других штатов Индии и других странах. Банк Ассоциации Работающих Женщин Индии, основанный женским меньшинством, имеет оборот в 100 миллионов рупий.

    Watch Гордость Индии - Эла Бхатт With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 839 views

  • インドの誇り - エラ・バット

    インドの著名な女性を紹介する7編のフィルムシリーズ。社会起業家 エラ・バット。
    インドにおける社会的正義の運動および不利な条件の下に置かれた人々のエンパワーメントを率いた社会起業家、エラ・バットを紹介します。エラは独立運動家の家庭に育ち、マハトマ・ガンジーの教えに深く影響を受けました。エラは大学在学中から母国建設の活動に携わりたいと思い始め、繊維労働組合に入りました。エラは会議のためイスラエルに3ヶ月間滞在した際、農村部の恵まれない女性達のための団体を作ることを思いつき、自営女性労働者協会 (SEWA) を設立しました。SEWAは社会の発展のために総合的な方策をとりました。SEWAのメンバーのうち3分の2は農村部に在住しています。SEWAの活動の場はインド・グジャラート州の11地区とその他5州、海外の多くの国へも広がっています。貧しい女性達が立ち上げたSEWA銀行には、現在1億ルピーの資金があります。

    Watch インドの誇り - エラ・バット With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 644 views

  • la Fierté de l'Inde - Ela Bhatt

    la Fierté de l'Inde - Ela Bhatt, Part of a seven-part series on eminent women, this film is a portrait of the social entrepreneur Ela Bhatt, who led a movement for social justice and empowerment of the underprivileged in India. Coming from a family of freedom fighters, Ela was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Right from her college days, Ela was inclined towards nation building activities and joined the textile labour association. When Ela visited Israel for a 3 month conference, the idea of organising underprivileged women in rural areas crystallized and SEWA was born. SEWA has an integrated approach towards the development of society. Two-thirds of SEWA's membership is in the rural areas. Its activities are distributed in eleven districts of Gujarat, five other states in India and many other countries. SEWA Bank, started by underprivileged women, has a turnover of Rs. 100 million.

    Watch la Fierté de l'Inde - Ela Bhatt With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 975 views

  • Pride of India - Ela Bhatt

    Part of a seven-part series on eminent women, this film is a portrait of the social entrepreneur Ela Bhatt, who led a movement for social justice and empowerment of the underprivileged in India. Coming from a family of freedom fighters, Ela was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Right from her college days, Ela was inclined towards nation building activities and joined the textile labour association. When Ela visited Israel for a 3 month conference, the idea of organising underprivileged women in rural areas crystallized and SEWA was born. SEWA has an integrated approach towards the development of society. Two-thirds of SEWA's membership is in the rural areas. Its activities are distributed in eleven districts of Gujarat, five other states in India and many other countries. SEWA Bank, started by underprivileged women, has a turnover of Rs. 100 million.

    Watch Pride of India - Ela Bhatt With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 788 views

  • Pride of India - Ela Bhatt

    Part of a seven-part series on eminent women, this film is a portrait of the social entrepreneur Ela Bhatt, who led a movement for social justice and empowerment of the underprivileged in India. Coming from a family of freedom fighters, Ela was inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Right from her college days, Ela was inclined towards nation building activities and joined the textile labour association. When Ela visited Israel for a 3 month conference, the idea of organising underprivileged women in rural areas crystallized and SEWA was born. SEWA has an integrated approach towards the development of society. Two-thirds of SEWA's membership is in the rural areas. Its activities are distributed in eleven districts of Gujarat, five other states in India and many other countries. SEWA Bank, started by underprivileged women, has a turnover of Rs. 100 million.

    Watch Pride of India - Ela Bhatt With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 729 views

  • Sewa - Banking on Indian Women

    In a country like India, women are the worst victims of social and economic
    crises. At the same time, they are a source of strength for their family. Their
    contribution to the society is immense, yet their recognition seems invisible.
    SEWA, the bank of underprivileged women is a project by Ela Bhatt based on
    the notion that women can sustain themselves through their collective strength.
    SEWA has an all India membership of over 140,000 women and the basic
    goal of SEWA is to provide them with social and economic security. Drawing
    inspiration from the Gandhian model of self sustenance, SEWA has emerged
    as a force to be reckoned with. Implementing transparency, accountability
    and efficiency today the SEWA model is adopted by other countries as well.

    Watch Sewa - Banking on Indian Women With HD Quality

    By Indian Diplomacy | 1025 views

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    जनता टीवी हरियाणा, पंजाब और हिमाचल प्रदेश का सर्वश्रेष्ठ हिंदी न्यूज चैनल है। जनता टीवी न्यूज चैनल राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। जनता टीवी न्यूज चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ब्रेकिंग न्यूज के लिए बने रहें ।
    जनता टीवी के साथ देखिये देश-प्रदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें|

    Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in the favor of fair use.

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    By Janta TV | 39 views

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    जनता टीवी हरियाणा, पंजाब और हिमाचल प्रदेश का सर्वश्रेष्ठ हिंदी न्यूज चैनल है। जनता टीवी न्यूज चैनल राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। जनता टीवी न्यूज चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ब्रेकिंग न्यूज के लिए बने रहें ।
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    By Janta TV | 124 views