व्हिडिओ शोधा: #vonis

  • Ahmad Dhani Langsung Ditahan di Lapas Cipinang

    Usai divonis 18 bulan penjara, Ahmad Dhani ditahan di Lapas Cipinang, Jakarta Timur, Senin (28/1/2019). Hakim ketua Pengadilan Negeri Jaksel meminta jaksa menahan Ahmad Dhani.

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


    Watch Ahmad Dhani Langsung Ditahan di Lapas Cipinang With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 1507 दृश्ये

  • Vonis Ahmad Dhani Lebih Ringan dari Tuntutan Jaksa

    Politikus Partai Gerindra Ahmad Dhani divonis 1,5 tahun penjara oleh majelis hakim PN Jakarta Selatan, Senin (28/1). Dhani terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan memerintahkan menyebarkan informasi yang dapat menimbulkan keresahan dan berpotensi memecah belah golongan.

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


    Watch Vonis Ahmad Dhani Lebih Ringan dari Tuntutan Jaksa With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 399 दृश्ये

  • Kasus Dana Pensiun Pertamina, Edward Divonis 12 Tahun Penjara

    Edward Soeryadjaya divonis 12 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 500 juta oleh majelis hakim Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor), Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (10/1).

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


    Watch Kasus Dana Pensiun Pertamina, Edward Divonis 12 Tahun Penjara With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 565 दृश्ये

  • Bekas Bupati Bandung Barat Divonis 5,6 Tahun Penjara

    Mantan Bupati Kabupaten Bandung Barat Abubakar divonis 5,6 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 200 juta oleh Majelis Hakim Tindak Pidana Korupsi Bandung, Jawa Barat. Hakim menilai Abubakar terbukti korupsi uang Satuan Kinerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) bersama sejumlah pegawai Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung Barat lainnya.

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


    Watch Bekas Bupati Bandung Barat Divonis 5,6 Tahun Penjara With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 846 दृश्ये

  • Prime Time Talk: Suap PLTU Riau Pasca-Vonis Kotjo #1

    Terdakwa pemberi suap kasus proyek PLTU Riau I Johanes B. Kotjo telah divonis bersalah dengan hukuman 2 tahun 8 bulan penjara. Sementara dua tersangka lainya yang diduga sebagai penerima suap yakni mantan anggota komisi VII DPR Eni Maulani Saragih dan mantan sekjen Partrai Golkar Idrus Marham masih akan menjalani persidangan terkait kasus ini. Namun dari persidangan di pengadilan Tipikor saat mengadili Johannes Kotjo turut disebutkan adanya peran penting dari pihak-pihak lainnya yang kini masih masih berstatus sebagai saksi.

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


    Watch Prime Time Talk: Suap PLTU Riau Pasca-Vonis Kotjo #1 With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 1115 दृश्ये

  • Suap Proyek PLTU Riau, Johanes Kotjo Divonis 2 Tahun Penjara

    Terdakwa perkara suap PLTU Riau-1 Johanes Kotjo divonis 2 tahun delapan bulan penjara dan denda Rp 150 juta, Kamis (13/12). Vonis ini lebih ringan dari tuntutan jaksa.

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.com


    Watch Suap Proyek PLTU Riau, Johanes Kotjo Divonis 2 Tahun Penjara With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 1198 दृश्ये

  • Sumbangan untuk Baiq Nuril Terkumpul Rp 307 Juta

    Atas vonis bersalah dari Mahkamah Agung, dukungan dari netizen untuk Baiq Nuril Maknun agar bisa membayar denda pidana sebesar Rp 500 juta terus berdatangan.

    Official Website: http://beritasatu.tv


    Watch Sumbangan untuk Baiq Nuril Terkumpul Rp 307 Juta With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 529 दृश्ये

  • Sony Sandra Divonis 10 Tahun Penjara Kasus Kekerasan Seksual

    Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Kabupaten Kediri menjatuhkan vonis 10 tahun penjara kepada terdakwa Sony Sandra. Sony terbukti bersalah melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak.

    Watch Sony Sandra Divonis 10 Tahun Penjara Kasus Kekerasan Seksual With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 240 दृश्ये

  • Terdakwa Pencabulan Anak Jalani Sidang Putusan

    Terdakwa kasus pencabulan anak di bawah umur, Sony Sandra menjalani sidang putusan atau vonis kedua di Pengadilan Negeri Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur, Senin (23/5/2016).

