வீடியோக்களை தேடுதல்: #livyourfame

  • Film Critic Raja Sen On Welcome Back!

    Ace film critic Raja Sen reviews about the recent release “Welcome Back” and points out the key features of the characters and their roles. He remarked the movie as "Not Too Bad To Watch" but all in all a bit disappointing one.

    Don't forget to leave your comments below!

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    Watch Film Critic Raja Sen On Welcome Back! With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 43755 பார்வைகள்

  • Top 5 Stylish Footballers! - #fame - Niharika S.D.

    “Football” which is one of the top most followed game in the world has some good looking and stylish players too! #famestar Niharika S.D has come up with top 5 most stylish footballers, who not only are very good in their game but also make style statements off the field. Keep watching full video for more details.
    To view more exciting Live beams, Download the #fame App or visit: https://go.onelink.me/2709712807?pid=YT&c=Description
    #fame- Go Live & Be A Star| Watch & Discover Live Videos | Follow & Chat Live With Celebs & #famestars - Anywhere, Anytime!
    Stay Connected with #fame on:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiveOnfame
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LiveOnfame
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LiveOnfame
    Snapchat: liveonfame
    Watch Full Beam On:

    இவரால் live on fame | 15662 பார்வைகள்

  • #FeelTheHeat with #famestars - #GivingWeek

    While the sun is scratching the life out of us in this extremely hot and humid summers, #famestar made an effort to feel the pain of all those people who carry out their day to day activities on the road during such extreme summers. We all are blessed with the basic amenities of life and can’t give up on the luxury of air conditioners and cars but what about those labourers and the street vendors who have no alternative other than burning their fuel in such hot weather. Watch this video as on 26th May 2016, an effort was undertaken by #famestars to make an awareness about how people are suffering this summer!

    இவரால் live on fame | 207 பார்வைகள்

  • Bollywood Retro Movies Night - Recalling The Golden Hits Of Bollywood

    Bollywood has an immense collection of movies that will remain alive till the eternity. Bollywood movies during 70s and late 80s were the masterpieces and the acting skills of the veteran actors is hard to find now. Here is #beamer Aakriti who will be coming up 5 Bollywood movies every day that stole the heart of audience with the epic work.
    Today’s Bollywood movies are - Pakeezah, Guide, Pyaasa, Mother India!
    Watch the video and know certain facts that you are unaware off about these movies!

    ​​#fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    இவரால் live on fame | 11065 பார்வைகள்

  • Adventure Sports in Cairns Australia - Scuba Diving, Hot Air Balloon, and Sky Diving

    Australia the land of kangaroos is the most happening place to be at. Cairns which is close to The Great Barrier Reef is full of adventurous water sports. Right from Scuba diving and helmet diving to skydiving and hot air ballooning, there are ample of fun activities you can engage in at quite affordable prices. Here is our #famestar PriyankaaShah who gives us the details of adventurous water sports and lots more that we should do once we are in Cairns!

    #fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    இவரால் live on fame | 297 பார்வைகள்

  • Declaration Of Higher Secondary Certificate Results 2016

    Finally the results of Higher Secondary Certification 2016 class 12th are out. With the declaration of these results came the nervousness and increased hopes of students pursuing for higher studies now. The whole procedure of studying , sitting for exams, waiting for results, then getting prepared for entrances to crack the admission in best course is an on-going procedure. Here is #beamer Aaina Mehta highlighting the major thought process of students during this crucial time.
    Watch this video and know what how to cope up with the exams fever and nervousness!

    ​​#fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!


    இவரால் live on fame | 208 பார்வைகள்

  • How to Heal Your Broken Heart By Dr.Shyam Bhat - Book Launch

    Dr Shyam K Bhat MD is a Psychiatrist, Integrative Medicine specialist, and writer. He is the founder of Seraniti.com and also a trustee at the Live Love Laugh Foundation, founded by Deepika Padukone. Dr Shyam K Bhat is coming up with his new book - ‘How to Heal Your Broken Heart’. Dr Shyam K Bhat are live on #fame with Ravinder Singh,an engineer by profession and India’s best selling author of works like 'I too Had A Love Story', 'Can Love Happen Twice?' and 'Like It Happened Yesterday'.