    Watch Terdakwa Pencabulan Anak Jalani Sidang Putusan With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 302 दृश्ये

  • Fakta Data: Tren Korupsi

    Meski pemberantasan korupsi terus meningkat, namun tak membuat jera para koruptor. Penyebabnya antara lain vonis yang terlalu ringan.

    Watch Fakta Data: Tren Korupsi With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 174 दृश्ये

  • Fakta Data: Vonis Berat Koruptor

    Vonis ringan koruptor merisaukan banyak kalangan, termasuk para aktivis anti-korupsi. Ulah koruptor menilap duit rakyat dinilai tak sebanding dengan vonis penjara.

    Watch Fakta Data: Vonis Berat Koruptor With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 223 दृश्ये

  • Tanggapan Mensos Terkait Vonis Terhadap Pemerkosa Yuyun

    Menteri Sosial Khofifah Indar Parawansa membantah vonis terhadap pelaku perkosaan anak di Bengkulu tidak sesuai hukum. Menurutnya hukum pidana maksimal adalah 20 tahun dan bagi pelaku di bawah umur berlaku ketentuan Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak.

    Watch Tanggapan Mensos Terkait Vonis Terhadap Pemerkosa Yuyun With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 265 दृश्ये

  • Vonis 10 Tahun Pemerkosa Yuyun Terlalu Ringan

    Hukuman 10 tahun penjara bagi pelaku pemerkosaan sekaligus pembunuhan dianggap terlalu ringan. Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Yohana Yembise menilai vonis seumur hidup dan hukuman mati pantas untuk para pelaku.

    Watch Vonis 10 Tahun Pemerkosa Yuyun Terlalu Ringan With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 356 दृश्ये

  • Pemerkosa dan Pembunuh Yuyun Divonis 10 Tahun

    Majelis hakim memutuskan vonis 10 tahun penjara terhadap 7 pelaku pemerkosa dan pembunuh Yuyun. 7 Pelaku masih di bawah umur dan di antaranya berstatus pelajar.

    Watch Pemerkosa dan Pembunuh Yuyun Divonis 10 Tahun With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 199 दृश्ये

  • Vonis Lebih Rendah Ketimbang Tuntutan Jaksa, Ini Jawaban Jero Wacik

    Menanggapi vonis yang lebih rendah dari tuntutan jaksa penuntut umum, mantan Menteri ESDM Jero Wacik menanggapi dengan santai. Jero mengaku akan berkoordinasi dengan tim kuasa hukumnya terkait vonis tersebut.

    Watch Vonis Lebih Rendah Ketimbang Tuntutan Jaksa, Ini Jawaban Jero Wacik With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 236 दृश्ये

  • Tingkat Banding, Hukuman Fuad Amin Menjadi 13 Tahun Penjara

    Hukuman Mantan Bupati Bangkalan Fuad Amin Imron diperberat di tingkat banding dengan vonis selama 13 tahun penjara.

    Watch Tingkat Banding, Hukuman Fuad Amin Menjadi 13 Tahun Penjara With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 455 दृश्ये

  • Dialog: Miris, Vonis Koruptor Menipis #2

    Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) menilai naiknya tren vonis ringan terhadap koruptor kian mengkhawatirkan. Berdasarkan penelusuran ICW sejak 2013 hingga 2015, terdakwa yang divonis ringan semakin banyak.

    Watch Dialog: Miris, Vonis Koruptor Menipis #2 With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 278 दृश्ये

  • Dialog: Miris, Vonis Koruptor Menipis #1

    Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) menilai naiknya tren vonis ringan terhadap koruptor kian mengkhawatirkan. Berdasarkan penelusuran ICW sejak 2013 hingga 2015, terdakwa yang divonis ringan semakin banyak.

    Watch Dialog: Miris, Vonis Koruptor Menipis #1 With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 220 दृश्ये

  • Dialog: Miris, Vonis Koruptor Menipis #3

    Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) menilai naiknya tren vonis ringan terhadap koruptor kian mengkhawatirkan. Berdasarkan penelusuran ICW sejak 2013 hingga 2015, terdakwa yang divonis ringan semakin banyak.

    Watch Dialog: Miris, Vonis Koruptor Menipis #3 With HD Quality

    च्या कडून Aditya | 205 दृश्ये

  • Rio Patrice Capella Divonis 1 Tahun 6 Bulan Penjara

    Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta menggelar sidang vonis dengan terdakwa mantan Sekertaris Jenderal Partai Nasdem Patrice Rio Capella. Rio didakwa menerima uang suap sebesar 200 juta dari Evy Susanty, istri Gubernur Sumatera Utara nonaktif Gatot Pujo Nugroho.

    च्या कडून Aditya | 319 दृश्ये

  • Jelang Vonis Patrice Rio Capella

    Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta akan menggelar sidang putusan atau vonis terhadap mantan Sekretaris Jenderal Nasdem Patrice Rio Capella, Senin (21/12/2015).

    च्या कडून Aditya | 500 दृश्ये

  • Top Stories Prime Time BeritaSatu TV Rabu 16 Desember 2015

    Top Stories Prime Time BeritaSatu TV Rabu 16 Desember 2015:

    1. MKD akan Putuskan Nasib Ketua DPR Setya Novanto
    2. Komisi III Melanjutkan Fit and Proper Test Capim KPK
    3. Ratusan Rumah Terendam Banjir
    4. Dialog: Vonis untuk Setnov

    च्या कडून Aditya | 263 दृश्ये

  • Top Stories Prime Time BeritaSatu TV Selasa 15 Desember 2015

    Top Stories Prime Time BeritaSatu TV Selasa 15 Desember 2015:

    1. Presiden Jokowi: Keputusan MKD Ikuti Aspirasi Publik
    2. MKD Putuskan Vonis atas Setya Novanto
    3. Komisi III DPR Lanjutkan Proses Seleksi Capim KPK
    4. Dialog Prime Time Talk: Menagih Nurani Yang Mulia

    च्या कडून Aditya | 284 दृश्ये

  • Vonis OC Kaligis Ditunda

    Vonis atas terdakwa kasus penyuapan hakim dan panitera PTUN Medan OC Kaligis, Kamis (10/12/2015), ditunda pekan depan. Penundaan disebabkan salah satu anggota majelis hakim masih sakit.

    च्या कडून Aditya | 336 दृश्ये

  • Pembunuh Tata Chubby Divonis 16 Tahun Penjara

    Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan menjatuhkan vonis pidana penjara 16 tahun penjara terhadap Muhammad Prio Santoso alias Rio, Senin (30/11/2015).

    च्या कडून Aditya | 269 दृश्ये

वैशिष्ट्यीकृत व्हिडिओज

  • Technical Session V, Q&A

    Global Summit 2020 "Mission 5 Trillion – CMA as a Cryogenic Force"

    Watch Technical Session V, Q&A With HD Quality

    च्या कडून ICMAI | 898943 दृश्ये

  • Biolage Deep Treatment Pack Review| Hair Care for dry, frizzy, damaged, colored hair, split ends.

    Everything about hair care using at home affordable hair treatments for dry, damaged, frizzy hair and color treated hair with hair pack at home is discussed in this video using the Biolage Deep Treatment hair packs/ hair masks. Hair care with DIY deep treatment hair packs by Biolage helped me get soft, smooth, silky hair. They also have hair masks to tame fly-aways, get rid of split-ends and to treat colored hair which are infused with hair foods and hair caring ingredients which I've explained and shared in detail in this video. I’ve shared with you a demo and my review of the Biolage Deep Treatment Pack for hair as well.

    These hair mask treatments help to get deep moisture treatment for natural and colored hair and frizzy or damaged hair as well. You can now take care of damaged hair at home with the following Biolage deep treatment hair masks in India at https://bit.ly/3vrgR28.

    I used the Biolage Ultra Hydrasource Deep Treatment Pack which has Aloe and Spirulina which is a hair mask for dry hair to get moisturised, soft, smooth, manageable and hydrated hair from deep within.

    I’ve also shared with you, a hair treatment for color treated hair at home by using the Biolage ColorLast Deep Hair Treatment Pack for colored hair which has amazing hair care ingredients like Apricot Seeds and Orchid to take care of color treated hair.

    And, a hair mask for Frizzy hair which is the Biolage SmoothProof Deep Treatment Pack which has Camelia and Castor Oil in it, helps to tame fly-aways and frizzy hair. You can now get yourself a hair spa for frizzy and damaged hair at home for just Rs.350 and get a sleep hair look at home.

    I hope that you found this hair care video useful. Let me know how you liked the difference in my hair after using these DIY hair masks.

    Thank you Biolage for giving me an amazing opportunity to collaborate with you and take care of my hair at home!