    Watch now the first ever digital book launch live with #fame!
    ​​#fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    இவரால் live on fame | 554 பார்வைகள்

  • What Is To Be A Baaghi - Being Rebellious | Baaghi Special

    Being rebellious is one trait that exists in every human being. Be it a 2-year-old infant, a 20-year-old youngster or a 70-year-old man. There lives one baaghi in each one of us who push us to do what we feel is right and the things that are denied to us!
    Watch this video as #famestar IBAC talks about what all can a Baaghi do. Shraddha Kapoor and Tiger Shroff are coming together in a movie that relies on the same thing - ‘Baaghi : A Rebel For Love is set to release in cinemas on April 29, 2016 in your nearest cinemas.

    #fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    Now watch your favourite #fame stars anywhere you go on the #fame.
    Available on Play Store(https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS(https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).
    Beam your talents on www.fame.live

    Watch What Is To Be A Baaghi - Being Rebellious | Baaghi Special With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 4167 பார்வைகள்

  • A Tour To Kuala Lumpur International Airport With #Priyankaashah

    Malaysia is one of the most beautiful country that has always been at the top of tourist preferences! What more beautiful and happening is Kuala Lumpur International Airport. So next time if your flight gets delayed you ought not get pissed off as you have a store with ample of chocolates and all the best makeup brands and other happening stuff to engage yourself in! Watch what #famestar Priyankaa Shah suggests about Kuala Lumpur Airport!

    #fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    Now watch your favourite #fame stars anywhere you go on the #fame.
    Available on Play Store(https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS(https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).
    Beam your talents on www.fame.live

    Watch A Tour To Kuala Lumpur International Airport With #Priyankaashah With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 278 பார்வைகள்

  • From Whom You Should Take Advice | TS Rapper Live on #fame

    When we’re stuck in our life decision on what to do next we seek for advice from our family, friends or colleagues, but most of the advice becomes orders. TS Rapper refers a perfect person from whom we should take the advice and how brave we should be while taking decisions.
    To view more exciting Live beams, Download the #fame App or visit: https://go.onelink.me/2709712807?pid=YT&c=Description

    இவரால் live on fame | 181 பார்வைகள்

  • Must​-​ Have Smartband​s​ For Fitness

    Healthy and Fit life is what everyone wants!! Smartbands ensures​ to share with​ you the amount of cholesterol you’ve burned and how many kilometers you have covered.
    To view more exciting Live beams, Download the #fame App or visit: https://go.onelink.me/2709712807?pid=YT&c=Description
    #fame- Go Live & Be A Star| Watch & Discover Live Videos | Follow & Chat Live With Celebs & #famestars - Anywhere, Anytime!
    Stay Connected with #fame on:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiveOnfame
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LiveOnfame
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LiveOnfame
    Snapchat: liveonfame
    #famestar Sonu is live on #fame and​ he talks about ​ the three best must have fitness band​s​; Misfit Wearables Shine 2, Fitbit Charge HR and Mi Band Smart Wrist Fitness. Watch the video to know which one is the best on for your fitness.

    Leave your comments​ below about which ​fitness ​sm​​artband ​would you prefer​.

    இவரால் live on fame | 207 பார்வைகள்

  • Top XBOX One Games - The Tech Talks

    If you are a gamer and freaking about the top games of XBOX One, then you must have a look at these best-suggested games by #famestar Ranna Adhikari. Rise of the tomb raider, sunset overdrive, Halo 5, Forza Motorsport 6 are some of the most trending games with exclusive graphics that bring a freshness for the player!
    Watch this video to know more about the trending games!

    #fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    Now watch your favourite #fame stars anywhere you go on the #fame.
    Available on Play Store(https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS(https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).
    Beam your talents on www.fame.live

    Watch Top XBOX One Games - The Tech Talks With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 246 பார்வைகள்

  • How to Go Live on #fame - India's No.1 Live Video Social Platform

    Meet the #famestars Aakriti Anand and Akanksha Sharma live on #fame. #fame now enables the users to perform their talent ​'​live​'​ and earn audience. Aakriti and Akanksha will help you to create your #fame ID by sharing with you this tutorial.

    Learn how to download #fame and create #fame ID with these simple steps:

    Step 1 - Download #fame app
    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging!! Download #fame app and create your #fame ID and have a cool display pic, for which people will follow you.

    Step 2 - Cool Description
    Write about yourself, by which people will love to follow you and watch your beam.

    Step 3 - Go Live
    It’s time to go live and show your talent to the world.

    Step 4 - Attractive Picture for Beam
    Have an Awesome picture for your beam which will make others to watch it.