    #DeepTreatmentPack #BiolageIndia @biolage

    च्या कडून Neha Desai | 338250 दृश्ये

  • BodyFaming Trailer:Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita & Dolly S

    It's time we celebrate ourselves and get high on self-love! Introducing you to Bollywood Bubble's brand new show 'BodyFaming'. A show that talks about loving your body, smashing age-old beauty norms and being comfortable in your own skin. Watch host Rashita Sahni get up close and personal with Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita Dhulipala & Dolly Singh about dealing with body-shaming, getting over their inner insecurities and self-doubt and standing by the mantra - 'my body my rules'! Episodes drop every Tuesday at 2 PM only on Bollywood Bubble. Watch out.

    #bodyfamingtrailer #bhumipednekar #nawazuddinsiddiqui #fatimasanashaikh

    Check out the video to know more.

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    BodyFaming Trailer:Bhumi Pednekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Fatima Shaikh, Mona Singh, Sobhita & Dolly S

    च्या कडून Bollywood Bubble | 767 दृश्ये

  • Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge

    Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge
    #biggboss17 #salmankhan #karankundra

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    Bigg Boss 17 WKW Update | Karan Kundra Ki Hogi Entry, Salman Ke Samne Dikhenge

    च्या कडून Bollywood Spy | 971 दृश्ये

  • Best XI for the second week of Cricket World Cup 2023 | Best performers of ODI World Cup 2023

    Best XI for the second week of Cricket World Cup 2023 | Best performers of ODI World Cup 2023
    Check here the top performers of the second week of ODI World Cup 2023. Here are the top players who have given their best to ensure their teams win the World Cup

    This content contains the Best players from the second week of the world cup 2023.

    #cricketworldcup2023 #worldcup2023 #bestXIplayersinodiworldcup

    Best XI for the second week of Cricket World Cup 2023 | Best performers of ODI World Cup 2023

    च्या कडून CricTracker | 740 दृश्ये

  • अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की

    अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की

    Watch अनूठे "रक्षा -सूत्र " से बांधी डोर विश्वास की With HD Quality

    च्या कडून P P Chaudhary | 3795624 दृश्ये

  • Shahid Kapoor ने Wife को विश किया Birthday :बोले- तुम मेरे दिल की रानी हो, Share कीं तस्वीरें

    #shahidkapoor #birthdaycelebration #shahidkapoorwifebirthday #bollywoodnews #shahidkapoorwife #mirakapoor #celebration #photoshared #todaytrendingnews #bollywoodcelebritiesstory #Entertainment #Bollywood #Shahid Kapoor Wished His Wife On Her Birthday #birthdaybash #ishankhatter #mirarajputkapoor #midnightcelebration #todaymatch #breakingnews #entertainmentnews #bollywoodsensation #kareenakapoorkhan #jabwemet #bloodydaddy #kabirsingh #movie #uttarpradesh #maharastra #mumbai #newstoday #kiaraadvani

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    Shahid Kapoor ने Wife को विश किया Birthday :बोले- तुम मेरे दिल की रानी हो, Share कीं तस्वीरें

    च्या कडून LNV India | 962 दृश्ये

  • Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    The Netherlands cricket team is gearing up for the ICC ODI World Cup 2023, which will be held in India from October 6 to November 26. The Dutch have qualified for the mega event after a remarkable performance in the World Cup Qualifier, where they defeated the likes of West Indies, Zimbabwe, and Nepal. They have also announced their 15-member squad, which includes some experienced players like Roelof van der Merwe, Colin Ackermann, and Wesley Barresi, as well as some young talents like Max O'Dowd, Bas de Leede, and Aryan Dutt.

    In this video, we get to hear from some of the Netherlands cricketers, who share their thoughts on their preparation, expectations, and challenges for the World Cup. They talk about their strengths and weaknesses as a team, their key players and opponents, their goals and strategies, and their excitement and nervousness for the biggest stage of cricket. They also express their gratitude to their fans and supporters, who have been following them throughout their journey.

    In this video, we will give you all the information you need to know about this exciting encounter.

    So, stay tuned and watch this video till the end to get all the insights and analysis of the India vs Australia 3rd ODI match. And don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel crictracker for more cricket videos.

    #cricket #cricketnews #cricketvideo #crictracker

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    Exclusive Interview with Netherlands Cricketers | ICC ODI World Cup 2023 | CricTracker

    च्या कडून CricTracker | 970 दृश्ये