    இவரால் live on fame | 6819 பார்வைகள்

  • Taj Mahal - An Epitome Of Eternal Love

    Taj Mahal which stands by the side of river Yamuna, is an emblem of true love! Shah Jahan with his undying love for beloved Mumtaz Mahal, got this epic monument constructed in her loving memory. It took 21 long years for making this monument high on perfection! Visitors and travellers from all over the world come to have a glance at Taj Mahal which is symbolic of love and affection! Ever since the centuries poets and writers narrate this epic love tale through their great works! Here is #famestar Akshay Anand Kohli who takes us for a visit to Taj Mahal, narrating some of the famous shayaris!
    Watch this video to share your views about this white marble beauty!

    இவரால் live on fame | 15693 பார்வைகள்

  • Trekking Places in India - Travel Diaries with Dramebaaz Devangana

    Adventures are the best place to learn! If you are an adventurous person and love trekking, then #famestar Dramebaaz Devangana is here to help you out! If you are planning to go for trekking with your partner, then here is a list of places you should visit. From Kumara Parvata Trek, Rishikesh, Gaumukh Trek and Bhimashankar Trek to Chadar Trek Ladakh there are numerous places to visit in India.
    Comment below your favourite trekking place in India!
    #fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    Now watch your favourite #fame stars anywhere you go on the #fame.
    Available on Play Store(https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS(https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).
    Beam your talents on www.fame.live

    Watch Trekking Places in India - Travel Diaries with Dramebaaz Devangana With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 371 பார்வைகள்

  • Cyber Crime - Interview With Real Life Victim | Live on #fame

    Talked to some unknown person in Facebook and want to meet them? Before planning to do so, watch the victims of Cyber Crime share their story on how their life changed drastically, because of that one incident. 90% of the cases involve children being tricked into the crime. Life doesn't ends with the problem, a new life begins with it!!
    Leave us your comments below on topic Cyber Crime!

    #fame is not just a business and a brand, it is a movement. The future is here. Video is the new text and talent is the most powerful currency in this digital age. And everyone can liv their #fame.Talented individuals join #fame to do what they love most - launch an idea, grow their skills, build a community, find an audience and prosper. From the most imaginative chefs to awe-inspiring musicians, from comics who find humour in almost everything to discerning fashionistas who are on the top of trends, from celebrities to the kid next door, #fame is home to everyone. #fame is set to be Asia’s premier talent led digital entertainment network where if you've got it, we can help you flaunt it!

    Now watch your favourite #fame stars anywhere you go on the #fame.
    Available on Play Store(https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS(https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).
    Beam your talents on www.fame.live

    Watch Cyber Crime - Interview With Real Life Victim | Live on #fame With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 206 பார்வைகள்

  • Discover The Amer Fort - Jaipur Diaries - Travellers Guide

    Amer Fort, is the main attraction for the travellers to come to Jaipur. The fort is beautifully structured with big gates and expanded place for the royal kings to worship their gods. Beamer Priyanka goes live on #fame and share the details of exploring the place, including whether you need a guide or not!
    To view more exciting Live beams, Download the #fame App or visit: https://go.onelink.me/2709712807?pid=YT&c=Description
    #fame- Go Live & Be A Star| Watch & Discover Live Videos | Follow & Chat Live With Celebs & #famestars - Anywhere, Anytime!
    Stay Connected with #fame on:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiveOnfame
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LiveOnfame
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LiveOnfame
    Snapchat: liveonfame
    Leave your comments below if you liked this travellers guide video by Priyanka.

    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfame

    Subscribe to us on: http://goo.gl/dfWvYD

    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging! India’s no. 1 live entertainment destination - #fame!!

    Download on Play Store (https://goo.gl/Yhabw2) & iOS (https://goo.gl/e7amTt).

    Subscribe to us on : http://goo.gl/dfWvYD

    Watch Discover The Amer Fort - Jaipur Diaries - Travellers Guide With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 9783 பார்வைகள்

  • Exploring The Himalayan Mountains - Trekking Guide for Beginners

    If you are a lover of nature and likes to explore the mountains, then start with Manali! Trekking is one sport that brings adventure,fun and experience hand in hand. There are different camp sites according to the respective altitude where activities like rock climbing,rappelling,snow fights,ice skiing and many more take place. Watch this video and get to know about the different places for mountaineering with our beamer Priyanka!

    Subscribe to us on http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=livyourfame
    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfame

    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging! India’s no. 1 live entertainment destination - #fame!!
    Download on Play Store (https://goo.gl/Yhabw2) & iOS (https://goo.gl/e7amTt).

    Subscribe to us on : http://goo.gl/dfWvYD

    Watch Exploring The Himalayan Mountains - Trekking Guide for Beginners With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 251 பார்வைகள்

  • Lalit Narayan Mishra Ki Vyaktigat Shikayat | Newsd

    The Anti-Nationalism events that took place in JNU have created hustle everywhere. Lalit Narayan Mishra, a student of Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry was exempted from the university with false allegations on him! He has raised his voice quite a few times but his appeals remained unheard. He now has taken his protest seriously and is sitting for past seven days outside JNU campus, raising his voice against all the evils of the society who practice and promote Anti Nationalism.

    Watch this video to know the inside story of Lalit Narayan Mishra!
    Don't forget to leave your comments below.

    Subscribe to us on http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=livyourfame
    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfameWatch Lalit Narayan Mishra Ki Vyaktigat Shikayat | Newsd With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 267 பார்வைகள்

  • How To Celebrate Holi - Ideas For Dry Holi

    Here is #famestar Ujjwal Khanna giving us tips of how should we celebrate this festival of colors! Holi is the festival that brings happiness and colors in everyone’s life! So watch this video and know how can you make your life more colorful and exciting this Holi! Tell your ideas and win an exciting hamper
    Play dry yet colorful Holi this time!
    Share your comments on water scarcity in the comment section below!
    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfame
    Subscribe to us on: http://goo.gl/dfWvYD
    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging! India’s no. 1 live entertainment destination - #fame!!
    Download on Play Store (https://goo.gl/Yhabw2) & iOS (https://goo.gl/e7amTt).
    To view more exciting Live beams, Download the #fame App or visit: https://go.onelink.me/2709712807?pid=YT&c=Description
    #fame- Go Live & Be A Star| Watch & Discover Live Videos | Follow & Chat Live With Celebs & #famestars - Anywhere, Anytime!
    Stay Connected with #fame on:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiveOnfame
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LiveOnfame
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LiveOnfame
    Snapchat: liveonfame
    Subscribe to us on : http://goo.gl/dfWvYD

    இவரால் live on fame | 248 பார்வைகள்

  • Save Water and Play Dry Holi - Poonam Mahajan's Appeal to Nation

    According to the statistics, nearly 1800 villages in Maharashtra are suffering acute water shortage which has led to a critical concern for the entire nation. While the Government is doing it's very best to salvage the situation, Poonam Mahajan, MP of Mumbai North central was live on #fame urging citizens to save water this Holi and consume it wisely. Where on one hand people waste water by playing Holi for their fun, many others don't even have water to drink. Because ‘Every Life Depends On Water!’

    Share your comments on water scarcity in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to us on http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=livyourfame
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    Tweet Us: http://www.twitter.com/livyourfame

    Watch Save Water and Play Dry Holi - Poonam Mahajan's Appeal to Nation With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 217 பார்வைகள்

  • India Bike Week 2016 | Live On #fame

    India's premier biking festival, India Bike Week (IBW) this time is much bigger event. Watch Meghna with famestars Shray Rai Tiwari and Sonel Singh live on #fame from IBW 2016 highlighting on best features from the event - stunt shows, exhaustive range of motorcycles on display, music concerts and for the first time ever film screenings featuring travel films for bike riders.
    Also they walk us through the custom made Harley Davidson Bus by Dilip Chabbria who owns DC Design, which is specialized in making custom made cars. Even, 12 time international stunt championship winner Dougie Lampkin shares his excitement on #fame when he's been interviewed. C S Santhosh, Sid Coutto , Midivial Pundit and so many renowned people graced the India bike week 2016 event . Penkesh Thakkar wins the Dirty E20 Enduro Challenge and wins Rs.10,000 cash prize.

    Don't forget to leave your comments below.
    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfame
    Subscribe to us on: http://goo.gl/dfWvYD

    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging! India’s no. 1 live entertainment destination - #fame!!
    Download on Play Store (https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS (https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).Watch India Bike Week 2016 | Live On #fame With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 6615 பார்வைகள்

  • Pagaar Pe Vichaar - Ujjwal Khanna | #fame Rap

    Impressing your boss is a difficult task and you usually end up either goofing it up or hating them even more. But at the time of appraisals or promotions, you would go to any length to impress them and make them realize your existence in the company. #famestar Ujjwal Khanna brings the coolest rap ever on the disappointments from the appraisals and increments.

    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfame
    Subscribe to us on : http://goo.gl/dfWvYD
    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging! India’s no. 1 live entertainment destination - #fame!!
    Download on Play Store (https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS (https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).

    Watch Pagaar Pe Vichaar - Ujjwal Khanna | #fame Rap With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 188 பார்வைகள்

  • Sell Phones - Ujjwal Khanna | #fame Wrap

    Mobile phones, social networking sites and apps like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and most importantly WhatsApp, have become a vital part of our routine. All these apps are frequently used for communicating, interacting and lots more. It keeps us connected with the entire world! But things get worse when we get addicted to this virtual world. Nowadays, social networking and using mobile phones has became an addiction. It is also one of the biggest reason of stress amongst youth . #famestar Ujjwal Khanna is live on #fame sharing useful tips to reduce the use of mobile phones.

    Like us on http://www.facebook.com/livyourfame
    Subscribe to us on : http://goo.gl/dfWvYD
    Gone are the days of blogging, now it's time to go vlogging! India’s no. 1 live entertainment destination - #fame!!
    Download on Play Store (https://goo.gl/1mA7Ct) & iOS (https://goo.gl/Y0uavu).

    Watch Sell Phones - Ujjwal Khanna | #fame Wrap With HD Quality

    இவரால் live on fame | 313 பார்வைகள்

  • How to Manage Your Pocket Money With #Fundskafunda

    Pocket money is the most exciting thing in a teenager’s life. Life’s happiness and sadness ration varies with the increment or decrement of pocket money. But the most important aspect is “How to manage pocket money efficiently”.
    It does not matter how much pocket you get from your parents but it will become short if you don’t know how to manage it properly. Moreover, if you have a girlfriend then daily expenses always gets doubled, and you have to ask your parents for more money on the name of miscellaneous expenses. #famestar Waquar is here live on #fame with his fundskafunda, sharing awesome tips to manage pocket money and your expenses wisely.

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    Education ???? पर Arvind Kejriwal की जबरदस्त Speech ???? | Latest Motivational Speech | Aam Aadmi Party

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  • Lok Sabha Election Results 2024 Live Updates: रुझानों में नई कहानी, ECI की ज़ुबानी, Punjab Kesari पर

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    Lok Sabha Election Results 2024 Live Updates: रुझानों में नई कहानी, ECI की ज़ुबानी, Punjab Kesari पर

    இவரால் PunjabKesari TV | 414 பார்வைகள்

  • The man behind the ICT's jerseys for Asian Games 2023

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    The man behind the ICT's jerseys for Asian Games 2023

    இவரால் CricTracker | 479 பார்வைகள்

  • NDA Alliance: मुस्लिम आरक्षण...स्पीकर पद की मांग, क्या NDA से अलग होगी TDP?

    #nda #ndavsindia #chandrababunaidu #tdp #muslimreservation #khabarfastdigital #khabarfastnews

    NDA सरकार की बैकबोन बनी TDP को लेकर हलचल का दौर खत्म होने का नाम नहीं ले रहा है....दरअसल TDP और बीजेपी गठबंधन में तो है लेकिन दोने के मकसद अलग-अलग है....अभी हाल ही में आंध्र-प्रदेश में विधानसभा के इलेक्शन हुए है...जहां पर TDP के पास पूर्ण बहुमत हासिल है....लेकिन TDP के पास NDA का भी समर्थन हासिल है.

    NDA Alliance: मुस्लिम आरक्षण...स्पीकर पद की मांग, क्या NDA से अलग होगी TDP?

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  • ECI Press Briefing

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    #PollingDay #DeskKaMahaTyohaar #NoVoterToBeLeftBehind

    Watch ECI Press Briefing With HD Quality

    இவரால் Election Commission of India | 432131 பார்வைகள்

  • Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge

    Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge
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    Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge

    இவரால் Bollywood Spy | 977 பார்வைகள்

  • Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

    Bhumi Pednekar recently appeared in the comedy Thank You For Coming and the film invited some extreme reactions from the viewers. While some praised the film for its bold concept, some shamed it for that. In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Bubble host Akash Bhatnagar, Bhumi spoke about the latter group of people and slammed them for the shaming. She expressed her disappointment towards people who didn’t criticise the film but its intent. The actress discussed the prevalent gender bias and how people never took offence when she was a part of such stories told from a male perspective. She pointed out how Pankaj Tripathi and Akshay Kumar starrer OMG 2 was supported by the same people who shamed her film, when somewhere they dealt with the same subject. Bhumi revealed if not getting any support from women within the industry disappointed her. She highlighted the hypocrisy of the situation that people accept objectification of women but have a problem with them talking about their sexuality. You can watch the entire conversation here.

    #BhumiPednekar #BollywoodBubble

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    Bhumi Pednekar on reaction to Thank You For Coming, OMG 2, lack of gender equality, viewer hypocrisy

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